Chapter 1

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"CarlyAnne Spears, get off your bottom, and come downstairs for school!"

Ew was the first thing that I thought. School is a hit or miss for me. I don't mind education. I actually find it quite enjoyable and important. I value my education, but I hate the people who are involved in my education. That includes Jack Samuel, Keely Heart, and Zander Barns.

The jock, the stuck up bitch, and the bad boy. 

I'm a nerd, I can't deny it. I'm a good student and a quiet girl. I keep to myself, yet some people just find any reason to make my day worse. My parents are very successful and we are very well off. It's not my fault, but apparently to Jack, Keely, and Zander, I'm the reason for my parents success.

Little do they know that I am actually really confident in myself. I could stand up for myself if I really needed to, but I find it easier to just take the stupid insults they throw my way and deal with it.

So, I guess school it is. I took a shower and put on my clothes. Nothing nice, a pair of leggings and a purple T-shirt that has the logo of the hospital my parents work at on it. I put on my "glasses" and went downstairs. I wear glasses and they're fake, but it kind is the stereotypical  outfit for the nerd. I have an alter ego at school and outside of school. I'm complete opposites. With that alter ego comes the glasses. It seems stupid and inexplainable, but it's necessary for my safety.

I remember the day I walked down the stairs with them on.

"CarlyAnne, you don't need glasses." My mom said, obviously confused. I expected that, so I had come up with a half assed excuse.

"Yeah, mom, I know. But I figured they're trendy and maybe could make school a little better for me." I told my mother. She knew I wasn't the most popular at school. I knew she wouldn't put up a fight.

"Okay dear, if it makes you fit in. Now go, you'll be late."

Besides a comment here and there, my mom hasn't complained much about them since. I quickly got a banana and said goodbye to my picture perfect parents. I attempted reminding my mom that I would like to be called Carly instead of CarlyAnne.

She scolded me and told me it was more elegant as I was walking out of our elegant house and to my elegant car. The cherry red, 2016, Ford Mustang Convertible sat in the garage. Maybe not elegant, but definitely expensive. This car was my death trap. I wouldn't mind a beaten up car from the junk yard like many other teens from my school. So maybe not beaten up or from the junk yard, but not so attention grabbing. 

I got in the car and put down the hood. I understand that my parents spoiled me with this car, and I honestly wouldn't mind if they took it back, yet it's a nice car and I will put the nice features to use. I will use all of the nice features besides the horse power.

My brother, Zack, died in a car accident at the age of 16, so about 4 years ago. He was my best friend, I could always go to him. Despite our normal arguments and constant insults thrown back and forth, we had each others backs. 

Some moron was drunk and speeding and they hit him. I cried for about a year, cried myself to sleep, went to the bathrooms and cried. The only thing that stopped me from crying was fighting. Eventually the pain got better, but it never disappeared, and I don't think it ever will. 

Anyways, that's why I don't drive fast in my car because I don't want to kill myself or anyone.

My midnight black hair, that went to the middle of my back, whipped in the wind. My green eyes were full of boredom or so I observed as I looked at myself in the rear view mirror.

Nerd By Day, Street Fighter By Night (COMPLETED, but editing)Where stories live. Discover now