Chapter Thirteen

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"That's Hallie?" Jasmine asked as soon as Ashton and I's faces appeared on the screen.

"Excuse me?" I said, raising my eyebrows at her.

Was that supposed to be in a bad way?

"Oh, no, I'm sorry!" She exclaimed. "It's just, Ashton said you were pretty and nice, but he didn't say you were this pretty."

I suddenly felt awkward and self conscious sitting next to him, and shifted slightly. Ashton covered it up and slung an arm around my shoulder.

"Yes, this is her." Ashton smiled, and I could tell a smirk was trying not to show.

Jasmine was shocked for a while as they talked, and I used the 'I'm tired' excuse to go back to the other bus to talk to Louis.

"Night Jasmine, nice meeting you." I smiled and waved at the screen. "Night Ashton."

"Night, Hallie." Ashton smiled, kissing my cheek before helping me stand. He handed me my crutches and helped me out of the bus.

"Thank you." He whispered, and I smiled and shrugged.

"Just wait until tomorrow." I replied before turning around and walking towards the other bus.

We were currently stopped to get gas at some gas station, so I made my way to the other bus and knocked a couple times.

Loud shouting and something breaking sounded as the door was opened by Louis. He grinned at me and helped me inside. "Hey, you're just in time!"

I grinned and shrugged, going over to the couch and sitting down.

"Oh, you have a missed call." Louis said, tossing me my phone as he plopped down next to me.

"From wh-"

I immediately cut myself off as I saw who my missed call was from.

Ed Sheeran.

"I missed a call from Ed Sheeran and none of you bothered to tell me?!" I exclaimed loudly, causing everyone to stop shouting and look at me, the only thing still sounding was the video game.

"Just call him back." Louis shrugged, unlocking my phone and clicking on his phone number.

I stared at the phone screen as it rang, my eyes wide.

What do you even say to Ed Sheeran? He was like ginger heaven.

"What do I say? How am I supposed to talk to him? Do you think he-"

Louis pressed the speaker button, Ed's voice coming out of the phone.

"Do you think he what?"

I immediately stopped speaking as my eyes averted to my phone screen. I was literally frozen. I couldn't form words. You would think I would've gotten used to the fact that I'm friends with Ed, but no. He's my idol. I can't even talk to him.

"Hallie?" Ed asked.

"Say something." Harry insisted. I looked up at him like a deer caught in headlights. I couldn't focus. I soon started hyperventilating, shoving my phone into Louis' chest.

I quickly shook my head, pointing to my throat. I needed my inhaler.

Hopefully I still had it. I hadn't needed it until I was seven.

"Hallie, this is no time for charades." Niall spoke up. Everyone was now staring at me, and I think Liam was the only one who got the hint.

"You idiot, she can't breathe!" Liam exclaimed, hitting Niall on the back of the head.

Louis was the first one to jump up, leaving my phone sitting on the couch next to me. Ed was still on the phone, but I didn't have the energy, or focus, to end the call. My vision kept going blurry, and I couldn't focus on anything. The entire room was spinning, and I couldn't breathe. I slowly sat back in the couch, clutching my throat. Somebody better be getting me an inhaler or something.

Liam and Louis had both ran back to the bunk that had my suitcase on it, and tore through. Liam came back empty handed, but Louis wasn't giving up. I took one last glance at Liam who now at my side, Harry pacing, and Niall on my otherside. My eyes closed, and the lack of oxygen was slowly bringing more and more to the stage of passing out. I was just on the brink of going unconscious when there was a plastic tube placed on my mouth.

"Hal, stay with me." Louis mumbled, making sure my lips were around it before pushing down on the top of the inhler. "Breathe."

I did my best to suck in a deep breath, and I immediately started coughing. At least that meant I was getting some oxygen. Both of my hands gripped Louis' hand, trying to push it back down again. He got the hint, and pushed it a couple more times.

After I finally could breathe without the inhaler, I took deep breaths and sat up. "Who's," I paused, barely able to talk, "Inhaler is that?"

"Mine." Niall spoke up, eyeing the inhaler in his hand.

I looked at Niall, giving him a grateful smile. "Thank you for having asthma."

Niall chuckled and nodded. "You're welcome."

"I think you should be thanking me." Louis interrupted, giving me a small smile.

"Thanks, Louis." I breathed out, pulling Louis into a hug.

"I'm still here." Ed spoke up, and I froze again.

"Breathe, Hal." Louis chuckled, and pulled away. He grabbed my phone, and handed it to me.

"Hi." I said simply, still a little out of breath.

"It's nice to know I can take your breath away." Ed joked, causing me to laugh nervously.

"I. um, yeah. I guess you could say that." I said nervously.

"Hallie, I'm kidding." Ed laughed, causing me to laugh nervously.

"Ha, yeah." I chuckled, licking my lips.

"So, how have things beensince I left?" He asked. All the other boys staring at me.

"Uh, I have a broken leg." I said casually. I glanced around at them nervously, mouthing the words 'help me.'

"How did that happen?!" He exclaimed, sounding really concerned.

"Well, I, um-" I started, but then I started thinking about my parents. Tears started to well up in my eyes, and I looked around at the boys. I was completely terrified to say anything, in fear that I would break down and cry again.

"It was an accident." Louis interrupted quickly, reaching to wrap his arm over my shoulders but he stopped and sat back again.

"Oh, well, I'm sorry to hear that." Ed sighed. "I was just calling because I haven't heard from you in a while. Not even a text."

"Well, I, um," I stuttered, not too sure of my excuse for this one, "I was nervous I guess?"

"Now why on Earth would you be nervous?" Ed asked with a chuckle.

"Because! You're Ed Sheeran and I'm.. Hallie I guess." I said, biting my lip and shrugging.

"I'm just like any of your friends. Just text me like you would text a friend." Ed said.

Saying those words made me realize how much I missed my friends from home.

"Hallie? You still here?" Ed asked, and Zayn flicked my nose to get me to focus.

"Oh, yeah, I'm here." I said, recovering quickly.

"Good," Ed said, and you could hear the smile in his voice, "I have to go, but I'll talk to you later."

"Oh, um, okay. Bye." I mumbled awkwardly, then hung up. Once I set my phone down, I physically facepalmed.

"You had an asthma attack while you were on the phone with Ed Sheeran!" Niall exclaimed, falling off the couch in laughter.

"Shut. Up." I mumbled, throwing my shoe at him.

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