Chapter Ten

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I walked back up the decking steps and into the conservatory, where all the drinks were, where I had last seen them.

Then I caught sight of Lisa, a girl in our literature class, chatting to her mates on the balcony.

"Hey, Lisa?" I asked, going up to her.

She turned around smiling at me.

"Paisley, hi!" she cried, pulling me in for a hug.

"Hey, listen, you haven't seen Raven and Kristen anywhere have you?" I asked her.

She frowned and then she smiled again.

"Yeah, I saw them going upstairs about five minutes ago" she answered.

"Thanks so much" I called as I walked off in search of the stairs.

"No problem" I heard her cry as I turned right and walked down the hall.

I walked up the stairs quickly, and when I got to the top I looked left and right to see that i was on a long hallway with about seven doors on it.


Then I slapped myself on the head mentally and pulled out my phone from my bag, scrolling down my contact list to Raven's number and calling her.

"Hey Pais!" she answered, sounding slightly tipsy.

I rolled my eyes.

"Where the hell are you?" I asked impatiently.

"Outside in the garden, why where are you?" she asked.

"I'm upstairs looking for YOU, right okay I'm coming" I answered, ending the call and replacing my phone into my bag.

But then, as I was just about to turn around to walk down the stairs, I felt a cold hand on my shoulder and I flinched, turning around to see a guy that I despised. His name was Connor Turner and he was the biggest dick head you could have ever imagined.

"Yes?" I asked, looking at him as he began to stare at my cleavage.

Great, a drunk pervert, exactly what I need right now!

"My eyes are up he-" before I could get my words out he grabbed hold of my arm, opening up the door to the nearest bedroom and pushing me inside as he closed it behind him.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, frightened.

He didn't say anything, he just began walking towards me creepily.

I backed away, trying to get away from him, but then I felt my back hit the wall behind me.

I tried to climb onto the bed, but he put his arm out, his other hand brushing my hair off my shoulder and running over my neck.

"Get off me you perv" I hissed, pushing on him, but he moved in closer, pressing into me with his hips as he moved his head in, breathing his liquor-ridden breath onto my face, reminding me instantly of my mother, causing me to squeeze my eyes closed tightly.

Then I felt him start kissing my neck, sucking on my skin hard, causing waves of pain to shoot up my neck.

I screamed, hoping somebody downstairs would hear me. But I instantly regretted it as he pulled away and slapped me hard on the cheek.

My skin burned, it felt as if my eye was going to explode and I instantly felt fury rush through me. The little cunt, I wasn't going to let him treat me this way!

I kicked out at him with my right leg, hitting him in the dick.

He let out a grunt of pain and glared at me, before turning me over so that my face was pressed up against the wall.

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