Healing a strange wound

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I've been hit in the face with inspiration xD I started school....anyways thanks for reading!  

your greatful author,  



*Kai's POV*  

Jeff is looking at me like....well....I can't really explain....I don't care It hurts too much..I just run to the bathroom crying. I can hear Jeff following but I'm in too much pain.  

"Kai I can help fix you up!" Jeff exclaims helplessly. I turn still cryying now holding my hands to my cheeks. I don't answer in fear of more pain.  

"just stay calm. sit down please." I do so and Jeff walks out. He comes back with the first aid. He takes out a needle and takes my arm. "this will put you to sleep." he says calmly and injects the

*Jeff's POV*  

I inject kai with the sleeping medication. She goes out within five minutes. I pick her up and lay her on the floor behind the couch where there is more room. I then get to work numbing her face. Damn it I wish I asked her if I should stitch her mouth up...guess I won't....


*Kai's POV*

I wake up the next day and my face feels...fuzzy? I can't really feel it....It 'feels' like when you go to a dentist and they numb your mouth to pull a tooth...but...did any of what happened earlier actually happen? I reach up and put my index finger on my lip and run it along until I reach where the corner of my mouth should be...but my finger keeps going until I reach my cheekbone....It all was real. I have myself a permanant smile like jeff.... ...huh....I stand up but before I know it I'm suddenly bleeding. A LOT. I guess Jeff left stuff for me because there is gauze, used and unused littered EVERYWHERE. I grab some and press them to my bleeding face. I don't see Jeff but I think he's in the house...I lay back down and try keeping the blood to a dull roar. I'm failing pretty badly. I need a shower, but how am I going to shower with an open wound? I really hate Jane suddenly. UGH. I decide I'm bored.  

"Jeff? y-"  

"Kai don't talk. It makes it worse" He interupts me and stand up from the couch. I nod and he walks over ,sits next me and puts and arm around me.  

"I'm surprised you aren't tired. You probably have 15 different medications in you." Jeff says. I just shrug and hug him for a thanks. He kisses my forehead in return. I look up and mouth 'phone'. He gets up and brings it to me and sits next to me again. I open it and I have at least 20 texts from Anika. I laugh on the inside and realize. hah. I should send a pic of myself. I open the camera and take a pic of myself. Jeff did bunny ears on me. I can't help but giggle. I send the pic to anika saying 'Well I met Jane the killer a day ago. Jeff did away with her but she got to have her fun before he found me. how are you?'  

Not two seconds later I get a text back from her. "KAI!!! oh jeeze that must hurt! Are those Jeffs fingers?"  

"Well I can't feel my face. Jeff says I'm loaded with painkillers, but it definitely hurt when Jane cut open my face. and yes he's right next to me. " Jeff laughs.  

"well you should call! I already miss you!"  

"I'm sorry I can't talk for a bit, but I will call as soon as I'm healed enough."  

"oh ok. Well how is everything going?"  

"good! besides getting attacked by smile dog and getting my face cut. What are they saying about me?"  

"Everyone is sure you're dead no question. No cops asked or even checked it out. You did a good job because the house and half the trees around it are gone."  

"great! Well I'm going to go. The screen is making my eyes hurt. talk to you when I can. bye!"  

"bye :( " I close the chat and bring up the notepad app and write "I'm hungry" and show it to Jeff. He thinks for a moment and gets up and looks through the pantry and fridge. He grabs fruits and ice. When we went through the house I showed him how to make a smoothy. Hope to god I can eat. I watch him make one, on his part, with much diffuculty. He brings it to me and carefully hands it to me. I shakily take a sip. Not bad actually. I look up at him and nod happily. He looks like he feels he did a good job and sits down. 

"You seem to be feeling alright" Jeff says. I nod and keep drinking. It feels much better to get something in my system besides medicine. A LOT.


It's been a week since My face was cut open. I've talked to Anika only once more. Jeff and I have gotten more friendly but not too friendly. haha, Jeff has started to put his arms around me more and little stuff like that. He allowed me to speak three days after, Of course I listened to him. I started talking and as soon as I did I started bleeding. Jeff helped me stop it but said to talk very little. I reluctantly agree. It isn't real fun, being silent and left to ponder your thoughts unless the fellow murderer next to you speaks. Yeah. no.


I lay in Jeff's arms about another week later under the stars. I show him the constellations and we see at least a few shooting stars. I've been able to talk without hurting myself.  

"and that is Ursa minor those stars." I point up to the constellation.  

"those?" Jeff asks pointing at completely different stars. I laugh.  

"no! these ones!" I take his arm and make him trace the stars. We start laughing. I lay my head on his chest, still laughing. I look around. I thought I saw something...I did. Smile dog. Guess Jeff didn't get it through to the mutt.

Kai The killer (( a Jeff the Killer Fanfiction)) (Watty Awards 2013-2014)Where stories live. Discover now