Chapter Two

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"My parents are.. What?!" I yelled, sitting up quickly.

"Dead." The doctor repeated, this time there was no sympathy in his voice.

I practically choked on air. No. My parents were NOT dead. That's .. That's not possible. I felt dizzy, the room was spinning, and that annoying beeping was getting louder and quicker. I eventually zoned out the noise, and could only think about the fact that my parents were dead.

My vision was blurry as I looked around the room. I couldn't hear anything, but I could see the doctor and other nurses rushing into the room. They immediately ran to me, hovering over me. One of the nurses began to flick something on, rubbing two things together that looked a lot like irons.

The lay thing I remember is my gown being ripped off and feeling two cold plates on my chest.


What felts like minutes, but was really hours, I awoke and heard voices. I tried to match voices with faces, but was only recognizing one voice. The doctors.

I forced my eyes to fully open and I looked around the room, rubbing my throbbing head. I saw a figure sitting in the chair next to me, his head in his hands.

"Hello?" I croaked out. The head immediately shot up, making eye contact with me for a second before running off yelling, "UNCLE SIMON! SHE'S AWAKE! SHE'S AWAKE!"

My eyebrows knitted together in confusion and I lay back on the bed, continuing to run my forehead.

"Hello Hallie." I hear the doctor say.

"Hello." I muttered. Opening one eye to find the doctor standing next to my bed.

"Is your head okay? How's your shoulder?" He asked.

"I have a horrid headache, and my shoulder feels numb now that I think about it." I replied, attempting to roll my shoulder.

"Well, that's great! We can give you medicine for your headache, and the numbness of your shoulder should wear off in a couple of hours. We decided to go ahead and put in the stitches for your shoulder while you were out. Your Uncle is in the lobby, filling out forms for your release." The doctor talked extremely fast, it took me a minute to function everything he said.

"Thank you." I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Oh, and your Uncle asked me to tell you that they've picked up your things from your house, and they will be brought up to your room in a couple of moments." The doctor said.

"Thank you." I said again, not in the mood to talk.

As the doctor said, a kid that looked to be a couple years older then me and was also in here earlier, appeared with a bag.

"Here are your things." He said, setting the bag on the bed and was about to walk out the door, when I stopped him.

"Wait, what's your name?" I asked.

"Liam." He said before walking out of the room.

I took this as my opportunity to go to the bathroom and change into whatever clothes were brought from my home.


Louis' POV-

"Where are we going, Uncle Si?!" I begged again for the millionth time.

"If you I tell you, will you leave me alone?" Simon asked.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, finally getting the answer out of him.

"To the hospital. My niece is their." He said, shifting in his seat.

Everyone saw Simon as big, bad , cold-hearted Simon Cowell, but really, he was Uncle Si and he was a big softy who loved to joke around and laugh.

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