Chapter 3

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"So...Lets get things started." He says rubbing his hands together. Well fuck.

"No." I say. Don't know where that came from.

"What did you say?" He asks. I gulp.

"No. N...O. Is that not clear enough for you?" I say.

"Someone's being a little sassy. Fine have it your way... But I'm gonna get what I want soon enough." He whispers in my ear and walks away.

"Where are you going!" I yell. I don't wanna be left alone.

"To the store. Want anything?" He asks.

"Why don't I just go with you?" I ask.

"Because someone might recognize you and I'll be put in jail. Neither of us want that do we?" He says smirking.

"I mean you don't but I wouldn't mind." I say.

"Okay... I see how it is." He says and starts walking to the door.

"I'm sorry! Can I please go with you? Disguise me." I say.

"Fine." He says walking up to me and untying the rope from my hands and feet.

"Thanks" I say.

"No problem. Follow me." He says.

I follow him into a room with just a bed, desk, and a closet. Small...but it seems cozy.

"Here. Put these on." He says handing me a sweatshirt, sunglasses, a wig, and converse. Simple, but I like it.

He doesn't walk out of the room but then again I don't see why he needs to. I'm not taking anything off besides my shoes. I put the sweatshirt on and I could tell it's his from the smell.

I put on the converse, the dirty blonde wig (which looks pretty good on me I must admit) and the sunglasses.

We walk out to his car and get in. The drive was about 30 minutes so I'm glad I went. I couldn't last 10 minutes alone in that creepy place. I watch too much criminal minds for that, I'd feel like I would get killed.

He parks the car when we get to a gas station. The place doesn't look familiar so I'm betting we're way out of town.

He gets his things which consists of a Monster, a bunch of chips, some gum, I grab my things which is just an Arizona green tea, sour patch kids, gum, and Pringles.

We put our stuff on the counter and he pays for everything and uses a fake for the beer. We walk out and get back into the car and I immediately start drinking my Arizona.

"Thirsty huh babe?" He asks.

"Yeah. I mean I haven't had a drink since.... wait what day is it?" I ask.

"Saturday." He says. "I got you last night and the car ride took like 5 hours."

"Seriously? Wow. I must of slept for a long time." I say laughing.

"Yeah. You snore too by the way." He says laughing.

"I do not!" I say, looking offended.

"I'd beg to differ." He says. Looking into my eyes. At that moment I felt like everything just froze. His eyes are so mesmerizing.

I finally look away after what had seemed like forever and luckily he was at a red light.

"So are we going straight back or somewhere else?" I ask.

"Wanna go to another store or do you think this will be enough food for a while." He asks.

"Well I mean I could eat all of this in one day so let's go to Walmart or something." I say.

He nods and we drive off. It takes a while. Not a lot of things are out here, it seems like we're in the middle of nowhere.

We arrive and go inside and literally only like 5 people were in there including the people working.

"Damn..." I say

"What?" He asks.

"It's so empty, I've never been to Walmart and seeing it like this." I say

"Well I mean did you see any houses nearby?" He asks laughing.

"True true." I say. "How much money do you have?"

"About $50." He says. I nod and head to wherever my mind and stomach takes me.

I get some peanut butter, jelly, bread, fruit snacks, cereal, plastic bowls, milk, spoons, bananas, apples, strawberries, and my "necessities."

Ethan grabbed whatever he wanted and we checked out. Thank god he had enough money cuz we bought a lot of shit.

We walk out to the car and he looks in the bags and sees my "necessities" and looks at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Really?" He says showing me the bag.

"Oh grow up I didn't ask to go through this it just happens okay so deal with it." I say walking towards the car.

He puts everything in the trunk and gets in the car and just sits there for a while.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"You're not on are you?" He asks blushing. Aw he looks cute when he blushes.

"No" I say laughing. "I just got off it. I just don't know how long I'm gonna be with you." I say.

"Oh okay. And it might be for a while sweetheart." He says winking and putting his hand on my thigh.

We drive off and head back to the place. I don't even know what to call it, like it's not a house exactly but it's not like an abandoned factory or anything. It's just a huge place with a couple rooms.

We arrive and I go inside and turn around to ask Ethan if I have a room or something.

"Well I don't know. I mean I was just gonna treat you like any kidnapper would but that's no way to treat a princess is it?" He says putting his finger on my chin and kissing my forehead. This boy sure does like to mess with my feelings.

"Here." He says. "This can be your room."

I walk in and it honestly looks relaxing. There's a bed, a desk, and closet like the other room I was in but there was also little other things in here that could keep me busy. Like paper and paint and colored pencils. I honestly do love to draw.

"Thanks Ethan. Where's your room? If you're even staying here." I ask.

"Of course I'll stay here. Wouldn't wanna leave my baby girl alone. And it's right next door. Also I kinda snuck into your house before I took you and grabbed some of your stuff so it's in the car." He says tossing me the keys and going into his room.

"Okay then?" I say to myself while walking to the car. I grab my things and go back to my room.

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