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"Please!" I begged Batman.

"I already told you no," the man said sternly.

"But I-"

"You've been trained to be an assassin. You won't be able to fight crime without killing someone."

"But what if you train me?" I asked.

"Me?" Batman asked. "Why?"

"Because I don't have powers and you can re teach me how not to hurt people when I fight," I said, trying to sound innocent. "Just three hours a week. Maybe two. It's not like I'm needed for every single mission anyway."

"I don't have time," Batman said.

"But if I don't, who will I learn from?" I asked, hurt that the Dark Knight would throw me to the side like that.

"You'll train with Black Canary just like the rest of the team."

I inwardly groaned. "Fine."


I was thrown off my feet once again by Superboy. I didn't know why, but he didn't seem to like me very much. Why did Canary insist upon us being partners? If he really wanted to, Superboy could kill me just by pressing a single finger on the wrong spot. I was small for my age already. Being next to Superboy made me feel even smaller.

"I think that's enough training for today," Canary said as Superboy helped me up, not looking too happy about it. I turned to her. "But I didn't learn anything!"

Canary shrugged. "Sorry, Dick, but you'll just have to wait until the next session."

I sighed. "Fine."

Wally came up behind me and grabbed me under the arms, placing me on his shoulders. I let out a yelp of surprise. "There!" Wally said with a grin. "Now you can beat Supes no problem!"

"Wally, put me down this instant!" I shouted.

"No way, little bro," the speedster said with a smirk. He started to run and I held on for dear life, screaming, "Wallace West, you turd! Put me down!" I tugged on his hair to try and stop him, but he didn't seem to mind.

"Come on, Dick!" Wally said. "Lighten up and have some fun!"

"This is demeaning!"

"Aw, your so cute when you use big words!"

Wally skidded to a stop and I jumped off of him, face flushed with embarrassment. "I'm not some little kid!"

"News flash, Dickie," he said with a smirk. "But you are."

I growled at him. "Don't ever call me Dickie again."

"Hm..." Wally seemed to think about it. "But it just rolls so easily off the tongue..."

"I will end you," I growled.

"Try. I dare you," Wally said, leaning down to my level. "If you can catch me!" He ran away as fast as he could.

"Come out and fight you coward!" I yelled, running off after him.


The whole fiasco ended with me sitting on top of Wally while holding him in a headlock.

"Great training, huh?" Wally forced out.

"Training?" I asked, letting him out of the headlock. "That wasn't-"

"Sure it was," he interrupted. "Not all training is about attack. This one tested your speed and stuff."

I got off him then helped him up. "Deathstroke never let me have any training that was fun. I mean, not like that was fun or anything. It was very immature."

"For once in your life will you just admit you're a kid and fun isn't something to avoid like the plague." Wally asked.


I honestly have no idea if I'm writing Dick as a super serious past assassin or a wise cracking, immature child. I guess a little bit of both. Maybe he's bipolar...

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