♫ Chapter 19: Forgotten

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HEYAAAAAAA! Apologises for the super late chappy!

This chapter is dedicated to: (Intense Drumroll)


Thank your continuous support through comments and devotion to my novel and for also following me <3 If only more people were so dedicated like her!

I don't believe it! Over 1K reads, that's amazyn, thank you so much! Can we also get the votes up to 100, that would be fantabolous!



The practice kind of went like this. We started filming immediately where we were in a classroom and my acting skills kicked in immediately. I concentrated on Seongsaengnim Kim while he talked to the 'class' about mathematics which wasn't what I was paying attention to. Seongsaengnim Kim looked handsome in his white shirt, black suit pants and a bright yellow tie. I focused on pretending to be writing down notes from his lecture when I heard the scraping of a chair from behind me. I was just about to look when I saw Director Kon Woo shake his head and I stayed where I was. In my peripheral vision I saw Jonghyun standing to my side serenading me but I was made to look like I didn't know he was there. Keep you eyes on the ball. I practically stared down seongsaengnim Kim with his shiny caramel hair and perfectly fitted spectacles.

The director cued us out of the class room meaning that we were dismissed from class. I took my bag from my seat and slung it over my shoulder when I walked over to the door. We all bustled out but I stayed along but I could feel the presence of SHINee following me. After walking through the door I walked onto another set which was a hallway with a line of lockers on the wall. I randomly went to any old locker and shoved my textbooks and bag into there. While I was doing this, Onew was singing to me as he leant his side against the locker next to me. I was oblivious to him and the band who was following me and kept walking steadily down the hallway.

That take was over and Director Kun Woo was impressed we'd gotten it in one shot, I wasn't surprised. SHINee were professionals unlike myself but I had been given this roll meaning they had to see something in me. The break was short and most of that time they were redoing our hair and make up. I had managed to eat a muesli bar and sip water before we went onto our next set. This time we were near a park where there were trees, grass and benches. When we started rolling I still walked down the footpath while both Minho and Key were rapping and kept in time with my pace. Don't look, Don't look, I kept telling myself over to resist the urge. I sat down on a nearby park bench as Taemin scooted himself next to me and I heard is sweet, mellow voice in my ear. I slightly shivered when he was so close I could feel his minty breath on my neck.

"CUT!" I heard the director yell and we immediately moved from our positions. "Good job everyone, we're going to do the dancing solos next so get your school clothes off."

We only took off my blazer so that I could dance and same with the boys so it didn't really mean 'take all of your clothes off.' The first four solos past quickly and effortlessly it helped that the SHINee members were skilled dancers. When my dance with Taemin came my heart beat immediately increased, I just hoped I wouldn't stuff this up. Taemin and I was caught in a trance as we swayed to the music letting our bodies lead us and let our minds go. He grabbed my sweaty hands to slip me under his legs but my grasps slip from his as I slid two metres right into a cardboard wall.

"Ow," I groaned rubbing the side of my head while trying to pick myself off from the ground. Every body part was sore and probably will be bruised tomorrow. Taemin rushed over towards me to help me up, his face in deep concern.

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