Chapter 2

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My next two periods, English and art, flew by. Besides a few snarky comments from Keely and judgmental glances from Jack, nothing that attention grabbing happened. That, I was grateful for.

I sat down at my usual lunch table in the corner. I was all alone, but it was probably for the best. Having a friend, just one, would be too complicated with my life outside of school. They wouldn't get it even if I did tell them. Overall, me having no friends was probably for the best.

I was alone in the corner. The populars in the middle, the average people surround them, and the others sat around the average people. I happened to sit around the others, that's how lonely I am. That is how it has always been and how, I think, it will always be. It didn't bother me though, I'm used to this.

I opened my lunch bag and pulled out my ham and cheese sandwich that our cook made for me. I was completely capable of doing it myself, I mean it's a ham and cheese sandwich. Not much of a complicated, gourmet meal if you ask me, yet my mother insists. I know cooks and maids get paid and all, yet it seems like they are your slaves and I hate every bit of it. My mom always insists though.

Our services, as mom calls them, only work when my parents are home. They only get paid for when my parents are there so, why should I have them when I'm home alone until 2:00 am? It makes no sense to have at least one adult with a high schooler when the high schooler is home alone until 2:00 am. Especially when that family is rich and owns a lot of stuff a robber would want. I mean seriously, why should I have an adult with me? That's just nonsense!


I finish my lunch and throw away my trash. I walk to the library to get my homework done. A bunch of assignments have been building up and I, being too busy or lazy, haven't started one. Therefore, I found myself in the library doing these assignments. I always get good grades when I work last minute though, so it all works out.

The bell rang and I packed up my books. I walked, kidding, who can actually walk in the hallways? Excuse me, I meant I was pushed and stumbled to my locker to get my books for fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh period. Exciting! More school.


I shuffled into detention. After lunch my day was average. Once again, I got a few snarky comments and looks from the people who think they're so much better than me, yet the day was almost over and I know I can make it.

I tried. I tried to give myself a pep talk. I really did, but the thought of an hour of just Zander and I, just doesn't seem possible. I walked in to see Mr. Smith. He was at his desk grading papers. I looked at the big fat F on one and then looked at the name. I could've predicted that, it's Zander's test.

"Ms. Spears, it's nice to see you have joined us, considering the fact that you didn't join us for the first part of class." Cue the eye rolling. I took a seat and waited. I started to catch up on those piles of assignment. The door opened.

"Ahhhh, Mr. Barns. You happen to be half and hour late. That doesn't count as part of your time. You were going to stay here until 3:30, but now it will have to be when CarlyAnne leaves, which is 4:00."

Nobody else was in the room and out of all the empty desks, Zander chose the one next to me. Dumbass. I continue on my homework until I hear loud snores. I look next to me and Zander was staring out the window. That means, yup. As I turned my head I saw Mr. Smith with his head on his desk, fast asleep.

"Wait, just 2 minutes, then he will be in a deep sleep and we can do whatever we want. He sets a timer for his naps so we can't leave." Zander spoke up. I raised my eyebrows considering the fact that Zander knew that, but then again, bad boy and detention go together. I was planning on doing the rest of my homework, but Mr. Smith's snoring takes away from the quietness, so I closed my book.

"I had somewhere to be right now." I said. I was disappointed with him even though it wasn't his fault. It was all Keely, but Zander was here to complain to. Therefore, he would get an earful.

"Well me too, I have something tonight that I need to practice for." Same I thought, but couldn't say it. "What?" His head snapped up. Again with the saying my thought out loud, damn.

"Ummm, nothing I just said that I have somewhere to be and you said you need to practice for something and I said same, because I do." I rambled. He looked like he half bought it.

"Where do you have to be?" He asked me suspiciously.

"Where do you have to be?" I was honestly interested in what the bad boy had to practice for in which the event would happen tonight.

"I asked you first." He said. Ugh, I hate that rule.

"A dress rehearsal." I said.

"You need to practice for a dress rehersal?" He asked very confused.
"Yeah. I need to practice my dance so I don't mess up during rehearsal because if I mess up during the rehearsal I will really fuck up during the show. So how about you?" I said changing the subject.

"Places." Oh secretive. I didn't question him any longer for Mr. Smith's nap timer went off. I looked up at the clock and it was already 4:00. I was out. I stood and walked away into the parking lot.

I got into my car and drove home. I walked inside and went to my room. My parents didn't come home until late. They had to get the money somewhere. They are both surgeons. My mother a plastic surgeon and my father a pediatric surgeon. They left around 3:00 p.m. and got home around 2:00 a.m.

I got into bed and watched Gossip Girl. After a few episodes of that, I went downstairs and cooked dinner. I made a quick and easy, Mac and cheese. Heavenly. My adrenaline was starting to build up as it got later and laterz I worked on some assignments and finished up by 11:30. I wasn't done, I just stopped because I had to get going.

I went downstairs and into my garage to grab my motorcycle. Why would my parents get me that? I told them I would fit in with it and as I said they spoil me, so I sometimes use it to my advantage. I pulled out and went to the warehouse.

Time to fight.

Word count:1,169
Edited: 5/30/20
Editing this is really making me cringe at my original writing. It's still pretty cringe, but I'm trying to keep it as close to the original as possible.
Lots of love,

Nerd By Day, Street Fighter By Night (COMPLETED, but editing)Where stories live. Discover now