Chapter 22 (Brian's POV)

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She looked pissed, honestly, I'm pissed! Randy knows that's what Zack called her. Randy knows and he's just calling her that to get on her nerves and it's working. What is she supposed to do? Just sit there and take it like the strong girl she is. If I could do anything about it, I would. I want to, but making any move could risk my life.

We walk down the stairs that lead to the basement. We walk over to the table, a dirty one at that, in the middle of the room. The basement isn't like Randy's man cave, no it's Randy's meeting place for the gang. It's like the rest of his house, dirty. Well, I'm not sure about Zander's room. Nobody goes in there. The floor is concrete and the walls are brick. Dirt and dust cover the floor. We sit in the seats that surround the table.

"So we have you a task." I tell C. She looks annoyed. I feel so bad doing this to my love.

"Shut up Brian, let me do the talking!" Randy yelled at me. I shut my trap because I know what's good for me. Breathing and being alive, yeah that is good for me, dead and still, not so good, "After your fights, we are going to need you to go into those back allies and give some people drugs and stuff. Okay?" He informs her. She looks so miserable. I would do anything to wipe that look off of her face. I should've never put her in this position. I love her too much and now she's in danger. All I was doing was being selfish, making sure I didn't get in trouble with Randy.

"Randy!" Zander yelled at the top of the stairs. Most of the time Zander kept his speaking with Randy minimum. They barely exchanged glances. Zander knows what's right for him and it isn't the Cobras, good choice kid. I really fucked up when I made that choice.

"Come down here!" Randy yells back. I'm sure the only reason he's having Zander come down is to flaunt C.

"Yes." Zander says once he's down the stairs. He gives Carly a quick glance and kind of a weird look that I can't decipher, and it's gone in a flash.

"As you see, Anne here has joined the gang. It's your turn now." I look at C and her whole body is cringing from the name. I feel so bad. I want to hold her and tell her I'll kill the bastard, but I can't. I don't have the power. If I ever tried to go up against him, I'd be dead in a millisecond.

"What makes you think you can make me join?" Zander asks. Randy's face goes blank, he obviously doesn't know what to say or how to make Zander join, so I butt in.

"I'll tell the whole school your secret." I say. He scowls at me and I smirk. Annoying Zander has always been one of my favorite hobbies.

"Fine, go ahead, tell them." He says and storms upstairs. That was not the reaction I was expecting. I thought he would join and tell us that he'd do anything to keep his secret a secret.

"Do you get it Anne?" Randy asks and Carly just nods. She's hurt. She doesn't want this. She fucking hates Randy. Hell, I fucking hate Randy. Controlling everybody and such, it sickens me, yet everyone listens. Why? Because we don't want to die. Why did I even join the gang? Was I just having a rebellious week and it was in the spur of the moment? Was it for the drugs? Was it for the money? I don't even know. It's probably all of those reasons. I was lost.

Carly wasn't talking to me. She locked herself up in her room. She was alone. It had been a while since Zack died, but she still wasn't the same. I showed her fighting. I didn't think she'd get so into it. She fought though instead. I doubt showing her street fighting. That's where she would go to get out all of her feelings. I wanted her to come to me, to talk to me, to trust me, but she turned to fighting. I mean, violence is never the answer! I was just so pissed because we were drifting apart and my dad was so sick. I was lost. I wanted that rebellious side to come out. I made it come out. I ruined it for us. I joined the gang. I was stupid and I ruined. And now, it's all my fault. Carly's in danger and it's all my fault. I'm such a cruel man.

I get up out of the seat, sensing that this conversation is over and go upstairs. C follows and we walk out of the house. We pass Zander who's in his car, head on the steering wheel, doing some deep thinking. When he sees our movement, he winks at Carly. To say I'm jealous is an understatement. And I get the idea. The stupid one, but an idea. I'm going to make C my girl again. Nobody can touch her, and that includes perv Zander. We get in my car and I drive to her house. I know the drive by heart. She looks at the house with a look, maybe a look of fear.

"There's one more condition C." I tell her. She looks back at me and glares.

"What do you want? I've given you enough! You practically control me now! What else could you want?" She asks in annoyance. A lot.

"As of right now, you are my girlfriend again, and don't say no. If you do, your secret is out." Do I feel pathetic right now? Yes. Do I feel desperate right now? Yes. Do I feel like a douche right now? Yes.

"I don't want that," she tells me and I frown, "I've gotten over you, I'm okay now. I can't just, you're controlling me, I can't believe you-" but I cut her off because I can't handle it. I kiss her over the center consul. With love and passion. And surprisingly she kisses back. Are lips move together like nothing ever stopped between us, but then she realizes what's happening. She widens her eyes and pulls away.

"C, I fucking miss you. Like really fucking miss you. I'm disappointed in myself for ever letting you go because you were the best thing I could ever ask for. I was an idiot. I walked into this gang for what? The money maybe! I don't even know! I wasn't thinking, but once you're in, you're never out. I hate that because if I had to choose between the gang of you, in a heartbeat I would choose you. And now you've joined the gang, so we can be together again! I miss you and love you." I ramble on about my feelings for her. I was such an idiot, giving up the best thing I ever had.

"And I loved you. Past tense. You broke my heart. I may be in the gang, but we are over. It was great while it lasted, amazing even, but all good things come to an end. We have come to an end." She tells me. I try my hardest to hold back my tears, but it's hard hearing this from the love of my life. I'm just going to be a douche instead, I decide.

"Well that really sucks because you're my girlfriend either way, unless you want your secret spilled. Now I suggest you get out. Love you C." I say and she storms out. I hate being like this to her, but I need her. If this is how I'm going to have her, then so it be.

Word count:1,309
I'm so tired. I really like this chapter. Like a lot, but my eyes are drifting closed so this is going to be so simple.

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Lots of love,

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