sixteen > runaway

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I ran and kept on running. I didn't know where to go. My view were spinning 360 degrees around me. The noises,voices were echoing loudly. "Are you okay miss?" One of the nurses asked. I could make out her words but I didn't reply.

I walked out of the building and it was raining heavily. I needed some air. Free air. But the city lights, the car noises, the crowded space, they were no help. So I sobbed more and my mind was dizzy. Not the sick kind, but confused.

I ran to the other side of the street when the traffic light was red and knelt down on the hard pavement, closing my eyes.

"Why wasn't it me?" I sobbed at the sky. Raindrops were flowing down my face, wetting my clothes and I couldn't care less. "Why Maya? W-Why not me?"

Then I heard my name. Someone was screaming my name. I looked at the side and I swore I saw Maya. "Riley the car!" She pointed in front of me and I realised, I wasn't on the pavement. I was on the middle of the road. The traffic light had flickered to green and the drivers had stepped on the pedal. I found myself standing and I tried to run but I couldn't. I wasn't paralysed but my boots were filled with rain water and I fell flat on the dirty tar when I tried to walk. It was just like that time when I tried to save Maya but this time I was on the road.

The lights behind me blinded the drivers. They couldn't see me. They weren't stopping. And I assumed that fate had accepted my request. It was my turn.

After that, all I heard was car screeches and that was it.

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