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"I don't get it!" Wally said, throwing his homework off the couch. "I hate algebra!"

"Don't ask me to explain it," I said. "I'm thirteen and never stepped into a school building in my life."

"Lucky you," Wally grumbled.

"Come on," I said. "It can't be that bad."

"Trust me," Wally said, looking completely serious. "It's hell on earth."

"Oh, it's not that bad," said a voice behind us. We turned to see Artemis standing there with her hands on her hips. She walked over, grabbed Wally's homework, and shoved it into his hands. "This is easy!"

"Nuh uh!" Wally said, crossing his arms. "If you think your so smart, why don't you do it?"

"No way," Artemis said. "How about I explain it to you."

Wally groaned in response. I snickered and got up, letting Artemis have my spot and going off to do something much more fun than algebra. I went to grab a snack from the kitchen and was mentally disturbed for life when I walked in on Megan and Superboy making out. I silently gagged and backed out of the room so the wouldn't see me.

I walked up to Kaldur's room and knocked. "Hey, Kaldur? Will you train with me?" I asked. There was no answer. Oh yeah...Kaldur's busy helping Aquaman save Atlantis or whatever right now. I went to my cell and flopped down on my bed. I picked up my laptop and turned it on, sitting up, thinking about a word to butcher today. I was about to hack Wally's Facebook page when a message popped up on the screen. Curious, I opened the message. What I read made my blood run cold and my face pale. My worst nightmares were coming true and the world was crashing down on me.

Hello, Renegade, the message read. Don't think of yelling for help or telling the Justice League or the little baby team of yours about this or Flash Jr. just might have a little...accident, when you next train. If you don't do exactly what I say, you will be taken by force by me in five days.

Now, first things first, do what I raised you to do. Kill Batman, no hesitations like with Tony Zucco and if your wondering, yes. I planned that. Too bad the Kiddy League stopped you. You could have finally destroyed the man who ruined your life.

Second if all, you must betray your so called friends. They must not find out this, however or they will suspect that I'm in control of this.

I'll be watching you, Renegade. Remember that, apprentice.


I stared at the screen for three whole minutes, almost forgetting how to breath, and still they came in raspy gasps. I shut my laptop, but the words seemed to be branded in my brain. "No," I whispered. "No, no, no!"

I could feel a panic attack rising up inside of me. I couldn't let the team see me like that or they'd ask questions. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Stop, I said. It's just a threat. It's not like he sent you a video.

Ah, another voice said in my head. He couldn't risk a video in case you opened it in front of the team.

He probably made sure I was alone.

You know Slade's smarter than that.

I gulped. I did. Slade knew how to turn every situation to his advantage.

If Slade comes for me...the team and the League can stop him.

But why would they? I'm sure they'd be glad to get rid of you...

No! Wally wouldn't-

Wally doesn't care about you. Your a carnival rat. No one cares about you. You're a Gypsy, an outsider.

No, the team's like my family-

What about the circus. Wasn't the circus your family too? They still let Slade get you. What makes the team any different. What makes Wally any different. He's not your brother. He's not even an annoying third cousin twice removed. To him, your just a little kid he pities. Trust me, at the first chance he gets, he'll abandon you.

"No!" I shouted, near tears. "Get out of my head!"


I spun around to see Wally and Artemis standing outside my cell door. "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing," I said.

"Are you sure?" Artemis asked. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"It was...just a nightmare, that's all," I lied, my voice shaking.

"But you weren't asleep," Wally pointed out.

"Ever hear of a daydream? Or daymare for that matter. I'm totally not turbed!" I said, trying to sound like my normal self and smiled. "I'm fine, trust me."

"Well, everyone's gonna watch a movie, if you want to join us."

"We're having a Star Wars marathon."

I nodded. "I'll be right there," I promised.

Wally and Artemis nodded, though seemed a little reluctant to leave.

"I'm fine," I answered.

"We know, we know," Wally said. He ushered Artemis away.

I ran my fingers through my hair and took a deep breath. "Okay, Dick," I said aloud. "It's gonna be okay. Five days to figure this all out. Easy. You won't kill Batman and you won't betray the team."

My laptop then got a notification. The breath caught in my throat. I wanted to leave it, but curiosity got the best of me. I slowly opened my laptop and read the message.

Are you sure about that?


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