Chapter 3

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A/N: Time for Chapter 3 see you at the end.

It has been 3 months since Dipper and Pacifica met.

By now it was time for them to start school. Although Pacifica was already considered a prime suspect for bullies because of her geeky nature, along with the security blanket.

She heard things such as, "Aw look at the little baby holding her blankie," "Does someone need her mommy?" "Is it time for your nappy wappy little girl?" Dipper heard those same things back at his old school.

It turns out before his dad died he taught him karate, so he has a bit of self defense in case of bullies.

Right now he saw Pacifica get picked on by a bunch of bullies. (Just imagine a mix of that kid that picked on Dipper in 4th grade, and Pacifica's cronies from season 1)

"Well well well, lookie what we got here it wittle Pacifica with her blankie," said Billy (What I think the 4th grade bully is called)

Pacifica started to cry.

"Aw look the baby is crying," said Janessa (Pacifica's African-American crony)

"Maybe she go crawling home to her mommy and get her diaper changed," said Tiffany (Pacifica's Magenta Haired Crony)

Dipper stomps up to those bullies.

"Hey leave her alone you jerks," said Dipper, "What do you have against her she is kind and loving."

"Oh look it the new kid," said Billy, "And he has a blankie of his own, what are you going to do, take a nap?"

"No," said Dipper, "But I think you need one."

"Huh?" Billy asked.

Dipper grabs Billy's arm and pushes behind his back.

"Yeah never mess with a new guy in school, he might have a black belt in karate," said Dipper.

Dipper kicks Billy in the back of the leg.

"Run!" said Billy.

"Oh god, we better run," said Tiffany.

"We don't want to end up like Regina George," said Janessa, "I don't want to get hit by a bus." (Mean Girls reference)

Pacifica gives Dipper a hug.

"Thanks for standing up for me," said Pacifica.

"No problem," said Dipper.

Dipper rubs the back of his neck.

"Uh, Pacifica," said Dipper.


"I was just wondering if you, I don't know, want to go out sometime?"

"Like on a date?"

"Yeah sorta like that."

Pacifica thinks for a moment.

"Yeah sound like fun."

"Cool I'll pick you up Friday around 7, how does that sound?"

"I'll see you then, well technically the next time I see you is lunch but you get the idea."

Dipper and Pacifica laugh.

"Yep they're definitely made for each other," said Mabel.

A/N: Hoped you guys liked Chapter 3 I'll see you guys next time.

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