Epilogue: When the Final Note is Sung

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I did plan on making a sequel to 'Conflicted' but after a hiatus and much thought, I decided not to. But do not fear I will not leave you with a cliffhanger.

For my readers, I shall gift you with an epilogue which will tie all the loose ends. There will be nothing thereafter but I do plan on starting a new novel. Since I am on a rollercoaster that only goes up my friends!

Which idols would you like to see in my next book?

This is final end chapter I am sad to admit. I have had a great time on this journey with you and I just want to thank you all for supporting me and. You have all made this experience is important for me. This may not be the most popular book but I'm happy with the way it came along.


"Seo, I've been expecting you!" That was definitely not the words I expected to hear when Lee Taemin opened his apartment door. Especially, with all these wild emotions running through me that I had the urge to release.

"Uh, you have?"

I was thinking that my sudden action of coming to his door would be completely unpredictable and somewhat romantic of the kind?

"Come on in, it must be freezing out there! You're dripping wet!"

Now, that he had mentioned it, I could feel my soaking wet clothes clinging to my skin and goosebumps were very prominent. My brown hair clung to my face and dripped from the ends.

When I stepped inside his cosy flat he immediately wrapped a towel around my shoulders. Heat rose to my cheeks and I mumbled a thanks. Taemin hovered a cautious hand behind the small of my back and led me to the kitchen.

I slid into one of the kitchen stools as Taemin poured me a cup of coffee. I wrapped my hands around the warm mug and the bitterness hit my taste buds as soon as I took one sip. I set the coffee down in front of me and stared into the depths of muggy brown. How should I approach this with him?

"I want to talk about something-" he said.

"There's something I'd like to tell you-" I said.

We met each other's eyes and looked away simultaneously.

"You go first," we both said in sync and then laughed in embarrassment.

"Um, do you remember I had to tell you something the other day?" He nervously bit his lip.

"Yeah, what about it?" I replied, trying my best to keep my voice level but it cracked halfway.

This was it, it was finally going to happen. Did he like me or was I reading it the wrong? He'd kissed me before-wasn't that a good sign? All of a sudden I wasn't so sure about anything anymore.

"I just-I want to let you know about my feelings for you," he paused, "that I like you."

My breath hitched but the feeling wasn't as explosive as I anticipated. I thought that my heart was supposed to leap out of my chest or there would be fireworks in my stomach. Although, there were gentle flutters in my core and my cheeks tinted pink, but it wasn't grand.

There was so much build-up to this moment but it didn't fulfill my expectations. I truly believed I liked Taemin, then why didn't my heart or body feel the same way?

"But, I know your feelings aren't the same."

"I-" I had just started off but I was interrupted by the ring of my phone. At a crucial moment like this I decided to ignore my mobile but I could see Taemin slightly distracted by it.

Conflicted (Kim Hyun Joong ft. SHINee Taemin)Where stories live. Discover now