Chapter 5

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"See you at the fight!" Lanna waved to me as I drove out of the parking lot. I had about 1 hour until the fight. I was pumped. I still don't know who I'm fighting though.

As I got home, I walked inside wondering what should I do. I decided to watch an episode of Gossip Girl because well duh, it's Gossip Girl. I'm literally a Gossip Girl freak! Call me obsessed! I don't care if I've watched all of the seasons 3 times and I'm on my fourth. Okay, I kind of have an obsession.

As I was in the middle of the episode when Chuck was waiting for Blair at the top of the Empire State Building, one of my personal favorites, my doorbell rang, that's odd. I didn't bother looking through my peephole because who does that. It's so old fashion. Big mistake.

"I swear I saw somebody like you today. I was at the gym talking to this lady and somebody who looked much like you walked by."

"I don't go to the gym, I have one in my house." I replied to Zander.

"Yeah, well do you have a punching bag? Because if not, that's the reason you would be at the gym, so you could train for fighting that your manager was talking about." He rambled on.

"No, I don't have one nor do I need one. I don't do fighting. Plus, the gym is usually used by my parents. Do you honestly think I work out in the gym. Let's do a visual scale. Gossip Girl or work out?" I said, using my hands as a scale for a visual effect. My right hand tipped down more, "Gossip Girl, okay, now that we have come to that conclusion, can you get the hell off my property."

"Hey, didn't you have a ballet dress rehearsal thing?"

"Yeah at like 7:00, so it's over because it's 8:00. It's been an hour since I had that ballet dress rehearsal thing." I said quoting what he called the dress rehearsal.

"Never mind. The point is, I keep seeing you or people who look like you, so tell me now, is it you?

"I've told you this enough times, whoever you've seen, it's not me! Now get the hell off my property." I stated and slammed the door in his face. How did he even get my address? Stalker much? I pulled out my iPhone to check the time and realized I had about 15 minutes until my fight. I got changed, went into my garage, and made sure he was gone. He was, so I got on my motorcycle and sped off towards the warehouse.

I walked into the warehouse with my knuckles taped and hood up. I put some blackout on my face, just to hide it more in case he was here tonight.

"Tonight we have a rematch, The Bar has requested a rematch against Midnight." The announcer announced. I mean that is his title. But great, a rematch against Zander, note sarcasm. I don't need him finding out anything that he shouldn't. For example, my identity!

I walked up on stage and waited for the bell to ring. It did and the first move Zander made was go behind me and attempt to pull my hood off, but it didn't fall off my head because I kicked back, hitting in the stomach which was rock hard with muscle. I went behind him and buckled the back of his leg just like the night before and once agin pinned him until the bell rang signaling my win. It was such a fast fight, but I'm pretty sure Zander's only goal was to find out if it was me.

He stared at me, Zander did, like he was trying to confirm that it was me. I never broke eye contact and he was the first to break the mini staring session that was just happening. Was I scared that he possibly knew it was me? Hell yeah! But I'm not going lose this contest of confidence. I'm not going to seem as if I don't want him to find out it's me? That just makes me seem more suspicious. I'm just going to act as if he's not an arrogant asshole in my math, social studies, and science. I'll act as if he's like every other fighter I fight. I don't know who they are. He's a stranger to me, that's all.

As I was walking out of the ring, I actually thought about Zander's fighting skills. He's good. Really good. I'm not surprised that he used to be undefeated until I kicked his ass. Two times, may I say. He kept a good eye on you and was muscular. He has skills, he just can't use them well with me. I can find his weaknesses and I can use them to my advantage. For example, if he's keeping an eye on my body, he's not paying attention to his own. His footing will be off, giving me a good advantage to grab his legs and send him to the floor. I'm sure it hurts his ego big time when I win against him. My guess is that he requested a rematch to redeem himself from last nights loss and to find out if it was me. Yet he couldn't do both of those things and that probably really hurt his big, badboy ego big time.

But as I said before, he's a good, sophisticated fighter. Put up a good fight. I walked over to where Lanna was sitting, but not alone. The boys were there with her. Jordan, Tyler, and Ryan were standing talking with her, probably continuing their earlier conversation.

"Well boys, looks like I'll be going now." She tells them and turns towards me. I look at the boys and smirk.

"Midnight. So you're the girl we saw in the gym today. Who would've thought it was the Midnight? You know, don't tell The Bar I said this, but you kicked his ass." Jordan said. He was more closed off when compared to the other boys. I could just tell from his body language and lack of speaking. He was quiet, but when he wanted to say something he would. I could tell he was confident and would say or do what he wanted. People don't boss him around, he bosses them around. He would only be himself if you new him real well. He needed a good reason to trust you because he had trust issues. And I can tell this all from his body language.

"Yeah, well The Bar didn't really know what was coming his way. Did he really think he could redeem himself, because he can't. Sorry if I hurt his badboy ego." I said, but the boys weren't looking at me, they were looking past me. I turned around and there stood The Bar, or Zander as I know him. He looked pissed.

"Boys," he summoned them walking to where the were standing in front of me, "we don't mess with the enemy. Don't talk to this Midnight character. She's just a fake." He said and was about to turn and leave. I should've left it like that, but come on, 'she's just fake'. That didn't exactly boost my mood.

"A fake? Well aren't we all?" I trailed off. I turned around and started walking with Lanna right behind me, "Right Zander?" I said. With that I was out of the building and outside heading towards my bike.

"You realize you just risked yourself by just talking to them Car?"

"Trust me, their dweebs who have the I.Q. of a turkey. And trust me, that's not much. They won't find out that it's me. Zander just knows that I know him personally or at least that I know of him outside of the fights."

"Okay Carly, but be careful. I know you think they are idiots, but if you keep hanging around them, they will find out sooner or later." Lanna tells me before bidding me farewell.

Word count:1,351
Hi! So I hope you enjoy this chapter because I really like the end of it. I like how playful Carly is being with Zander. But im the author. I'm supposed to like it. Right? I want to know what you guys think, so vote and comment!!

So now that those boat races I told you about and 4th of July is over, I should be updating everyday. It's hard because as of now, I have drafts of the three next chapters ready. If I don't want to make this updating everyday thing hard though, I'm going to need to write a chapter everyday. I didn't write one yesterday, but all has settled down, so hopefully this will be easy.

As I said before, I don't expect updating everyday to be all. I'm just hoping I can do it and keep up with it. I really want a chance for the wattys and to just have people reading and voting and commenting on my book.

Over 60 reads is really awesome, considering the fact that I started updating a few days ago. So thanks for that:)

Anyways, if you need anything, message me. If it's someone to talk to or such, I don't care. Just know I'm here.

If you see mistakes, please point them out. No hate guys because that just makes you a rude asshole.

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Lots of love,

Nerd By Day, Street Fighter By Night (COMPLETED, but editing)Where stories live. Discover now