Chapter 1

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A/N: Welcome to my new story. This is a idea I had flying around my brain for a while but I never got around to putting onto wattpad until now. Also in this universe I gave Dipper a security blanket because I thought it could be a good way to differ my au from others. Enjoy chapter 1 people.

A red station wagon with a moving attachment on the back was drying along the Redwood Highway in Oregon until it passes a sign that says, "Welcome to Gravity Falls."

Inside this car was Valarie 'Val' Pines who was driving and her son and daughter, Dipper and Mabel were sleeping soundly in the back seat with Mabel hugging her favorite unicorn plush and Dipper clutching tightly to his baby blue security blanket.

"Kids wake up were almost at our new house," said Val.

Dipper and Mabel wake up rubbing the sleep from their eyes.

The station wagon pulls into the drive way of a two story white house.

They pull up to see Stan and Ford Pines, the kids great uncles outside with moving gear ready to help them out.

The twins walk out to hug their great uncles.

"Aww how you two little rascals been," said Grunkle Stan.

"Doing fine Grunkle Stan," said Mabel.

Grunkle Stan notices Dipper holding a small blanket.

"Really kid you still have this?" Grunkle Stan asked as he swiped it from Dipper's hands.

"Hey give it back," said Dipper.

"Sorry kid but your way too old to still need a security blanket," said Grunkle Stan.

"Really Stanley, what about your teddy bear?" Great Uncle Ford asked.

"Hey you leave Mr. Buggy Pants out of this Sixer," said Grunkle Stan.

"Mr. Buggy Pants?" Mabel asked.

Dipper and Mabel break into a fit of laughter.

"Welp, I just felt my testosterone levels fall down lower than they already were," said Grunkle Stan.

It takes them a few hours of moving their stuff in their new home.

Right now Dipper and Mabel were watching TV trying to find something to watch, until they hear a knock on their front door.

"Don't worry kids I get it," said Val.

Vale opens the door to reveal a woman wearing a purple dress and a child with blonde hair wearing glasses a Captain America tshirt with a black miniskirt and a pink cape holding a basket of various items.

"Hello my name is Priscilla and this is my daughter Pacifica," said the woman at the door, "so your our new neighbors."

"Yes we are," said Val, "Would you like to come in for some coffee?"

"That would be lovely," said Priscilla, "Pacifica why don't you play with those kids over there."

"Okay mom," said Pacifica.

Pacifica runs off to the other room to see the twins watching TV.

Mabel turns her head around to see Pacifica stand there.

"Hello," said Mabel, "I'm Mabel and this is my twin Brother Dipper."

"My name is Pacifica," said Pacifica, "What are you guys watching?"

"Marvel's Ultimate Spiderman," said Dipper.

"Can I join, I love that show," said Pacifica.

"Get out, I love this show too," said Dipper.

"Its not just the show I love all the Marvel heroes," said Pacifica, "My top 7 favorites are Captain America hence my shirt, Wolverine, Black Widow, Ant Man, The Wasp, Spiderman, and more importantly my boy Starlord ."

"Mine are Spiderman, Captain America, Ant Man, Black Widow, Wolverine, Iron Man, and Deadpool," said Dipper.

"I love Deadpool he is so funny," said Pacifica.

"I'm leaving you to geeks alone," said Mabel as she left the room.

"If  you don't mind me asking what is with the blanket?" Pacifica asked.

"I rather not tell, you might make fun of me," said Dipper.

"I won't laugh," said Pacifica.

"Okay," said Dipper, "This is my security blankie I had this thing since I was a little kid, this thing makes me feel safe. My dad made it for me. He passed away recently of cancer."

Pacifica looked at Dipper blankly for a sec.

"That's so sweet," said Pacifica, "You know I still have a security blanket of my own."

She pulls of her cape to reveal a small pink blanket.

"My grandma made it for me when I was a baby," said Pacifica, "it helps me feel safe when I was a kid."

"Why is that?"

"Promise you won't tell anyone."

"I promise, cross my heart and hope to die."

Pacifica sighs.

"My father used to abuse me."

Dipper was shocked by what she said.

"He was an alcoholic, he used to whip me with his belt, slap me on the face, and blame everything on me," said Pacifica, "My mom got sick and tired of he shenanigans that when I was 8, they got a divorce. Luckily my mom won me in the custody battle."

"That's so sad," said Dipper.

Pacifica starts tearing up.

Dipper gives her a hug.

"It's okay he is gone now," said Dipper.

They chatted for about an hour until she had to go.

"Pacifica sweetheart," said Priscilla.

Pacifica pokes her head up to see her mom standing there.

"What is it mom?" Pacifica asked.

"It's time to go," said Priscilla, "We have to get to the store and pick up some grocery items."

"Okay," said Pacifica.

Pacifica stands up. She looks back at Dipper.

"Um mom?" Pacifica asked.

"Yes Pacifica," said Priscilla.

"Is it okay I sleepover here tonight?" said Pacifica.

"I suppose you could."

"Thank you Thank you Thank you."

"I' just going to discuss this with their mother first."


Priscilla leaves the room.

"I'll see you tonight," said Pacifica.

"Yeah see you then," said Dipper.

They both blush.

A few minutes later Pacifica leaves.

"I think my brother is in love?" said Mabel.

A/N: Hey guys hope you like the first chapter of my new story. I'll post the next chapter soon. So stay tuned and remember: REALITY IS AN ILLUSION, THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM, BUY GOLD, BYE!!!!!!!!

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