Chapter 5

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A/N: Welcome to chapter 5, I'll post more notes in the end.

It been 3 months since Dipper and Pacifica started dating. They done a lot together as a couple like ice skating, going to the movies, and even the occasional couples coupon deal.

Today was Dipper and Mabel's 13th birthday so they had a tiny party for them, basically the only people that came were Pacifica, Grunkle Stan and Ford, and Mabel's new friends Candy and Grenda.

"Hey Val," said Stan, "Why do these chips taste weird?"

"Oh those aren't chips those are cookies I found a recipe for chip looking cookies on Pinterest," said Val.

"Well, that explains why the guacamole taste like frosting," said Ford.

(There's a picture above of what I'm talking about)

About an hour later it was time for presents.

They got some new clothes from their mom, their Grunkles got them some gift cards, Mabel got some stuff for making sweaters from Candy and Grenda.

Dipper was about to open the present he got from his girlfriend. He opens the box he got to see an envelope, a Bluray disc player, and a set of Blurays.

"Woah awesome I've been wanting one of these for a while," said Dipper, "And in the knick of time because the DVD player broke."

"Care to explain," said Val.

"Mabel put her gummy koalas in there again," said Dipper.

"I want to see what happens," said Mabel.

"There's more in the envelope you know," said Pacifica.

Dipper opens the envelope to see passes with lanyards on them.

"Woah tickets to Gravity Falls Comic Con," said Dipper, "I thought they were sold out."

"My mom knows a guy who works at the convention center," said Pacifica.

A few days later Dipper and Pacifica were getting ready to go to Comic Con.

Dipper is cosplaying as Poe Dameron from Star Wars The Force Awakens. (BTW Best Movie EVAR)

Pacifica is cosplaying as Mal from Disney's Descendants. (I not ashamed to admit I like that movie)

"Pfft, have fun at your nerd fest," said Mabel.

"I was going to bring you back Liam Hemsworth's autograph, but you blew your only chance," said Dipper.

Mabel stood expressionless for a second.

"Dangit, now I'll never have a Gale's signature," said Mabel.

"I'm just messing with ya," said Dipper, "But it depends on the autograph line."

"That's understandable," said Mabel.

Pacifica looks at her meWatch*.

"Dipper we got to get going," said Pacifica.

"Alright see you later," said Dipper.

"Later Dippingsauce," said Mabel.

Dipper and Pacifica leave.

"Hmm, I wonder if there's any That 70's Show reruns on?" Mabel asked herself.

A/N: Alright you'll see Dipper and Pacifica's Comic Con experience next chapter. I would continue but my fingers are killing me. Okay see you laters.

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