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I woke up to a light breeze hitting my face. I still felt groggy, but I was awake. I opened my eyes with a slight groan. What I saw made my blood turn cold.

A large man dressed in all black, looking like a bat. It was Batman. I was suppose to destroy him.

No, I said. You don't. You're not under Slade's control anymore!

I sat up and noticed that other members of the Justice League were here too. My breath caught in my throat and I backed away from them.

"Don't worry," Black Canary said. "We won't hurt you."

"Are you alright, Renegade?" Said a voice behind me. It was the kid in yellow. He looked genuinely concerned. For some reason, his words made me feel safe. So this is what having an older brother feels like.

I shook my head. No, you can't get attached to these heros like that! You'll just end up betraying them in the end.

The teen took my head shake the wrong way. "You're not? Are you sick? Did you get hurt?"

I shook my head again. "I'm fine," I said quietly. I stumbled to my feet, everything feeling heavy. I turned to get away, but the drug made me woozy. Everything was spinning and I couldn't walk straight. I would have thrown up if I'd had something to eat for the last week.

Someone put a hand on my shoulder, causing me to flinch. It was Flash. "I think he's been drugged. We have to take him somewhere."

"How about the mountain?" The kid in yellow suggested.

"Kid Flash!" The blonde teen scolded. "You know your not suppose to tell people about that!"

Kid Flash shrugged. "What? He helped us escape."

"He could be a traitor," the other red head said, crossing his arms.

"Aw, come on, Speedy-"

"Red Arrow," the archer grumbled.

Kid Flash ignored the interruption. "How could you resist this face?" He squished up my cheeks and I swatted him away.

"Besides," said a voice behind me. I looked behind me, surprised to see Superboy standing there. "You have me on the team now. Why not him?"

"Please Aqualad?" Kid Flash begged.

Aqualad sighed. "We will have to question him first, then we will see what we will decide. Understood?"

Kid Flash nodded and smiled at me. "Come on," he said. "You ready?"

This was all moving very fast for me. So, let me recap. I was once an experiment to corrupt the Justice League, but now I was being welcomed to a little side team because I rescued them? It must have been my age. I must have looked so vulnerable and afraid. I wouldn't say I wasn't happy with it, I am. It's just...I didn't even trust myself. Now I was going to join a team of sidekicks that has some secret cave and I was going to become a hero. So much more than my life in that prison I called home for so many years. Too many.

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