Chapter 8

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A/N: I'm gonna get started with this chapter because I'm impatient, blame every line at an amusement park ever for that.

It has been over a year since Dipper and Mabel moved to Gravity Falls. Right now they were moving some stuff around their house because Val decided it was about time Dipper and Mabel had there own rooms because they are now teens and well you know, HORMONES.

"I can't believe that day has come Bro-Bro," said Mabel.

"I know it almost like it just yesterday we were throwing plushies at each others crib," said Dipper.

"Yeah well the only thing that you still have from our baby days is your blanket," said Mabel.

"Please don't make fun of my blanket," said Dipper.

"I'm not," said Mabel, "I understand why you've been more attached to that old piece of fabric since last year."

"Pfft, no you don't," said Dipper.

"Yeah I do," said Mabel, "It's a memory of dad."

Dipper looked up at his sister.

"Look, I know your blanket means a lot to you because you miss dad, I miss him to in fact I still feel like he is still alive in my dreams," said Mabel.

"What are you saying?" Dipper asked.

"What I'm saying is I know why you have that blanket," said Mabel, "It's not just for security anymore. It is your way of remembering dad. And I do the same thing."

"What do you mean?" Dipper asked.

"You see Marsha over there?" Mabel asked while pointing her finger towards the giant white stuffed unicorn at the end of the room.

"You mean your weird unicorn thing?" Dipper asked.

"I don't find it weird, well maybe a little but still," said Mabel, "That was the same unicorn dad won for me at the carnival when we were 3 remember."

"Vaguely," Dipper replied.


Dipper and Mabel were 3 years old riding around in their stroller with their dad, Alex, pushing them.

"Hey kids look the fair is in town want to go?" Alex asked.

"Yeah!" said the twins in unison.

Alex pushed the stroller in the parking section and takes Dipper and Mabel out.

"Daddy, what about blankie?" Dipper asked.

"Oh right," said Alex.

Alex grabs the baby blue blanket his son loved the most.

"Here you go little buddy," said Alex as he hands Dipper he blankie.

The walked around for a little while until a pink fluffy unicorn toy at a bottle knocker game caught her eye.

Mabel starts screaming with joy.

"What's wrong Mabel did you get stung by a bee?" Alex asked.

"Look at that fluffy unicorn," said Mabel, "It so fluffy I'm gonna die."

"I don't think you really die from fluffiness," said Dipper.

"Can you get it for me daddy, please daddy pretty please with gummy bears on top?" Mabel asked as she was tugging her dad's pant leg.

"Okay, I'll get my little shooting star a unicorn," said Alex.

"Yay!" said Mabel.

"How much is it to play this game?" Alex asked the carnie with an eyepatch on running the game. (I know not all carnies have an eyepatch but lets be fair a lot of them do.)

"1 dollar gets you 1 ball," said the carnie.

Alex gave him the dollar and the carnie gives Alex a ball.

"You only got one shot at this," said the carnie.

"That's all I need," said Alex, "Alright lets see if Uncle Stan's trick works."

Alex throws the ball, the ball hits the post the bottles are on and it falls and lands on the carnie's foot.

"Take the unicorn just take it," said the carnie, "Aw and I thought getting shot in the eye hurt like a mother........"

"There are kids here," said Alex as he grabs the unicorn and gives it to Mabel.

Mabel gives it a hug.

"IT'S SO FLUFFY!" said Mabel.

Flashback over:

"See this is why it's my favorite memory of dad," said Mabel.

"I see what your saying Mabel," said Dipper.

Val walks into the room to see what the twins were doing.

"What'cha doing little ones?" Val asked.

"Mom were 13 now were not little anymore," said Mabel.

"Hey in my mind you 2 are still in diapers," said Val.

"Whatever, we were just remember dad that's all," said Dipper.

Val looked at the twins.

"You know I have something special to remember your father," said Val.

"What is it mom?" Mabel asked.

Val sat down on the ground.

"It's you two," said Val, "You were the greatest gift your father ever gave me, a chance to become a mommy. In fact I still see bits and pieces of him in you guys."

Dipper and Mabel gave their mom a big hug.

A/N: Okay I know there wasn't any Dipcifica in this chapter mainly cause I wanted to give you guys an idea on who their father was like. If you didn't know I purposely named their dad Alex after the show's creator Alex Hirsch. Alright I'll see you guys next time.

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