Chapter 14

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"So yeah." Zander ends his long rant.

"Okay, well I say we forget about it and each other. I say we go back to the way things were before I got that detention. Okay? Okay. Tfios moment, but okay." Zander looks at me like I'm crazy. Was it the movie reference?

"You want me to bully you again?" He asked astonished.

"Not necessarily bully me, but act like you've never met me." He stares, dumbfounded. I am too. I can't believe what I'm telling him. I like his company. When he's not a jerk, he's actually quite tolerable. I hate that I'm saying this, but in the long run, I know it's the best, for both of us.

"But Calry, we know each others biggest secret. I can't just, just let go like that."

"Well you have to, bye Zander. It was fun while it lasted." I smirk, this sounds like I'm telling him I don't want to be his sex toy anymore, or I'm just crazy and thinking it sounds like that. He gets up and walks out, sticking the middle finger up, and slamming the door. Seriously, this whole conversation has been déjà vu.

Once Zander and I sat down, he started talking about how we are either going to talk at school or not. He said things like we know each others biggest secret, so what are we going to do about it. To say that I hadn't been wondering the same thing would be a lie. It was all I could focus on. What are Zander and I? If you asked me that question a few months ago I would've laughed and said that he only knows me as a nerd whose taking up oxegyn. Now, I don't know. Are we friends? Are we acquaintances? I have no idea and I don't think he has any idea either.

I finally came to the decision that we should go back to the old way when I realized there wasn't any drama that way. If we kept on hanging out, drama was bound to happen eventually. His father is the leader of a fricking gang, not to mention the best one in the city. Definitely too much drama. If we go back to the way things were, our lives wouldn't mix. It'd be better that way. With Zander out of my life, I can focus on school and fighting. The only things that matter in my life. Speaking of fighting, I need to go to the gym to recover. My torn ligaments have been healing the past two weeks, but to get back into fighting, I need to work my way into it. I didn't ask my regular doctor about fighting. I asked my fighting doctor, Dr.Pioto. She is my doctor for my fighting. When I get hurt in the ring, I just go to her and she fixes me up. She doesn't know who I really am though. She calls me midnight and that's all she knows about me. If she really cared, she could probably find out, but as long as I pay her, she seems pretty happy. A knock interrupts my thinking and I get to my feet to answer it. I put my empty coffee mug on the coffee table and walk to the front door.

Opening it, I'm dumbfounded, amazed, scared. Who knew he would ever be back?

"Brian." I say, I'm not going to show him that he scares me. I'm not going to allow my nervousness to show.

"C," he smirks knowing it irritates me, whether I make a comment on it or not. It brings back memories, what I would like to think of as bad, but are actually some of the happiest times of my life. The pet name kills me and he knows it, "I have an offer." The happy memories stop playing like a slide show in my brain and I give him an annoyed expression.

"And I'm not interested." I tell him. I close the door, but Brian sticks him foot in between the door and doorframe.

"You haven't even heard it C." There he goes with that name again.

"I don't need to hear it to know that I'm not interested. Anything that involves you is bad news." I tell him, standing my ground.

"You can't say that C," he's such a tease. Like a five year old trying to get on my nerves and nevertheless, he's successful, "what about all those months of hard work. The happy memories." I roll my eyes at his comment.

"You ended up breaking my heart, so in the end, you're bad news." I tell him, once again trying to close the door, but he keeps his foot planted.

"Look, Randy is an idiot-"

"I'm sure he wouldn't like to hear that from you."

"I mean when it comes to you, you didn't let me finish. Randy is an idiot when it comes to you. He thinks offering over and over again will make you come to our side."

"Awe, your not going to say 'come to the dark side' like in the movies? Why am I even standing here any longer?" I tease. Why am I standing here any longer?

"Shut up C," gosh that pet name really kills me, "Randy doesn't understand how you work. You aren't afraid to say no. If you don't want something, you don't want it. Peer pressure won't make you crack."

"Wow, you actually learnt something from our relationship. Round of a plause." Sarcasm drips from my voice, but I can't help it, it's how I am. I don't even think about it before I say it, I just do. Brian glares at me.

"Okay smart ass. Let's see how you feel about this. Come to the Cobra's, or else we will tell the whole school that you are Midnight." My eyes widen and I swear I hear gasps.

"Brian, you can't do that."

"C, I can, and will. You have a week to decide. If you don't decide by then your secret corms out. Now I'll move my foot so that you can close your door." He pulls his foot from the position it's in and starts walking away from my house.

"You won't do it!" I yell as he's walking away.

"Oh, but I will." He says and gets into his car. And I know he isn't lying. He will.

Word count:1,070
So I have company, yay! But it will be hard to update. I'm just saying get used to these midnight updates and short authors notes. Cause I'm tired and don't have the time to write anymore. But 100 reads!!! That's crazy. Who would think? Not me! So I just want to say thanks for that, I love you all.

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Lots of love,

Nerd By Day, Street Fighter By Night (COMPLETED, but editing)Where stories live. Discover now