Suicidal note

415 14 13

Ship:   Harry
Warning: death and blood and other things
Word count:454
I can relate to a lot things
Harry's pov
I look at myself in the mirror as I find my razor blade I've been getting a lot hate recently. I'm seriously thinking about ending my life no one will care.

The next day
I decided last night that I was committing suicide. I started to write my note to the sidemen.

Dear friends by the time your reading this I'll be gone. I've been getting a lot of hate recently and I wasn't dealing with it the right way. You guys were truly the best thing that ever happened to me. Forget about me ok go I'm nothing but worthless. I'm not worth the tears. No really cares anyway

Vik your like the only person who knew I cut. Your my best friend vik. I'm saying this now I loved you not like a brotherly way.
Keep on building block boy

Simon you were gentle, caring, everything else. You kept asking if I was ok. Of course I lied and said that i was fine, your like a brother to me. I'll be watching over you, Harry

Josh, your daddy af . You knew something was wrong but you never said anything. Live life like I never left because I'm still here.

Ethan, keep on laughing. Because nothing will change. I'm gone so what. I'm nothing but a worthless piece of shit. But like I said keep on laughing I'll see you soon

JJ you were funny as fuck. You still can't rap though. I think I'm going to miss my the 2nd most after vikk. Keep on living jide

Tobi you had swag really you did. I'm going to miss everyone but it'll make everyone so much happier. Keep up on the swag tobs

Freezy thank you you help me with recording and stuff you were like my cousin thanks again

Cal and joe weller is don't really see you very often but you were still my friends

Keep on living. I'm not worth tears. I'll be watching you.

A depressed Harry

As I finish that I record one last video before I die.

I go to the bathroom and started to cut my arms going a lot deeper than normal. The last thing I hear before is Harry we're home

Third person view after they find Harry died.

Everyone was gathered at the hospital to say goodbye to there dear friend Vikk was crying as the doctor came out of his room "I'm sorry" he said

Many of that stuff i said about Harry is true for me people keep telling me to go kill my self

Me and dad are on the plane now

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