Chapter 12

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"What happened to Brian?" I heard my mother's distant voice in the hospital room. I didn't open my eyes. I just sat and listened to my parents conversation.

"I don't know. I thought they were still dating, but I have no idea who this guy is." My father says. I feel Zander roll a bit. My parents are so absent in my life. If they only paid more attention to me, they would know that Brian and I broke up shortly after Zack's death. If my eyes were open, I would roll them. Zander stirs again and squeezes my hand tightly. I realize he's also awake, listening to my parents conversation. I open my eyes and my parents both have their eyes glued to their phones. Probably something about work. I clear my throat, but they don't look up. They don't even realize that there was a random noise. I clear it once again in a very obnoxious way that catches their attention this time.

"Oh, you're awake." My mom says. I nod and she gives me the look of wanting an explanation. I look at Zander just as his eyes flutter open. He sits up when he sees my fathers glare, and gets out of bed.

"Um, I'm going to leave now." Zander awkwardly states. He give my parents a nod of acknowledgement and a small smile at me.

"Who was that?" My father asks in his professional, businessman, kind of way. I look him over, suit and all. He even has the briefcase next to the hospital chair. I look at my mother. Even with the small baby bump, she looks like your typical businesswoman. A tight pencil skirt and blouse. Outside of the hospital, they wear typical businessperson clothes. Considering the fact that they were just on a business trip in Australia, I'm not surprised by their attire. It's ironic, they're wearing their outside of work outfits at work.

"Just a friend who was at the crash," I mumble. My mother puts her hand up to hear ear as in telling me to come again, "A friend who was at the crash." I repeat, louder and more annunciated than last time.

"What happened to Brian?" My mother asks. I look at my father, but he's just staring out the window.

"We broke up a while ago." I tell them. My mother nods and my father turns back towards me.

"Your brother was the victim CarlyAnne. You were the culprit. Why did you speed even after you knew what happened to your brother?" My father asks, finally speaking.


"I mean, it's so disrespectful towards him." My father interrupts. Disrespectful? I am sure as hell not, not disrespectful towards my brother. I'm not the one who ignores their other child. I'm not the one who compares their child with their sibling. I'm not the one trying to replace my dead son! That's them!

"It's funny. You guys totally ignore me, but I become the disrespectful one."

"There you go! Disrespecting us, once again. Your brother would never do this."

"I'm not Zack! Zack is one of a kind. I can't just magically be him after he dies. I understand you miss him and I do too, but it's disrespectful comparing your two children. Now leave. You're just here to pay the bills and confirm that you were notified of my accident anyways. Once I'm out of the hospital, you'll go back to ignoring me. Leave. Come back once you get some common sense." My parents look at me shocked.

"Disrespect CarlyAnne! I won't take it!"

"It's Carly you fucking asshole. Now leave." My mother who has been standing the whole time finally makes a move and gets my fathers attention, ushering him out of the room.

"Your brother would hate that you acted like this towards us!" My father yells before leaving the room. Would Zack hate me for acting this way towards our parents? I think they deserved it, but is that what Zack would have thought? I look out the window. He would. If he were in here with me, as soon as my parents left, he would of started clapping. He would've patted me on the back for standing up for myself. He would be proud of me, not hate me. The door handle jiggles and I look towards it to see my mother come through. She doesn't say anything, but walks over and sits down on the edge of the hospital bed.

"We meant that we wish you were more careful, your father just had a different way of saying that," My mother says after about five minutes of silence. I role my eyes, "We understand that it was an accident, your father just got caught in the moment. Your brother wouldn't hate you for how you reacted honey. He would of been proud of you. He's not here, but at least you still have the memories. You know him. He would of asked for an encore." She chuckles, tears in her eyes, "Your father and brother had a very close relationship, you know that. Even if it's been a while since the death, about four years actually, he's had a really hard time getting over it. He just wants your brother back and since he can't have that, he wants you to be Zack. But sweetie, he loves you for you too. He loves you so much that he has a hard time showing it. We know that this whole situation was an accident. We aren't here to just pay the bills and confirm that we were informed. I what to know if you're okay," her voices cracks and a tear runs down her cheek, "Just tell me," she sniffs and a tear rolls down my cheek too, "are you okay?"

"I'm okay mommy." I hug her as tight as I can. We may not have a moment like this for a while. My mother always understood me better than my father.

"That's good. I'm going to go talk to your father now," I nod and we both wipe our faces clean of tears. The red, puffy eyes are still there and you can tell we were crying, but it looks better than before. She stands up off the bed and starts walking towards the door, just to stop. She turns around and faces me, "And don't think you got off the hook. I want to hear everything about that boy." I roll my eyes and smile as she leaves the room. That felt almost normal.

Word count:1,093
I love this chapter. I'm cutting it close today. Trying to get these chapters up day by day. Remember, July 18 to the 23rd I won't be as active because I will be away at sleep away camp.

So! I'm wondering who my Ari fans are. Who caught the little little line from her song Thinking 'Bout You?

The line was I may not have you here with me, but at least I have the memories. I love that song. Fun fact, it's my favorite song from her Dangerous Woman album. I was listening to it when writing that part and I thought it fit. So yeah!

Once again, this is going to be short and sweet. Talk to me if you want!

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Lots of love,

Nerd By Day, Street Fighter By Night (COMPLETED, but editing)Where stories live. Discover now