Chapter 10

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A/N: Don't look at me I'm just nothing the real a/n is ate the end of the chapter.

Dipper and Pacifica decided to go to a nearby place of amusement today. The place is called, "Super Fun Park Oregon." It is a indoor park with arcade games, rides, and various other attractions.

"Are you sure you don't want to go Mabel?" Dipper asked.

"We don't mind having you around," said Pacifica.

"No, you can go without me, I would wound being a third wheel," said Mabel.

"Really I thought you would like to go since the place has an all you can eat build your own ice cream and Pizza buffet," said Pacifica.

Mabel instantly bolted up and ran towards the car that was parked outside.


"Is she going to put that on her pizza or her ice cream?" Pacifica asked.

"Yes," said Dipper.

30 minutes later they arrive at the place and got their passes.

"Now these passes include unlimited arcade games, unlimited rides, and unlimited trips to the buffet and soda fountains," said the instructor, "Also don't play the claw machines with the tablets and gaming consoles in them, those are rigged and the bathrooms are out of order, but there are portapottys in there for the situation."

They walked in to see a ton of rides, arcade games, and enough food to feed a starving village in Africa.

"I think I'm in heaven," said Mabel.

"Okay what do you think we should do next Pacifica?" Dipper asked.

" I don't know," said Pacifica, "What do you want to do Mabel? Mabel?"

They couldn't find Mabel until Dipper pointed over to the ice cream buffet.

"Found her," said Dipper.

"Move over losers," said Mabel as she pushed a couple of kids over.

She lays down on an soft serve ice cream dispenser and extruders the ice cream into her mouth.

"Wow never had strawberry cheesecake in soft serve form," said Mabel with ice cream in her mouth.

"Lets just enjoy our day as a couple while Mabel is being....... Mabel," said Dipper.

They rode rides and played practically all the games in they place.

"Alright I think you played enough ninja challenge for one day," said Pacifica.

"I NEED THE HIGH SCORE!" said Dipper.

"You lose! Now get out!" said the game.

"This is rigged," said Dipper.

"I think we should go home," said Pacifica, "Before you beat up the guy dressed like Bowser."

"You mean like every 7 year old here?" Dipper asked

"This isn't the $10.50 an hour," said the guy dressed like Bowser.

"Well before we go I want to go on one more ride," said Dipper.

"Oh, which one?" Pacifica asked.

"That one," said Dipper, "It's a classic."

Dipper pointed out a Ferris wheel.

Pacifica started to tense up in fear.

"Uh, Pacifica are you okay?" Dipper asked.

"Who's acting weird, you're acting weird," said Pacifica.

"I didn't say your acting weird, are you afraid of heights or something?" Dipper asked.

Pacifica sighs.

"It's been a fear I had since I was a kid," said Pacifica.

"It's okay I'll be with you the whole time," said Dipper.

Dipper grabs Pacifica's hand, they walk onto the Ferris wheel.

Pacifica was starting to have a freak attack but Dipper held her hand and she calms down.

The ride started up and Pacifica had her eyes close. About a few seconds later to see she was at the top of the wheel and Dipper was still holding her hand which made her feel comfortable and safe.

When the ride was over they all left.

"I'm 99% sure I'm now banned from this place," said Mabel.

"Why do you say that?" Dipper asked.

"Because I ate practically all the ice cream and pizza," said Mabel, "Also that poster."

Mabel pointed towards a poster with her picture stating, "Banned from Premises."

"Lets get out before the cops come," said Pacifica.

When they got home they got in their pjs and Dipper and Pacifica decided to watch TV in his room.

"Man can cable put anything good on?" Dipper asked.

"I think there's a Simpsons marathon on," said Pacifica.

"How about we watch it on DVD I got 17 seasons of that show," said Dipper, "I would have more but the creators decided to release everything digitally."

"I know that pissed me off when I heard that news," said Pacifica.

(The actual showrunners of the Simpsons did do that, you don't know how mad I am about that, sometimes it's better to watch a show without commercials)

They popped in the disc and started watching a couple of episodes and then went to sleep.

A/N: I know weird chapter. I got nothing to say right now see you later.

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