How well do you know me

138 9 4

"Yo guys what's going on today we are doing the best friend tag sorta only the two with the most points wins, I have tobi and Josh vs. me and JJ!" I said

"Also Ethan and Harry are egging us if we get the question wrong, and Vikk is asking questions," I said

"I don't want to get egged" JJ said. I sighed "then don't get anything wrong" I said laughing he shook his head

"LETS GET STARTED!" Vikk said flailing his arms around

"First question, what year did you guys meet"



Josh said 2005 and JJ said 2006

I pointed to Harry and he got an egg out "really JJ?"

"Oh shit no it's 2007" JJ said right as the egg cracked on his head "how?" I asked

"I was 13, Simon I barely know what I did yesterday"

"Ok 1 point to Josh and tobi and by the way I'm asking Josh and JJ question and Simon and are answering different questions" Vikk said

"Your so screwed Simon," Josh said

"Ok ready?" Vikk asked

"Shut up and ask the question!" I said

"When did they upload their first video?" Vikk asked

"April 24!" I said

"May 17th" Tobi said and Josh  slapped his arm

"Simon got it got it right, but Tobi gets egged,"


Ethan smash the egg on tobi well he was laughing

"Ok next question, what day of the month were they born on?"

"JJ I swear if you get this wrong I'm kicking out of the sidemen and I'm never going to talk to you again" I said

"The 6th"

"NO I'm kidding, it's the 7th"

"Harry give me the eggs!"


"Just give me the fucking eggs"

Harry eventually gave me the eggs and and t stood up and got 3 eggs out and smashed them on his head while everyone was laughing minus JJ of course.

"Josh your turn"

"What was the question again I blanking?"

"Birthday." I said

"8th of April."

"Ok you each get a point, the next question is, favorite food?"

"VAGINA!!" I yelled

"NO!!" He yelled back laughing as Harry egged me.

"Ok so this video is going to be short because we have been getting egged all day, so what's happening now is Josh and tobi are going to leave and JJ is going to ask me a question and I'm going to ask him a question then we are going to switch." I said to the camera.

"Ready JJ?" I asked

He nodded,

"Why am I called miniminter?" I asked

"Your the youngest of three brothers and your last name is minter"


"Have I ever gotten a girl pregnant before?"



"Welcome! It is me and tobi now!"


"Tobi, hi."

"Josh hi."

"What was my first video about josh?"

"Call of duty I think"


"Why am I called zerkaa?"

"Your last name used to be zerker"


"Okay guys that's it for today, we have done videos on the other 3 channels but Vikk Harry and Ethan are only here because I'm paying them"

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