Chapter Eight

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A month passed and the news about Robby and I spread really quickly meaning a lot of girls were interested in me now, whilst the others loathed me because the all had either been out with Robby themselves, or thought they had a chance with him.

Instead of Richard driving me to college in the mornings, Robby took me. Trish and Richard knew about Robby. Though they had yet to meet him, they thought highly of him and had no objection to him driving me to college,but they said the offer was always open for them to drive us as well.

Today I was wearing a cream flowey skirt with black polka dots and a skin tight blacked crop top, leaving a gap of skin in between. I shoved on my military boots and a black blazer.

My hair was down today with loose curls in, a little like Raven's hair really. Over the past month Raven and I had got really close along with another girl named Kristen. We were all taking the same subjects so we went pretty much everywhere together. At breaks and lunch we hung out with Robby and his crew, who I had now got to know a little. There were five of them and they were quite nice guys really. Their names were Dan, Kirk, Wayne, Leon and Finn. Due to us hanging out with them all the time Raven and Kristen had got themselves one of the crew too. Raven was dating Kirk and Kristen was with Dan. The other three had girlfriends that I got on with, but didn't associate with.

However tonight was different, everybody was going to a house party down on London avenue, it was some girl's that I didn't know, but because of who my boyfriend was I was invited and so was everybody else.

I wasn't too excited though to be honest. I was really adamant never to drink alcohol, especially at a party with people there that could take advantage of me, even though I knew that wouldn't happen as long as Robby was withing a 50 mile radius. I hadn't decided what I was wearing or anything yet, but it didn't start until eight so I was fine. I was sleeping at Robby's tonight too, so that was re assuring, because he would be sober as he was driving.

What I WAS looking forward to though, was today's music lesson, because it was the day of the performances and because we had a two hour period, we would be able to watch all of them without a rush.

I was going solo, with my guitar, singing "sparks fly". I was doing it because of Robby saying that sparks flew when we first met, nobody else knew that though, so it was fine that I was being soppy.

I hadn't told Robby, I wanted it to be a surprise, and likewise, Robby wouldn't tell me what he was doing either.

After break we all rushed off to the music room to get ready. Everybody was slightly excited and when we were all sat down, the performances started.

The first person was a guy called Mark who sang 'small bump' by Ed Sheeran and he was amazing! Everybody cheered when he finished and as the acts continued to come on and off everybody was being really supportive, singing along with people that were nervous and applauding them afterwards.

When miss asked who wanted to go next, Kirk put his hand up and Robby's band got ready. Everybody went quiet. Robby didn't look at anybody, not even me, he just held his guitar and took a couple of deep breaths. Kirk was on drums, Dan on bass guitar, Wayne had a double bass guitar and Leon and Finn were on keyboards.

Robby was a good singer, I'd heard him, he sang all the time, he just didn't realise he did it.

"We're gonna do 'Look after you' by the Fray" he said and then the keyboard and drums started up doing the intro.

"If I don't say this now, I will surely break, as I'm leaving the one I wanna take, forget the urgency, but hurry up and wait, my heart has started to separate."

I couldn't believe how amazing he was, as he started to do the chorus, he turned to face in my direction and looked straight at me, his eyes never leaving mine. Everybody else could see he was serenading me, but I didn't care.

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