Sneak peak into Darkness Rising's prologue.

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Hollyleaf pushed through the tall grass, pollen showering over her black pelt. Ambermoon followed her. Their faces were grim as they padded further into Starclan's territory. Finally, they reached the meeting place. Firestar, Bluestar, Leafpool, Lionheart, Whitestorm, Tallstar, Blackstar, Oakheart, Silverstream, Sandstorm, Sorreltail, Ferncloud and more Starclan cats anyone could count sat there, faces grim and serious. When Hollyleaf and Ambermoon sat down, Firestar slowly rose to his paws. He took a deep breath before mewing. "The Renegades and Strikes are massing up, and their forces are growing in both strength and number." He began, his tail lashing. "But we must rely on Fernpaw to lead our clans into this battle and-." His mew was cut off by Blackstar. "Firestar, Fernpaw hasn't even learned to control herself yet, and you want her to lead the clans into battle?" He snapped. "I will not allow Rowanstar to follow her." He added. "But you are not clan leader anymore, are you, Blackstar?" Ambermoon murmured, her amber eyes glaring at him Blackstar bristled and opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, Crookedstar rose to his paws. "Fernpaw is also just an apprentice, who would listen to her?" He asked. There was no challenge in his voice, only concern. The clearing fell silent. "She is almost a warrior." Whitestorm then pointed out. "True, but still an inexperienced one." Yellowfang, the former Thunderclan medicine cat, mewed. "But she is our only hope!" Runningnose mewed desperately. "There are many other cats who are able to lead the clans to this battle, the clan leaders for example!" Tawnypelt yowled, springing to her paws. And with that, almost every cat bristled and began hissing and spitting at each other until...

Will you follow Fernpaw and her littermates into the danger that lies before them? What will happen now that Ambermoon's gone? Will there really be a battle? When will the rogues strike? But most important of all, will Fernpaw be enough to save the clans from the threat?

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