Let it be.

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Quick heads up, this is the final chapter of the AdamXMax story, but there will be more fics soon. Not all will revolve around Sky and the office. Enjoy this conclusion-

Max's POV-

I arrive into work on Thursday, the day we resumed our recordings. Of course we'd had people uploading for us while we were away. We're organised.

It was lunch time and Adam was telling us about his first Easter with Mason. He sounded so happy. I was back at my computer when I got a sudden Facebook message, it was from an old friend.

(Hi Maxie! X) It read. It was from my old friend Melissa. I went to school with her.

(Hi Mel.) I reply. She replied instantly.

(I'm in the neighbourhood if you wanna show me around x) I became excited. She was an old friend from school, who I did have a crush on at one point. Now her messaging me was a bit weird, we hadn't spoke in about 2 years. We planned to meet up after work and go to dinner.

I spent the rest of the work day doing some finishing touches on Barney and Apple's SkyWars video. It took quite a bit of editing considering they swore a lot. Well mostly Barney. When closing time came, it was just me, Adam and Ross left in the offices.

"Max I need a pee! Wait for me." He said, I nodded, confused.

"I didn't need to know that but aite." I shouted. I was packing up my stuff when Adam elbowed me. I turned to him and he looked scared, and sad.

"Max, I..." he trailed off. My heart dropped. I was so terrified. Was he firing me? Did Alesa find out about us?

"What Adam?" Checking the time I realise I have to meet Mel in about 40 minutes, and I've got to go home and do my hair. "I've got a date, what is it?" Adam perked up at that.

"Oh good! You've got a date? Never mind I'll tell you tomorrow!" Adam says, before I could protest he skips off.

Adam's POV-

The next day at work was a nerve racking one. Max had his dare last night. I needed it to have been a good one. Spending my first Easter with my son, I felt like I truly belonged, for a long time I haven't felt that way. I felt complete.

Max came into work, a smile on his face.
"Morning fellas" he sang as he strolled into the kitchen. His jolly mood brightening everyone's mornings. I followed him. He was pouring a cup of coffee when I spoke to him.

"Hey, Max. How'd your date go?" I say, leaning on the wall, getting straight to the point.

"I- it. Um. Great, why?" Max said, slowly his movements and his voice dropped.

"I was just wondering. As long as it was good. Now I have to tell you something-" I was cut off. Max spun round and interrupted my train of thought.

"No I have to tell you something. Being with Melissa last night made me feel happy. Yes, we did sleep together before you ask, but I'm trying to say is, with her, I can be *with* her." Max said, stuttering, he didn't have this planned out like I did.

"Actually Max, that's what I wanted to talk to you about, us. Or more of there can no longer be an us." I said, a smile appearing on my face. Max looked at me for a while. His eyes meeting mine. He smiled and hugged me.

"So, it's over then? Right?" Max asks, stepping back.

"We need to move on Max. We had our fun, now we've got to be grown ups." I say, Max nods and we laugh. With one last glance at eachother, we lean in for one last kiss, our lips touch and we quiver. "Goodbye..." we stroll out of the kitchen in silence.

The next few weeks went by normally, Max told me about his relationship with Mel, they'd made themselves official two days after me and Max ended our "agreement". He seemed happy. He was happy. I was happy too.


Sorry that this is short.
Sorry for the abrupt end.
Honestly, I don't know how to end it, I tried making it as happy as possible. This was my first ever smutty fanfiction and I believe it's been a pretty good success.

If you enjoyed reading this, feel free to vote on it! Thanks, bye!

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