Chapter 11

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"What the hell are you doing here chika?!" Zander asked. I held my head. Ow, "How the fuck do you know these people?"

"C, what a surprise." Brian said. There's no doubt that I loved Brian. Loved, past tense. Love is a really strong word, but it describes what I used to feel for Brian. He was always a gentleman with me. The romantic. He was careful and caring and the boyfriend that every girl dreamt of having. I didn't flaunt my relationship, it was a rather hidden relationship. My family knew of Brian. He would be in college, but he didn't go. After he graduated, he stayed in town and got a job as a mechanic, or so I thought. My parents didn't like that he didn't go to college, or him overall, but Zack was an amazing brother and told them he was good for me. I met him in the park one day. I was reading a book and he came and sat down with me. That was the beginning of our two year relationship. He introduced me to fighting when I lost Zack. He's was the only other one, besides Lanna and Luca, and now Zander, who knew. He took my virginity and loved me with all he had. Gosh he was amazing to me. But that all changed when he asked me to join the Cobras. Randy was always trying to have me join, but I always refused. Randy took the second route, my boyfriend. Brian joined and eventually asked me to, but I still refused. That's how I lost him. He loved me too, I know it wasn't fake love, it was real, but drugs and danger overtook the love of my life. That's where it ended. I'd seen Brian at some of my fights, but I never talked to him.

"Don't call me that." I spat. C, my nickname he had for me. It killed to hear it roll off his tongue.

"You need to leave Carly, I'll talk to you later, but it's dangerous here." Zander said, cutting into my glaring session with Randy.

"I'm not a naïve child Zander, I can handle myself. But just come to my house when your ready. Okay? Because I don't want to be in the same room as these scumbags."

"C, you could have it all." Brian said as I turned around to leave. I stopped in my tracks.

"Don't call me C." I said turning around.

"You could have it all, the power, the rush, all of it. Just take our offer." Brian said, once again asking me to join the gang.

"What offer?" Zander asked. I ignored him.

"Never in my life, would I take that offer." I spat, like venom coming off of my tongue. I turned and ran out of the house. I got in my car and drove, fast. I wasn't thinking, at all. I turned at the corner of the street and came into a big Jeep. That's all I remember before my eyesight went black.


"Thanks Doctor." I hear a gruff voice say. The voice is familiar, but I can't put a name with it. I open my eyes and it's bright, very bright. I shut them again and groan. I open them again, only not as fast, and I look around me. I'm in a white, hospital room. The memories come at flow. Brian and Randy. The run out of the house. The speeding around the corner.

"Chika, you're awake." I look up and see Zander stand up from the hospital chair with alarm.

"Where, how, what?" I groan.

"You ran out of my house and sped off in your car. I heard the crash and ran down the stairs to see what happened. Your parents are on their way, but it will take a bit because they're in Australia."

"Oh." I say. There isn't really much more to it.

"Oh! I should probably get Dr.Dolanto." I nod my head, but that hurts. What the hell did I do? After I vow to never speed because of Zack's accident, I speed and end up in the hospital. About a minute later the doctor comes in.

"Okay CarlyAnne. Well, you had to have eight stitches in your forehead, you passed out from the impact of the jeep. You also have a minor concussion that will take a few months to heal. Lastly, your wrist has some torn ligaments in it which we did surgery on. That will also need a few months to heal. The jeep was turning onto the street you were on, and the cars had a head on collision. Your windshield broke which was the cause of the stitches. The concussion and passing out was due to the impact. And the wrist just turned in a weird position, which caused the torn ligaments. Okay?"


"Okay, I'll leave you to rest now."

"Thanks sir," Zander says. Dr.Dolanto walked out of the room and I sat there awkwardly with Zander, "he's my father," Zander finally said after a while. I give him a confused look, "Randy, he's my father." My eyes widen. I knew Zander had it bad at home, but this bad, I feel so sorry for him.

"Brian's my ex-boyfriend." I told him. He raised his eyebrows.

"You dated that douche?" I nod.

"Two years, he wasn't a douche to me. Well, that is until your father came into the picture. They want me to join."

"You aren't the only one they want to join. They've asked me too many times to count. My father says I'll come around and join eventually, but I will never stoop that low. I'll be good and I won't go to my dads level, for mom," I wasn't going to ask him about his mom, but he told me anyways, "She died when I was five. Breast cancer. Randy started drinking and started the gang. It built up. Now it's Randy and Brian being his sidekick."

"I disagree to stoop that low, for my brother. He was always good. You know that person who's good at everything and you want to hate, but you just can't because they're so nice?" Zander nods, "That was Zack. I could never hate him for his charming ways, no one could. The golden boy. It killed my parents when he died. They took more work time and less time with me. Like I'm not good enough for them. I'm not Zack. But I'll never be Zack." Zander grabs my hand and I look at him astonished. He starts rubbing small circles on my skin. This is a whole new person. A hurt person. A weak person. Nothing like the bad boy I have grown to know over just the last week.

"Why'd you come to my house? And how do you know where I live?" He asked. I chuckle.

"Fifth grade, my secret admirer who happened to dump white paint all over me from his bedroom window," I look at Zander and he looks at the floor sheepishly, "And I was going to apologize. I didn't know how bad you had it, but you don't realize how bad I have it either. I guess we were both at fault."

"Yeah, I guess, in a way, we are similar. We both are expected to live up to our parents expectations. My father wants me in a gang and your parents want you to be a second Zack. And we don't do it for our deceased family members." Zander makes a good point.

"I guess so," Zander yawns, "What time is it?" I ask, worried about Zander and how much sleep he's gotten.

"Three a.m." He responds.

"You should go home."

"I'm not leaving until your parents get here." He says and I can tell, just by looking into his eyes, that he will stay true to his word.

"Fine, then get in bed with me because sleeping in a hospital chair can't be comfortable." I tell him.

"Okay." He says. Most days I would say that I sound insane. I wouldn't even want him in the same room as me, but today I'm obviously really out of it.

"Goodnight Zander." I say after we got in a comfortable position and we drift peacefully to sleep.

Word count:1,3,83
Updating everyday is getting harder day by day, but I'm going to stick with it! This chapter introduced two new characters who aren't very good for both Zander and Carly. I'm hoping they are safe with Randy and Brian around. Actually, I get to choose, you're the one doing the hoping.

Comment and vote, I want to know how you feel. Or just make me laugh with your comments because I'd love that too!

I feel like I say this every authors note I write, but this is going to be short and sweet because it's late and I need to update before midnight. And right now it's 11:19.


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Lots of love,

Nerd By Day, Street Fighter By Night (COMPLETED, but editing)Where stories live. Discover now