Chapter Five

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"Thank you for having us, Los Angeles! We'll see you again soon! Goodnight and drive safely!"

"It's about freaking time." I sighed, hearing the words to the end of their concert. Sitting up, I rubbed my tired eyes and attempted to smooth down my frizzy hair.

After they said their "Thank You's" and their "Give it up for Josh! Sandy! Dan! etc."

They came running backstage, full of energy. I stood up immediately, stretching my arms above my head. I let them fall down to my sides, slapping my thighs slightly.

"Are we ready to leave now?" I asked, yawning.

"Encore." Niall pointed out.

"Ugh!" I groaned, falling back onto the uncomfortable couch.

"Sorry, we'll be back."

"It's only one song."

"It won't be that long."

They all replied, kissing or messing up the top of my head on there way back put on stage.


"We're ready to- Hey, where did she go?"

"I'm over here!" I mumbled through a cupcake.

"Lets go!" Harry said.

"Okay, just a second..." I said, grabbing the pan of cupcakes and carrying them with me to the boys.

"You can't take those with you." A really big muscly guy with a deep voice said.

"Watch me." I smirked, walking towards the door.

"Come on cupcake, leave the cupcakes." I heard Niall say.

"Cupcake." I whispered, thinking about the nickname my dad called me. I dropped the pan of cupcakes and crumpled to the ground, my head in my hands.

I really, really missed my dad.

"Hallie! Are you okay?!"

I heard footsteps behind me, and I was suddenly being lifted, and brought into a hug.

"Your okay, everything's okay. Stop crying, Hallie-Bear."

The nickname "Hallie-Bear" was one of the many nicknames I was called by my parents. The thought only made another choked sob come out, crumbling into whoever's embrace I was in.

I peaked up through my years to find a teary-eyed Louis looking down at me.

"Lets get you to the busses, yeah?" Louis suggested, a sniffle coming from his nose.

I simply nodded, feeling him pick me up bridal style.


"Where do you want to sleep?" Louis asked, stepping into the bus.

"The bunks is okay, I guess." I replied, wiping a tear from my cheek.

Louis didn't reply. He walked to the back of the bus, and put me in someone's bunk, that wasn't mine.

"Who's bunk is this?" I asked, looking around, noticing there were empty bags that once had chips, some T-Shirts, and some little pieces of Jolly Ranchers.

"Mine." Louis replied, cloning into the bunk with me.

"Oh," I replied.

"I won't if you don't want too." Louis replied freezing his actions.

"Go ahead, I don't mind." I replied, a smile creeping onto my lips secretly.

He laid down behind me, pulling me into his body. He draped and arm around my body, and nestled his chin in my neck.

After a while of silence, Louis started humming.

"Hey Louis?" I whispered, not opening my eyes.

"Yeah?" He replied. I could feel his eyes trained on my face.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."



"Shut up, Harry." I mumbled into a pillow.

"You can sleep, but you'll miss lunch." Harry pointed out.

"I slept through breakfast?" I asked, opening my eyes to see a smiling Harry with a bandana on his head.

"Take that thing off if your head." I said swiping it from his hair and throwing it somewhere in Louis bunk. Oh wait- Louis. I turned around to find a sleeping Louis, his grip still around my waist.

"We're leaving in five minutes." Harry said over his shoulder, looking for something in his bunk across from Louis'.

"Louis, wake up." I said, not exactly sure how to wake him up.

No answer.

"Louis, wake up." I said, poking his nose a couple times.

No answer.

So, I got out of the bunk, onto the floor, and yelled, "LOUIS, IM GOING TO THROW YOU CLOTHES AT HOMELESS MEN."

"Shut up." He groaned, his arm reaching out, looking for me.

"I'm over here, Lou." I said from the ground.

"Hallie, come on. Please!" He said, opening his eyes.

"We've slept through breakfast, and I'm hungry. I want lunch." I griped, folding my arms across my chest.

"We slept through breakfast?" Louis asked in shock.

"Yes, now cook me lunch." I demanded.

"Why won't you cook me lunch?" Louis questioned.

"Because I want chocolate chip pancakes and I can't cook them." I said. Crossing my arms.

"Chocolate chip?" He said raising his eyebrow as he climbed down from his bunk.

"Yeah, my parents used to make them for me.." I said quietly, the tears welling up in my eyes.

"Sh, sh. I'm getting up." Louis said quickly, holding out his hand to yield me.

"Lets go." He said, grabbing me by the rest and dragging me to the kitchen area.

- Two boxes of pancake mix, an egg yoke war, and a flour fight later -

"Here we are!" Louis' flour covered hand set a plate with decent looking pancakes.

"Thanks, Lou." I said, taking the first bite. Surprisingly, it was good. After a plate of pancakes, I poured a bowl or orange juice. Quickly gulping it down, I wondered where the other boys were.

"BOYS? ARE YOU HERE?" I yelled. Louis ignored my call and continued to stuff his mouth with pancakes.

I heard a quiet voice coming from the bathroom, and curiosity got the better of me. I quietly crept to the bathroom door, pressing my ear to the door.

"What am I supposed to do when I'm all choked up and your okay?
I'm falling to pieces.."

I instantly recognized it as Liam's voice. An evil smile crept onto my lips, turning the knob and slipping inside the hot bathroom.

He kept singing along, and I took this opportunity to flush the toilet.

My hand, resting on the toilet handle, was about to push down the handle when the water stopped. Everything happens so quickly, I didn't have a chance to move. Before I could cover my eyes, a naked Liam pulled back the curtain, revealing his manhood.

"PUT THAT THING AWAY BEFORE IT POKES ME IN THE EYE OR SOMETHING!" I shrieked, covering my eyes once I was able to react to what happened.

"Why are you in here?!" Liam exclaimed, grabbing the shower curtain and cover his lower body.

"Well, I was going to use the toilet." I lied quickly, spinning on my heel and attempting to find the door.

"Hallie," Liam chuckled, "To the right, not the left."

"Right," I replied, grabbing the doorknob and blindly made my was into the small hallway.


"Hallie, are you okay? You look as white as a ghost."


"Whoa, sorry, Zee. didn't mean to yell." I apologized, patting his shoulder.

"You look like you've seen a ghost!" he exclaimed.

"I saw something, but it wasn't a ghost." I shuddered, attempting to shake the disturbing image from my memory.

"You saw Niall shirtless, didn't you?" 


"Sorry mate." Zayn apologized.

"No, worse." I said, trying to kick the image out of my mind.

"Do I want to know?" He asked, glancing at me.

"No." I said immediately. 

"Okay, okay. I'm going to go with it." He said.

"Wheres the Louis and Harry?" I asked, looking around, noticing they were gone. "Louis was just hear, eating pancakes." 

"Him and Harry went to go get more breakfast for the other lads, considering Louis at all the pancakes." Zayn said, grabbing clothes from his bunk as we were talking. 

"Okay, so I'm going to tsake a guess and say that there's a concert tonight?" I asked.

"Yes, but first of all, we're going to Disneyland."

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