11--Tony Zucco

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Wally smiled at me when I came out of the changing room. "It looks great!"

"I feel stupid," I said blantly.

Wally shrugged. "Come on. You love it."

I shrugged. "It feels weird."

Batman had insisted that I needed a costume since I was finally cleared to go on missions with everyone else. I tried to convinced him that I didn't mind staying in the mountain, but he said I needed training outside the walls. Now I was wearing a costume with a black cape, red shirt with a Robin symbol or a simple R on it, a utility belt, black kevlar pants and boots. I was armed with a grappling hook, some of Batman's Batarangs, smoke pellets, and a hologlove for hacking. Wally handed me a mask. "Come on, Dickie," he said. "You're gonna be out on the field! Isn't this gonna be fun?"

I took the mask, not hiding my distaste for it. "I guess, but why do I have to wear this? It feels like I'm going to be doing a ballet number."

Wally chuckled and ruffled my too-long hair. "So no one will know who you are, Rob."

I swatted his hand away. Reminder: ask Miss Martian to give me a haircut. "What's with you and nicknames?"

Wally shrugged. "I guess it's just my thing." He pulled on his mask and I put on mine. I didn't like the way it felt. It reminded me too much of when I was Renegade.

"Hurry it up, team," Batman called. I sighed and followed Wally to the debriefing room. Miss Martian's face lit up in a smile. "Dick, you look great!"

"When he's in costume," Batman said. "Call him Robin."

Miss Martian smiled sheepishly. "Yes Batman."

"Alright, team. This is the man you must catch," Batman said. A picture that made me gasp filled the space in front of me.

No one but Wally and Artemis seemed to notice.

"But Batman," Aqualad tried to reason. "Are we not strictly used covert missions only?

"You would be," Batman said. "But not this time. This man is named Tony Zucco. He escaped from prison last night and is hiding in an abandon warehouse in Metropolis. Do you think you can handle it?"

"Rob?" Wally said, concern etching his voice. "D-do you need to sit down."

I hadn't noticed, but I was swaying like I was going to pass out. I tried to answer him, but I could only manage a squeaky noise from the back of my throat.

"Robin," Wally said again. My knees failed me and a crashed to the ground. The team was suddenly surrounding me, asking what was wrong.

"Give him some space," Wally said. "He can't breath with all you surrounding him like that!" He tapped my shoulder. I looked up at him. "Dick? Can you hear me?" I nodded a tiny bit, not trusting my voice. "I think you should sit this mission out. I don't think-"

"He can't," Batman said. "He needs to face Tony."

My lip was quivering and I quickly shook my head. "Please..." I whispered. "I...I can't."

"Why?" Artemis asked, trying to be nice about it. I simply shook my head.

"This was the man that murdered his parents," Batman said simply.

Just like that, it was like a dam had broken. A sob escaped from my throat and I buried my face into my hands.

"I do not think-" Aqualad started

"He has to," Batman interrupted. "If he doesn't face Tony, he'll regret it later. I don't care if he's just a kid. This will haunt him for the rest of his life if he doesn't put Tony Zucco into custody."

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