Chapter 25

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Monday mornings suck...majorly. Nobody wants to go to school, not the students, not the teachers, and definitely not me. Although it'd be easy to skip school, I think I probably should go considering I've missed a lot of school the past 2 months, starting with my car crash. I definitely won't graduate at this rate and I really need to graduate. I just need to get out of this damn house. I need to get out of this damn town. I just need to leave. And if I want to leave, I have to graduate so I can go to college far, far away. I've already sent some applications in, but I won't know if I'm accepted until the spring, it's only December. And if I keep up this attendance, my acceptation percent won't be very high. Therefore, I have to go to school.

I roll out of bed and look at myself in the mirror. I then get in the shower and wash my greasy hair. I'm so tired. I didn't get much sleep last night due to my thoughts. And when I did fall asleep, I would be woken back up from my nightmares. This 'being in a gang' is really taking a toll on my sleeping schedule. After my shower I brush my teeth and then wrap a towel around myself and find a pair of black yoga pants that make my butt look huge. I then go over to my drawer and look for a shirt. I end up with a plain mint green long sleeve Vineyard Vines shirt. I apply a bit of makeup, just some foundation to cover up my blackheads and concealer for the dark circles under my eyes, and that's when I spot it. There on my neck is a huge fucking hickey. I want to yell at the top of my lungs and curse Zander to hell. I didn't know he sucked on my neck that much yesterday, jeez. I close my eyes and count.



3...Zander might die today


5...I'm going to kill Zander today



8...He will not make it through the day alive



I let out a breath and examine the hickey closely. It's fucking huge!! I groan in annoyance and apply more foundation on it. Once I'm done, I get my glasses, put them on, grab my backpack, and walk downstairs, still grumbling about Zander's hickey.

"Ms.CarlyAnne? Any breakfast?" Maria asks me and I look at my phone.

"Um, I'm running a bit late. A banana will be good. I'm not even that hungry right now, I'll eat it later at school." I tell her.

Maria nods and get me my banana. I put it in my bag and I'm out the door. I get in my car and start it up, riding off to hell. As I reach the parking lot, it's abnormally quiet. I ignore it and walk into school to see the whole student body staring at something. I push my way through the bodies, ignoring the profanities yelled at me. Once I reach the front, I see two people who I didn't think I would see. There is Zander pinning Brian down to the ground.

"You were going to tell anyways! You little fucker." I suck in a breath and realize Brian would tell everyone about my fighting, 'girlfriend' or not. I walk into the mess and pull Zander off.

"Zander, get off. I can handle my own problems." I tell him in frustration.

"He's being a fucking bastard Carly! How can you let this happen!" He yells at me. In that time Brian got up and I look over at him.

"You fucking bastard!" I yell at him.

"Oh come on C, you know I don't want to do this!" He tells me.

"I don't know what you want, but as far as I know, we aren't together, we will never be together again. Now I advise you leave my school." I calmly state.

"C," he steps forward and try's placing his hand on my forearm.

"Don't fucking," I pull my arm back, "touch me!" I swing my arm and knock him in the jaw. He stumbles back with a look of pain in his eyes.

"Please believe me." He whispers so only I can hear.

"Leave." I sternly say and he does. He turns around and makes his way through the students and out the school doors.

"Mind your own fucking business!" I yell at everyone. They all separate and make their way to their lockers. I then grab Zander's hand and pull him to follow me. We walk up a few staircases until we reach the end where there's a door. I take a bobby pin out of my hair and unlock the door, walking into the little storage closet. I flick on the lights and glare at Zander.

"What? I was just making sure you didn't get discovered." He innocently says.

"I know, that's not why I'm pissed!" I yell at him and he looks very confused. I hear voices and stop moving.

"Did you hear that Keely?" She asks.

"Yeah, I wonder who's up here." I put a finger to my lip and yell Zander to follow me. I start climbing up the ladder and then turn the handle that opens the trap door. I climb up and get out, Zander following behind.

"Wow," he breathes out.

"I know." I tell him.

"No, I meant your ass. Damn it looks good in those yoga pants, but the views pretty nice too." I glare and shove him, "hey chika?"

"What?" I snap. He grabs my head and licks his finger, running it over the spot I spent ten minutes trying to cover up today.

"That's better." He whispers.

"You fucking asshole! You knew!" I yelled.

"Yeah I did, it looks great on you."

"Ughh! Zander! It's huge!" I yell.

"That's what she said." He jokes.

I groan in annoyance. Damn him.

"I hate you." I groan.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" He asks concerned.

"Stop trying to change the subject!" I yell.

"No seriously, you look really tired." He says rubbing his thumb under my eyes. And that's when I realized how close we are. I look up at him and our eyes meet.

"Zander I'm fine." I whisper with the little voice I have left. He leans closer.

"You aren't. I can help." He says.

"I don't need your help." I say leaning into his hands more, involuntarily shivering.

"Chika, you may not know it, but you'll always need my help." He whispers and that's when I can't handle it. I look at his lips and back at his eyes and give in.

I crash my lips onto Zander's.

Word count:1,132

I'm so sorry guys!!! I told you all I was taking a little break because I wasn't motivated any more and then my "little break" turned out being about 5 months. I'm so sorry!! I wanted to write all that time, i really did, but I couldn't. It was so hard trying to write, but not feeling it. In that time I was active on wattpad. I read a lot of amazing books. I'm so sorry. In that time I also started writing a new book. I have not published it yet, but I'm really into it. If you want me to be honest, I was thinking of discontinuing this book overall, but I couldn't do that because I've come so far. Last night I was scrolling through wattpad looking for something to read or do cause I just finished my book and I saw this. I honestly forgot the plot so I spent all last night reading trough my book. It took some time but I remember everything now. I believe this chapter will make people happy and I hope you all forgive me. Writing is harder than I thought and I don't know when my next update will be. It may be tomorrow, it may be a week, it may be a month. I really hope you can forgive me. I didn't want to stop writing, but I had to. But I'm back and as I said I don't know how long, but I'm trying guys. I love you all and thanks for understanding. Comment and vote!!

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And for the first time in a while
Lots of love,

Nerd By Day, Street Fighter By Night (COMPLETED, but editing)Where stories live. Discover now