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"You ready?" KF asked.

I shrugged, gritting my teeth. "Try not to tear off too much skin."

He smirked. "Don't be a baby."

A corner of my mask was pinched between Kid Flash's fingers. He slowly started to pull it off as I gritted my teeth in pain.

"Don't worry," KF said. "No blood yet."

He pulled it a little faster. "Ow!"

"Sorry!" He paused for a minute before starting again, slowly. I gripped the toilet seat so hard I'm surprised I didn't break it.

"Almost...there," Kid Flash said. The rest of the mask came off swiftly and painfully. I rubbed the area where the mask had been, feeling fresh air once more. I blinked a few times, getting used to the light without my mask on. I stood up and was met with a pair of bright blue eyes. "Wow," I said. "I-I forgot what I looked like without that thing on."

Kid smirked at me. "Shame, I thought that you'd be prettier."

"KF!" I growled.

He laughed. "Kidding, kidding." He smirked again. "But your still not as goof looking as this guy!" He pointed to himself.

I shoved him playfully. "Shut up," I said. "When have you ever had a girlfriend?"

"Oh, come on," he said. "Miss Martian's totally digging the Wallman!" He stopped himself. "I-I mean..." he groaned.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, it's too late now," KF said with a sheepish grin. "My identity, my name, I pretty much just told you. It's Wally."

"Oh?" I asked.

"Now, don't tell Batman, alright?"

I smirked. "As long as you tell me everyone else's names. I mean, the reason you took off my mask is because I've gotta get some new clothes." I glanced down at the worn out hand me downs from Kid-er, Wally. "I should know your civilian names so no one thinks I'm crazy for calling you your hero names."

"Fine," Wally said. "Come on."

We walked towards the bio ship with a ton of bags in our hands. "You know, I really didn't need all this-"

"For the tenth time," Wally said. "Shut up."

"Come on, Dick," Megan said. "Didn't you have fun?"

I shrugged. I guess it was kinda fun...but I wouldn't admit it. "I don't know. I just wish Batman hadn't made me wear these," I said, pointing to my sunglasses. "It's not like anyone would recognize me."

"He just doesn't want Slade to get a hold of you," Wally said.

I shrugged. "He couldn't if he wanted to."

"You should not underestimate Deathstroke," Kaldur said. "He would recognize you from a mile away."

"But we're not even in Gotham," I complained. "We're in Star City. He wouldn't think to look here."

"Let's just get back to the mountain," Megan said. I sighed and complied, sitting down on the weird seats in the bio ship. It was actually my first time inside, and I had to admit that it was really weird.

"Do you think we can watch a movie when we get back?" Wally asked. "And have popcorn."

Kaldur shrugged. "Unless Batman has a mission for us."

"Sweet!" Wally exclaimed. "What do you think, Dick?"

I shrugged. "Sure. I haven't seen very many movies. Only the one's I've seen at the mountain."

Wrong Parent (Dick Grayson)Where stories live. Discover now