Chapter 2

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Fernkit woke up by someone prodding her in the ribs. She opened her eyes crossly. Cloverkit's nose was barely a whisker away from Fernkit's face. "What is it?" Fernkit mumbled without moving. "Our apprentice ceremony is at sunhigh." Cloverkit's whisper was edged with excitement and anxiety. Fernkit scrambled to her paws, feeling the excitement rising up inside herself. "Really?" She squealed. Cloverkit nodded eagerly. Fernkit spun around and shook her mother. Timberkit and Oakkit were nowhere to be seen. "Wha?" Ivypool grunted, opening her eyes slightly. "We're going to be apprentices!" Fernkit mewed delightedly. Ivypool opened her eyes wide and sat up. A deep purr rose in her chest. "That's great, dear ones." She purred, giving each of her daughters a lick between the ears. "Does your father know?" She asked, standing up to shake moss out of her fur. Fernkit turned her head to look at Cloverkit, who shook her head. "No, he went on patrol with Bramblestar, Sorrelstripe, Dovewing and Blossomfall to investigate the rogue scents on our side of the border." Fernkit felt a shudder run through her body when she saw her mother's face frown. A quarter moon had passed since Icefeather's patrol was attacked, and now the clan kept reporting fur, bones and feathers inside our borders, and rogue scents. Then Ivypool shook her head and she stood up. "Then I need to bathe you because you look like two burrs." She purred in amusement. "Where are Timberkit and Oakkit?" Ivypool asked, looking down at her daughters. Fernkit shrugged and Cloverkit just shook her head. "Then they're bound to get into some trouble." She murmured, standing up. She squeezed out of the entrance, Fernkit and Cloverkit following. Dewnose, Ambermoon, Dappledwillow, Flamingheart and some of the elders were standing in a ragged circle around a giant heap of white feathers. Fernkit bounded up to them, and couldn't help growling when Ambermoon stepped away from her. "Wow!" Cloverkit exclaimed, nudging Fernkit in the shoulder. "Where did you get that swan? I've never heard of swans as prey." Sandstorm mewed wistfully. Brackenfur nodded and rolled the bird over. Multiple bites could be seen along its long neck, and deep clawmarks crisscrossed along its giant wings. "Dewnose and Flamingheart had to swim to get it! It was amazing." Dappledwillow purred, edging a bit closer to Dewnose. Fernkit couldn't help feeling a bit suspicious when she saw them flash each other a look she'd often seen her own parents do. Wasn't Dewnose Sparktail's mate? "Yes, but it would've been nice if Ambermoon had been there to help." Flamingheart grumbled. Ambermoon bared her teeth at him. "Okay, okay, let's calm down." Brightheart's authorative voice butted in before the young cats began clawing at each other. "Ambermoon keeps disappearing while on patrols." Flamingheart accused, flexing his claws. "Yes, I've noticed it too." Sorrelstripe yowled from where she was tearing apart a mouse. She flicked her tail beofre taking another hungry bite. Lionblaze trotted into camp, Bumblestripe, Leafheart, Acornpaw and Rainsong following him. None of them held fresh-kill. Border patrol. Fernkit thought. Lionblaze padded towards them, his eyes widening when he saw the giant swan. "Is that a swan?" He asked, looking at each cat after another. Fernkit sighed with relief when Ambermoon spun around and marched across the clearing and disappeared into the tunnel. But she was quickly herded back when Bramblestar padded through it, his patrol following him and Ambermoon trailing behind them. Muscles bunched underneath Bramblestar's thick pelt as he trotted toward the tumble of rocks. "Let every cat old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the highledge for a clan meeting!" He yowled out the clan summoning. Fernkit gave a little skid of excitement as she bounded toward the highledge. She gazed around herself. Timberkit and Oakkit stumbled out of the elders' den, closely followed by Greystripe, Cloudtail and Thornclaw. The two brothers bounded toward Cloverkit and Fernkit and sat down beside them. "What's going on?" Timberkit asked, flicking an ear. Fernkit didn't answer. Squirrelflight settled down behind Bramblestar as he leaped down again. The elders sat down behind Sparktail and her mate, Dewnose. Fernkit felt the fur along her back rise slightly when she saw Dewnose shoot Dappledwillow a regretful glance. Lionblaze met Cinderheart in front of the warriors' den and led her toward the other cats and they sat down side by side. Icefeather, Mousewhisker and Cherryfall padded out of the warriors' den. Jayfeather had ordered them to stay in camp until their wounds had healed properly. Frogpaw and Willowpaw crept out of the apprentices' den, then trotted toward Acornpaw, Pigeonpaw and Swiftpaw. Hollytuft, Fernsong, Berrynose, Birchfall and Blossomfall bolted from the tunnel entrance and stopped briefly by the fresh-kill pile to drop their prey, then they wove themselves among the clan and settled down. Fernkit felt her heart racing inside her chest. She straightened her back as Bramblestar began speaking. "Today is a good day for Thunderclan." He rumbled, gazing over his clan. "Greenleaf has brought plenty of prey, and our borders seem safe." He mewed, although his tail tip twitched slightly. "Today, there are four apprentices that I'd like to name." He mewed, his amber gaze resting on Fernkit and her siblings. Timberkit and Oakkit sprang to their paws. Fernkit rose more slowly to her paws, her chin raised. She turned her head to look at her parents. Ivypool was leaning onto Stormcloud, and Fernkit could even hear their purrs from where they sat. "Come forward, young ones." Bramblestar mewed, flicking his tail. Fernkit bounded after Timberkit as he sprinted toward his leader. She skidded to halt in front of him. Bramblestar gazed down at them. "Timberpaw, your mentor will be Fernsong. He is intelligent and a formidable fighter." He mewed to the tom. Timberpaw spun around and Bramblestar added. "Fernsong, I know you will pass on all you know on to young Timberpaw." He mewed. Fernsong nodded and padded toward Timberpaw to touch his nose with his own. Then the two toms withdrew to sit down in the front of the group. "Sparktail, you have a lively spirit and you are a great hunter. I trust that you will pass on all you know on to Cloverpaw." He mewed. Cloverpaw trotted toward Sparktail and touched noses with her new mentor. Fernkit exchanged an excited glance with Oakkit. "Hollytuft, your responsibility and patience will make you a good mentor. And I trust that you will pass on all you know on to Oakpaw." He mewed. Hollytuft nodded before stepping forward and touching her nose to Oakpaw's. Fernkit felt her heart pounding in her chest as she turned around again to face Bramblestar. She gazed up at him and into his eyes. "Ambermoon, your bravery and fighting skill will hopefully be passed onto Fernpaw. Teach her well." He mewed nodding. Dread filled up inside Fernpaw. She slowly turned around to face Ambermoon. Both of the she-cats stood frozen to the ground, staring at each other in dismay. Ambermoon's eyes were filled with fear. Someone coughed awkwardly, while murmurs began spreading through the cats. Ambermoon shook her head and stood up. She walked slowly toward Fernpaw to touch her nose. Fernpaw craned her neck to touch her new mentor's nose. Ambermoon quickly withdrew her head and hurried away to sit down beside Fernsong, Hollytuft, Sparktail and their new apprentices. Fernpaw stumbled after her and sat stiffly down beside her. Then the clan exploded into yowls, their voices echoing off the mighty stonewalls and into the bright day. "Timberpaw! Oakpaw! Cloverpaw! Fernpaw!" While the cats yowled their names, Fernpaw turned around to see her parents staring at her and her siblings with pride and love. I'll make you proud of me. She vowed silently. When the clan had quieted down again, Bramblestar dismissed the meeting. Cloverpaw sprang to her paws. "So, what are we going to do now?" She asked excitedly, dropping into an attack crouch and wriggling her hindquarters. Fernsong stood up to his paws and shook his fur. "Well, as the sun isn't going down for a while yet, I guess we can explore the territory." He mewed, nudging Timberpaw with his shoulder. Her siblings all sprang to their paws, pouring out questions even though they hadn't left camp yet. But Fernpaw felt nothing of the excitement she'd felt earlier. Ambermoon! She groaned inwardly. Personally, she never had anything against the ginger she-cat, but because of her weird behaviour, Fernpaw found herself liking her a lot less. She shook the thought away. Ambermoon is my mentor now, there's nothing I can do about it. She reasoned with herself. She leaped to her paws when she saw Hollytuft leading the patrol out of camp. She glanced at Ambermoon, who sat stiffly beside her. Fernpaw then dashed after her littermates as they followed their mentors out of camp. She flicked an ear when she heard paws thumping against the earth behind her. Ambermoon was following her. Now, Fernpaw could feel excitement rising up inside he once again. She plunged into the tunnel and skidded to halt outside the barrier. She almost barreled into Oakpaw, who was standing just outside the entrance. "Hey! Move over will you?" She grumbled, stepping away from him. Oakpaw's eyes had widened and he was gaping. Fernpaw pricked her ears and faced the forest. Now she could understand Oakpaw. Trees towered above her. They looked taller than she'd seen from inside camp. The undergrowth that surrounded the trees were lush and green. Flowers dotted the forest floor, making it colorful. She wrinkled her nose as multiple prey scents hit her nose. Tree trunks stretched on forever. Bees hummmed lazily around. A butterfly flew past just in front of Fernpaw's nose, its colorful wings flapping gracefully. Sparktail padded past. "Come on! We don't have all day." She mewed cheerfully. Cloverpaw sprang after her mentor, and her littermates followed eagerly. Fernsong caught up with Timberpaw, and Hollytuft padded by Ambermoon's side, bringing up the rear. "Now, it's a big responsibility to be an apprentice." Fernsong mewed wistfully. Fernpaw edged closer to him, pricking her ears. Hollytuft fastened her pace to catch up with them, but Ambermoon stayed behind. "Yes, and you have to listen carefully to us and pay attention to everything we tell you, and you must obey our orders, or any other warriors." She mewed, her green eyes glittering. "Just like Molewhisker told me and my brother, Alderleaf. One day, the clan might depend on you for your hunting and fighting skills." She mewed, turning around. Fernpaw listened intently, trying to drink in everything the warriors said. She glanced back to look at Ambermoon. Her mentor had a worried look upon her face, and frowned when she saw Fernpaw turning her head around. The ginger she-cat hadn't said a word. Fernpaw let out a yelp as she stumbled into a rabbit hole. Fernsong bounded back to her. "Are you alright?" He asked, his voice full of concern. Fernpaw nodded and shook her paw. "Can you walk?" He asked, stepping away from her. Fernpaw tested her paw on the ground. It hurt, but she could put weight on it. She nodded. "Yes." She mewed. "Good." He murmured and gave her a swift lick on the head before trotting back toward the others. "Can you teach us to fight now?" Cloverpaw asked her mentor eagerly. Sparktail shook her head. "No, there's enough time for that later." She mewed, giving her a flick on the shoulder with the tip of her tail. "Today we're touring the territory." She added. Oakpaw bounded ahead of them. "Don't go too far!" Hollytuft yowled at him as he disappeared into the thick undergrowth. "I won't!" Oakpaw's answer was muffled. "Where are we going now?" Fernpaw asked Sparktail. "To the Shadowclan border." She mewed, her voice dropping into a whisper. Timberpaw edged closer. "Will we meet Shadowclan cats?" He whispered seriously. Sparktail shrugged. "Maybe, but remember, we won't do anything if they're just patrolling their borders." Fernsong mewed briskly. The apprentices nodded, although Fernpaw could feel her paws tingling. Suddenly, Sparktail stopped. Fernpaw peered out over her shoulder. A wide, brown path stretched before them. She shivered. "Where are we? What is this?" She asked, sniffing the air. Sparktail let out an approving purr. Grass and other growth sprouted on each side, but small, loose rocks and stones hid under the dry mud on the middle of the path. "This is the old thunderpath." Hollytuft answered, halting beside them. Oakpaw bounded up to them with Fernsong and Timberpaw behind him. "Where does it lead?" He asked, carefully placing a paw on the dry path. "To the old twoleg nest where Jayfeather and Alderleaf grow their herbs." Fernsong answered, nodding down the path. The apprentices nodded. "Do Monsters ever cross here?" Timberpaw asked curiously. Fernpaw shivered. She'd heard of the Monsters that killed cats and carried twolegs in their bellies. Graystripe once told her about a cat that had been hit by a monster in the old forest. Hollytuft shook her head. "No, we've never seen any monsters here." She murmured as she took a step onto the path and bounded over it. Fernpaw leaped after her with Cloverpaw by her side.

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