Death,mercy, and love?

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"one last thing jeff. are you going to kill sam? please. don't." 

"oh no I won't kai. I have a different target in mind." he sounds like I imagined him before I met him. an insane blood lust filled maniac. I pick up my phone and tell them to meet me there. jeff says see you later and jumps out the window and is gone. I have a pretty good idea who hes going to kill but only one reason besides being insane. he's jealous. I giggle at the thought and put my headphones on and play skrillex and work my way to the clearing. I see a flash of Jeff's white hoodie up ahead.


I'm in the clearing. Its been a half an hour...I know jeff is watching me from a tree but I'm just listening to music. I look up and sam and Arim walk into the forest. Arikhas a few bruises on his face. probably from sam. sam looks terrified. I grab sam and tell her its ok. Jeff isn't gonna kill us. she seems a bit better. 

"so....what do y-" Arik is cut off by Jeff swinging down from the tree kicking him in the side of the head and lands next to him. He grabs him by the hair and throws him against the tree. Sam screams not because Arik is going to die. In true terror.  

"Go to sleep Motherf-cker" Jeff says before stabbing Arik to death. Jeff then stops letting Arikes dead body slump dead to the ground. He looks at sam and I who are frozen in fear, and says, "go home. both of you. no one comes back. no one talks about him. got it?" we nod frantically and run.


I'm sitting on my bed contemplating what happened. I grab my new art supplies and draw what jeff REALLY looks like. I'm half way through coloring it when jeff jumps through the window and lands on my bed next to me. I barely hold in a scream. he laugh at me and sees my drawing. 

"more realistic huh? well you wanna go swim later when no ones thyere?" is he...? no....hmm well I'm still in my bikini anyways... 



I get to the beach, its already getting dark. jeff had left earlier. I lock up my bike, pull off my tank top and shorts and shoes and start walking to the dock. Its no full moon tonight but the moon is bright, I see jeff looking at the water, hes facing away, he's only wearing his black dress pants, his hoodie and shirt next to. him. His skin ghostly white, his body is covered in scars from stabs and burns, I silently walk up and put a light finger on his shoulder. He flinches and turns.  

"oh, hi kai" he smirks and dives in. I follow and come to the surface and laugh as he comes up spitting out water. I smile and Before I realize it I'm kissing him, I throw my arms around his neck and I'm KISSING him! Oh god kai! what are you! what have you done!

Kai The killer (( a Jeff the Killer Fanfiction)) (Watty Awards 2013-2014)Where stories live. Discover now