Chapter 15

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Normal. That was the only word I could use to describe today. Not weird or crazy, normal. It was like Zander and I never met. The only thing that made this day not normal, is the fact that I'm thinking about Zander. I don't know if he's thinking about me, but I know I'm thinking about him.

Otherwise, it's normal as could be. When I walk in the hallways, people don't stare because I'm walking with Zander. When I sit down, Zander doesn't acknowledge me. When I'm sitting alone at lunch, it's like I never sat with the guys. It's normal.

As I sit in the front of Mr.Smith's room, I look out the window, just waiting for the bell to ring. Waiting, waiting, waiting. But the more I watch the clock, the slower it goes. This class feels like it will never pass. That's how it is with Mr.Smith. He talks in his monotone voice about something that nobody cares about. Everyone watches the clock. It's terrible. A lot of people sleep in this class because its first period and Mr.Smith just talks and talks. It's like a lullaby, his talking is. I have a hard time not falling asleep in class.

What feels like ten hours later, but was actually ten minutes, the bell rings. Time for English. As I walk down the hallway towards Mrs.Gallio's room, I feel my pocket vibrate. Wait, that's my phone. I reach and grab it, expecting it to be a text from Lanna or Luca. When I see the name, a smile comes to my face. I reach the classroom and sit in my seat. I still have three minutes until class starts, so I read the text.

Gigi-hey, we should hang today after school.

I think. Today after school, today after school, nothing!

Carly-I can totally, when and where?

Gigi-The mall at 3:30???

Carly-K, see ya later.

Wow. My day is no longer normal. I just made plans with someone who isn't Lanna or Luca. When was the last time that happened? It was probably when I was dating Brian. Then it gets me. Zander. He was the last person I made plans with that wasn't Lanna or Luca, but that was for a project, so it doesn't count. I smile, putting my phone away. This day may not be as normal as I thought it would be, but it's a good difference.

I hear a chair squeak on the floor and look to my right to see Jordan. Oh.

"Hey Carly," He says. I just smile at him and wave. He furrows his eyebrows, "Are you okay?" I fake cough.

"Yeah, my throat just hurts a bit, so I'm trying to limit my talking." I easily lie.

"Oh, that makes sense."

Before I can respond, Mrs.Gallio comes in and I turn my attention towards her. Jordan is such a mystery. A puzzle that I can't solve. He seems so sweet, so why does he hang around Zander. I hear a lot about Zander because he's the bad one, a lot about Tyler because he's the player, and a lot about Ryan because he's the class clown, but never Jordan. He was always, and still is, secluded. To know or see how he acts outside of school would be great. Maybe I could find that missing piece.


When 3:15 rolls around I am hype. I got changed into jean shorts and a black tank top with ruffles. I grab my white purse and throw it over my shoulder while putting on my white converse. I get my keys and walk to the car, getting in. I turn on the gas and I'm out of here. I had to have Lanna and Luca drive me everywhere the past few weeks because of my wrist, but two days ago I got my okay sign, so I'm all good to drive now. So I drive right to the mall which isn't far from my house. As I walk in, I text Gianna.

Carly-Here, are you?

Gigi-yeah! Meet me in food court.

I find my way to the food court and look around. Nothing more than expected, people from school. I wish they weren't here, but it's where every one hangs out. My eyes scan the perimeter and meet familiar ones, that aren't Gianna's. Shit. My eye meet Zander's. He's here with the boys. I ignore his gaze and keep scanning the area until I see Gianna. She's sitting at a table on her phone. I walk over and she looks up from her phone, standing up. She runs the short distance of about twenty feet and hugs me. I hug her back.

"Carly!!!" She screams.

"Gianna!!!" I scream back.

"I missed you." She says as we walk back to the table.

"It's been what, Two, three weeks, since the party?" I chuckle.

"Well yeah, but I can still miss you." She smiles sheepishly.

"I missed you too." I smile. So is this what it's like to hang out with your friends in public areas? Is this what it's like to hang out with someone your age? If so, I love it.

"So are you hungry or do you want to shop?" Gianna asks.

"I could use a drink and then we can go shopping."

"Okay." We walk over to the chik-fil-a and I get a Sprite while Gianna gets a Coke. We go back to are table and start talking.

"So, I never saw you again at the party. Did you end up prying the sluts off of your boyfriend?" I ask her. She smiles a bigger smile.

"Actually, he was hanging with his friends and there were no sluts on him like usual." I furrow my eyebrows.


"He's hot, I mean, it's a good reason to date him," she chuckles, "but at parties girls are usually all over him, even if he tells them to back off or that he has a girlfriend. But he's faithful, I know he wouldn't do anything with them anyways because I can satisfy him just fine." She winks.

"Gianna!" We go into fits of giggles.

"So how about you? Any special guy?" She asks.

"Nope, single as a Pringle."

"Well good because don't look now, but this guy has been staring at you nonstop ever since you got here." I turn around and sure enough Zander is staring at me. This day is definitely not as normal as it was before.

Word count:1,085
Updating is hard, but I will do it! This is going to be so short because I am really tired, so I love you. Thanks for the reads. Vote and comment. I need sleep.

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Lots of love,

Nerd By Day, Street Fighter By Night (COMPLETED, but editing)Where stories live. Discover now