Chapter 22

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Oakpaw stood in the clearing, sorting through yesterday's catch. He sighed. He didn't feel hungry anymore. Two days had passed since Fernpaw returned with the rogues. Mickey and Simba were grooming each other outside their den while Big Red was talking to Daisy by the nursery. Fernpaw was tussling with Juniper while Coal, Alex and Diesel shared tongues outside the apprentices' den. Stormcloud trotted into camp, leading Swiftpaw, Pigeonpaw, Willowpaw, Honeyleaf and Rainsong. They all held prey in their jaws, but most of it was scrawny. "Swiftpaw, Willowpaw, take this to the elders. Pigeonpaw, you take this to the kits and queens." He ordered. The apprentices nodded and took off with the prey, bouncing with excitement. Oakpaw knew that they just finished their final assessment. Stormcloud padded to Bramblestar who was talking to Icefeather and Fernsong. Oakpaw looked up to the sky, and he smelled rain on the wind. Cloverpaw and Timberpaw were out on patrol, but Bramblestar had ordered Oakpaw to stay in camp. Sighing, he trotted to his den. He flopped down into his nest, and closed his eyes.

"Oakpaw? Oakpaw, wake up. Bramblestar just called a meeting." Oakpaw's eyes flickered open. Diesel stood over him, prodding him in the ribs. Oakpaw scrambled to his paws and gave his chest a couple of licks. "Thanks, Diesel." He mewed and followed the black and white tom out of the den. The whole clan was gathered in front of the highledge. Badgerkit and Smokekit stood beside Daisy, their pelts neatly groomed. A light drizzle had started to fall down from the sky, and the wind had picked up, tugging at Oakpaw. Pigeonpaw, Swiftpaw and Willowpaw sat in front of Bramblestar. "We have gathered here today because I'm about to perform two of my favourite ceremonies." He mewed and beckoned Swiftpaw to him. The long limbed apprentice stood up and padded to his leader. "Stormcloud, is Swiftpaw ready to take on the responsibilities of being a warrior?" He asked without taking his gaze of the apprentice's yellow eyes. "He is." Stormcloud mewed proudly. "I, Bramblestar, leader of Thunderclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice. He has trained hard to learn the ways of your noble code, and I condemn him as a warrior in his turn." He mewed and then added. "Swiftpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?" He asked and Swiftpaw mewed clearly. "I do." Bramblestar then continued. "Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Swiftpaw, from this moment on you'll be known as Swiftstrike. Starclan honors your speed and forethought." He mewed and rested his chin on Swiftstrike's forehead, and the warrior gave him a respectful lick on the head. Oakpaw twitched his whiskers in amusement when he saw Badgerkit fidgeting with impatience. Mickey and the other rogues looked interested in the ceremony, and listened with their ears pricked when Willowfern was honored for her wisdom and courage and Pigeonwing was honored for his determination and bravery. Oakpaw joined his clan when they yowled their names and reared up onto his hind legs. "Swiftstrike! Willowfern! Pigeonwing! Swiftstrike! Willowfern! Pigeonwing!" He yowled, batting at the air with his forepaws. Dovewing and Bumblestripe bounded forward and nuzzled their kits. Bramblestar waited for the clamour to die down before beginning again. "Acornfall, Frogleap, you're both ready for your first apprentices." He mewed and the two siblings sprang to their paws, their jaws dropping in astonishment. "Frogleap, you'll be mentor to Badgerpaw." He mewed and the new apprentice let out a squeal of excitement before hurtling himself to him. "He'll be a pawful, but I hope you'll be able to mentor him well." He purred and Badgerkit touched his nose to Frogleap's. "Acornfall, I know you'll pass on your skills on to Smokepaw." Bramblestar mewed and Acornfall trotted to the smokey-grey tom and touched her nose to his. "Badgerpaw! Smokepaw! Badgerpaw! Smokepaw!" The clan yowled, the rogues joining in. "Swiftstrike, Willowfern and Pigeonwing will sit vigil tonight and guard our camp." Bramblestar mewed. "Also, we need a new mentor for Fernpaw. Icefeather has asked to continue Fernpaw's training herself." Oakpaw's eyes widened. What a privilige and honor! Fernpaw bounded over to the white she-cat as the deputy padded over to meet her. They touched noses and Bramblestar nodded, and with a flick of his tail, he dismissed the meeting.

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