seven > screeches

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I heard a car screeched and a loud thud. It happened.

"Maya!" I yelled before I tumbled to the ground. My heavy boots which were filled with rain water were the cause of it, making my head bump to the edge of the sidewalk. My head was spinning. It was bleeding. I was getting dizzier with each passing second.

Everything happened so quickly. I crawled to Maya who was laying on the road, soaked with rain water and blood.

My ears were blocked for the first few seconds and I couldn't really make out with what everyone was saying.

"Riley!" Farkle pulled me away from Maya. "No!" I cried, struggling from his strong grasp. He wrapped his hands on my waist and carried me as though as I was light while I grunted like a baby. At some point he got to carry me, bridal style and brought me to an empty bus stop which was just there at the sidewalk. He layed me down on the long bench. I couldn't feel rain trickling down on me anymore. Farkle took of his jacket and put it on me quickly before running off and saying, "don't move Riley. I'm gonna check on Maya."

Well of course that wasn't going to happen. I couldn't let anything happen to Maya. I couldn't just wait there and depend on everybody else.

I stood up and my head was really dizzy. It hurt a lot. But I couldn't give up so soon. I couldn't see clearly as soon as I stepped back into the wet zone. I wrapped Farkle's jacket over my back tightly and limped.

"No don't come here Riley!" Farkle saw me from where Maya was laying at. He ran towards me but I was already on the ground. I surrendered to gravity.

I saw a glimpse of people circling Maya. I couldn't see her face but I could see her blonde shiny hair. Farkle lifted me up again and I didn't try to escape his grasp this time. When he lifted me, I could see Maya from a better angle. Her face was pale but I couldn't make out what happened to the rest of her body but I saw Lucas there and probably the car driver and some other people.

I heard people from a further distant or maybe from all around the world, counting down. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1!", along with a huge cheer. It was midnight. It was New Years, and also doomsday.

I hugged Farkle tightly before I passed out. And for a moment, I thought that maybe it was some kind of a connection between me and Maya. If one dies, the other will.

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