Love for a family, regrets for their attitude

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*Three years later*

*Kais POV*

I can hear the loud cracks of gunfire coming from meters behind. Jeff and I screwed up bad. Real bad. We decided to go screw with cops. Aren't we bright? Although theirs only a squad chasing us I can hear them calling back up. I crash into the edge of the forest surrounding the house and head for it. We need to get the kids and leave. Ben pops up beside me.

"nice going, need me to get the kids?"

"Please!" is all I can say, I haven't run this much in a long time. I suddenly feel a hot searing pain in my right shoulder. I've been shot. Crap. Ben disapears and I keep running and put a hand over my wound. I see the occasional flash of reddish white. Jeff. I look and count how many asswipes are following I thought they were calling back up! I feel  the handles of my two blades and drop into the tall grass surrounding our house and disapear from their sight. I look at the house and see Ben distracting Jen and Monty. Good. A knife whizzes by me and strikes a nearby officer dead. I jump over and grab his 40. cal and stand and point it at the nine remaining officers. Jeff is at least twenty yards away. He looks baffeled at the fact I'm holding a firearm. I used to go shooting daily. I just prefer knives. I spray bullets through the officers like a pro and laugh as I watch them drop. I'm still I drop as well, fainting from bloodloss.

*12 years later*

I recovered from that bullet wound as I did all my other injuries. Today I'm pretty much a walking miracle. Docters would probably be baffled at how well I cope with all my injuries but I manage. Not all days are sunshine and daisys though. Especially when you have two teenagers who constantly fight and one who hates their father so much they could murder him.

"DAMN IT DAD! YOUR SO STUPID!" I can hear Jen yell from upstairs along with a large thud of probably another fist through drywall. Jeff comes downstairs looking a bit hurt.

"All I did was try hugging her while she wasn't paying attention...she doesn't let me hug her anyway...." he sighs and sits next to me on the couch. I put and arm around him and sigh.

"We should've named her something else, maybe her name being so close to Janes has to do with her b-tchyness..." I say, "Its not your fault honey she might just not like you, but at least monty does, he absolutely adores you, you know.."

"yeah but after awhile it hurts my feelings to be called stupid...and the other profanity she's learned..."

"yeah....I'll go talk to her" I stand and kiss him then walk up the stairs with mastered silence. I sneak to the guest bedroom which is now Jen and Monty's room. Sadly they have to share a room...I unlock the door with my knife (Yes I still carry knives with me, yes I still kill),stuff it back in my pocket and open the door. Jen is stabbing a pillow set up against the wall....wait..stabbing? I don't let her take knives to her room...

"Jennifer put down the knife." I say sternly. She turns to me baring the.knife not realizing who I am. I grab the knife faster than she can react instead of waiting.

"Why do you have this? why are you stabbing you're pillow?" I ask furiously. I have enforced the rule of no knives in her room for almost eight years seems Ironic since I'm a murderer but I don't want my children slitting eachothers throats in their sleep.

"Ok I took it, so? You and dad always have knives with you, you have two on you right now!not including the one I was just using!" Jen answers with a tone I really don't like. I set down my knives to surpass impulse.

"Honey. First of all, You do not back talk your mother. Second, I am an adult, dad is an adult we can have knives if we want, but you are still a kid, you still live under our roof, meaning you listen to our rules. Third your dad has feelings too, and you really hurt them when you call him names. Maybe when you calm down and apologize to your father him and I can tell you and monty a secret....we were going to wait until you were sixteen but I think you could hear now if you apologize. Ill give you half an hour." I say, pick up the knives and walk out. Jen looked curious enough she might actually apologize this time...You may want to know, what is Jeff and Kai hiding from their children? Its obvious! Unless ben said anything or jack and smile can suddenly talk the kids don't know we're murderers. Jens probably gonna just hate jeff more but I want at least one apology from her to jeff before I die. Yes I've never heard her apologize to Jeff ever.

Kai The killer (( a Jeff the Killer Fanfiction)) (Watty Awards 2013-2014)Where stories live. Discover now