Starting the first year Of high school

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Hi my name is Jack and I'm 15 years old and I'm about to start high school with my best friend Ryan I couldn't wait to see all my old friends friends from middle school such as brad,Charlie,Nicole aka my girlfriend and my friend Ryan. Me, brad,Charlie,Ryan and Nicole we made a squad called the werewolf squad and me made a vow if any of us turns into a ware wolf we will be friends no matter what. So than my friend Ryan has been acting weird and getting mad and I don't know why. After he bell rang I couldn't talk to him cause he ran to his next class I told my girlfriend "babe Ryan acting weird do you know why" she said no so after school I followed Ryan and he went to
The woods I screamed RYAN! He turned back and his eyes started to glow I screamed "RYAN LOOK ITS ME YOUR BEST FRIEND JACK TURN NORMAL". He turned normal and said " what the Hell jack you were following me" cause I'm worried about you dude!

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