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This was pretty much my life for about three years. I never knew that the building I stayed in was called Cadmus. I didn't even know about the clone of Superman that was going on right under my nose. Not until the night I was rescued.

The tests that had been done on me died down and I was getting bored. Even Deathstroke didn't bother me. Boredom was my fatal weakness, and when I was finally set free to fight some "villains" that broke in, I was giddy with excitement.

I was dressed in my Renegade costume, which looked like Slade's but with a different mask. I took my weapons and ran towards the intruders, hiding in the shadows. No one gave me a second look. A kid with a sword in his hand and explosives at his belt.

I peaked around the corner and saw three teenagers dressed in strange outfits. They were entering a room that I had always been restricted to me. Praying Slade wouldn't find out, I followed the teens.

I finally figured out why I wasn't allowed in this part of the lab. This is where Cadmus was cloning Superman. I kept back as the Clone attacked the teens. I wasn't stupid. The clone was unstable and was driven by pure anger and could easily rip me to shreds, no matter how many times I stabbed him with my sword. I was a little disappointed that he'd be taking away my fun.

I watches as the teens were easily taken down by the clone. This was my chance! The clone was distracted and I could take him down. Just a little practice for me. I rarely got to face other opponents than Slade, and this clone had super strength. I walked as quietly as I could towards him. I totally forgot about his super hearing. He spun around to face me, a giant next to me. He swung out to punch me, but I was too fast for him. I let out one of my eerie cackles and backflipped away from him. His reflexes were much slower than mine. He was way bigger, but I was at the advantage here.

He didn't seem to have all of Superman's powers, however. He couldn't fly and he couldn't use laser vision. He threw a punch at me, but I ducked it. He was caught off guard and I ran into his legs at full force, knocking him off his feet.

I cackled again and turned to report to Deathstroke. What I didn't know, is that the clone wasn't knocked out. His hand shot out and grabbed my be the leg, pulling me off my feet. He stood up, holding me upside down. "Hey!" I yelled, trying to get free. "That's not fair!"

"Life's not fair," the clone grumbled.

"If my Master finds out about this-"

A door opened and a man I'd seen before, but didn't know that name of, walked through. He was followed by Slade and Guardian. I swallowed and went limp in the clone's hands. I'd failed, and I would be punished for it.

"But the boy down, Superboy," the older man said. Superboy obliged and dropped me on my head. I got up, unfazed, and slowly walked to Deathstroke's side, head bowed in shame. Deathstroke didn't even look at me. I gulped silently.

The clone was starting to put the other teens into pods. The older man turned to me. "Stand guard, Renegade."

I glanced up at Slade. He nodded. "Redeem yourself, and do not fail me this time."

I bowed low. "Yes, master."

I walked so I was facing the three pods. I heard the others leave. I couldn't fail this time.

About an hour later, the teens woke up. I didn't say a word to them.

"Who are you?" The yellow one in the middle asked.

I said nothing. I was taught never to talk to the prisoners.

"What's a kid like you doing in a place like this?" The one in red asked.

"Please," the blonde one said. "We can help you."

"I don't need your help," I growled. "This is my home and I'm not suppose to talk to you, or my Master will-" I stopped myself. I couldn't let them know what Deathstroke did to me when I disobey. I clenched my teeth and stayed silent.

"Master?" The one in yellow asked. "What are you, a slave?"

I didn't answer.

"You are?"

"No," I growled. "I'm an apprentice."

"An apprentice to Deathstroke?" The one in yellow asked. "I thought he was heartless, no offense."

I shrugged. I felt my guard going down. These heroes would never be able to get out of this alive. I could tell them whatever I want. All I really wanted to do was rant to someone. "None taken."

"So...what's your name?" The one in red asked.

"Renegade," I answered.

"Why are you working for Deathstroke?" The blonde one asked.

Because he'll hurt me if I don't! "My parents died when I was a kid. He took me in."

"What does he make you do?" The blonde teen asked.

I bit my lip for a second. "I don't have to answer to you."

"Please, Renegade," the blonde teen said. "We can help you. If you just set us free, we'll make sure that Deathstroke never hurts you again."

For a second, I felt a spark of hope. I could be free? The very thought made me want to smile. I haven't done that genuinely in a long time.

The door opened and I snapped to attention, expecting to see Deathstroke, but it was just Superman's clone. He walked in looking grim. He glanced at me, but didn't say a word. He just stared at the teens in the pods.

There was an awkward silence for a while. The clone broke it by turned to me. "Could you just leave already?"

I lifted an eyebrow. "You could've just said so." I walked out of the room, but quickly climbed into the vent to listen in on the teens and the clone's conversation.

"We can help you, Superboy," the dark skinned one said. I must have missed some of their conversation, but I listened anyway.

"Yeah," the archer said. "We can show you the sun."

"Actually, it's probably past midnight," the one in yellow said. "But we can show you the moon. And you can meet Superman."

It sounded like they were going to convince him. I was about to wiggle out of the vent and go with them. I wanted a one-way ticket out of here. Suddenly, I heard the door slam open. There was shouting, but I didn't catch what it said, but a few words like "clone" "dispose" and "originals"

I put it together. They were going to clone the teens. My way out was gonna be killed!

Praying Deathstroke wasn't down there, I made my way back to the lab. I crept to where the teens were. I heard their screams and used them to my advantage. They would hide my footsteps.

Heard someone coming. I hid myself as a couple of scientists brought Superboy away from the teens.

After they passed, I ran into the lab and quickly ran to the machine. I pulled out cords and the electricity finally stopped. The teen in yellow flashed me a weak smile.

I went up to the archer and took a lock picking device out of my pocket. I was just finishing setting him free when the door slammed open. Superboy ran to the other two teens and crushed their bonds, freeing them.

Before I could feel satisfied, however, someone grabbed me. "You're confused, Renegade," the voice said. It was the scientists that had done all sorts of tests on me. I struggled to get free of his grip, but he plunged something into my neck. I gasped, still struggling, but the fight slowly draining out of me and my vision going dark.

"Renegade!" I heard someone shout. It sounded like the kid in yellow. That was the last thing I remember before everything went dark.

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