Chapter Eleven

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I woke up in the morning to find myself lying in Robby's bed. My body tangled up in his sheets and my head resting on his chest.

I bent my head up to catch a glimpse of him and noticed he was still sleeping, his chest moving up and down slowly and his eyelids fluttering slightly every now and then.

Then my eyes caught sight of something I had never noticed before. A tattoo.

I had a secret liking for tattoos, though I rarely expressed such feels, due to Richard and Trish's strong hate towards them.

I squinted my eyes slightly so I could make out what it said. It was on the inside of his right bicep, where all the aquatic London 2012 athletes had their Olympic rings tattooed.

It said 07. 09. 12.

A date? But why would he have that inscribed onto his gorgeous skin?

I shook off the thought and decided to ask him when he arose.

I slid out of bed carefully, being cautious not to wake him, and picked up his black collared shirt from last night, slipping it on over my vest. The sleeves were still rolled up to the elbows from when he had worn it and I smiled at his dress sense.

It smelled strongly of his aftershave too and instantly made me go weak at the knees as I walked out of the bedroom and made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

I had decided to make him a brew and breakfast to have in bed, seen as he was clearly shattered.

I clicked down the button on the kettle and got to work making toast and slicing up fruit.

Then I felt a pair of hands wrap tightly around my tiny waist and a chin rest on my shoulder.

I jumped slightly at his unexpected presence and I heard him laugh quietly behind me at my startled response.

I felt him take in a deep breath of the scent of my hair and then he started to kiss my neck softly.

"Morning baby" he whispered huskily.

I closed my eyes in bliss and turned my head to look at him.

His hair obviously wasn't greaser when he woke up, it was lying scruffily around his ears, swishy and wavy due to him letting it dry naturally last night. I actually really liked his hair like this too, I didn't expect it to be that long if I was being perfectly honest.

"Mmm hey you" I answered.

Our lips were only mere centimetres apart and after gazing into his hypnotic brown eyes for a few moments, I couldn't take the tension any longer!

I crashed my lips against his and felt him smile slightly against the kiss.

I jumped when I heard the toast pop up out of the toaster and reluctantly pulled away from the irresistible kiss.

"God that looks good" he complimented as he replaced his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder again

"Robby?" I questioned as I scraped the butter over the toast and passed the jam jar back to him for him to open it.

"Mhmm?" He answered as his wrists twisted open the jar lid.

Should I be asking this question? I'm sure if he wanted to tell me he would have done so.

Maybe he forgot.

What, forgot to tell you about a permanent inscription on his skin?

For god's sake Paisley, stop arguing with your conscience!

"What's your tattoo about?" I found myself saying.

Oh no, I shouldn't have asked, it's none of my business. He's going to get all pissed off at me now all because I couldn't keep my bloody mouth SHUT!

He gripped me gently by the shoulders and span me round to face him and his eyes darted around mine with glee.

Okay, not the reaction I was dreading.

I saw him inhale deeply and close his eyes briefly, before re opening them and looking at me softly.

"All of the summer holidays last year, I was dreading college. I couldn't be arsed to go and I just wanted to work and get money in. My mates were all the same as me but I had it the worst. I tried not to show it, you know? But I just felt piss angry all the time".

He took a deep breath and his eyes bore deep into my soul before his lips re opened and he continued his answer.

"When the first day of college came, I remember driving there and just wanting to punch a wall, and when I pulled up and found my mates I just sucked it up, had a fag and started chatting with them".

Where was he going with this?

"Then I caught Leon staring over my shoulder at something and I asked him what it was. He told me that a hot girl was looking at me. When I turned around and saw her, my breath caught in my throat and i instantly felt all of the anger and frustration that i had felt over the last six weeks disappear. When she looked away in embarrassment,I decided to walk over to her. My legs felt like they were going to give in at any minute and when I reached her and smelled her amazing scent it almost knocked me over because it was so alluring. She looked a little scared and started pulling together an apology, which just made me want to kiss her. And, after introducing myself, I did".

His hands then went to my waist and he pulled me in closer.

"That girl, took my breath away. That day, I asked her to be mine and she said yes. That girl, was you, and that date, is the date we met, the date of our first kiss and our anniversary."

I smiled and then felt a water droplet on my bare chest.

I'd been crying!

I lunged myself onto him and kissed him like there was no tomorrow, running my hands through his soft hair and feeling my tears stream down my face.

He pulled away and smiled at me happily, his hands cupping my face tenderly.

"I love you" we whispered simultaneously, causing each other to laugh.


After breakfast, we slouched on the sofa and drew the curtains, making the room darker and cosier with a lamp on in the corner.

He flicked through the channels with his legs slightly parted and me lead in between them, running my hands up and down his perfectly sculpted abs slowly.

I watched the titles of the movies and shows change rapidly as he flicked through and then I jumped up.

"Pretty woman's on in two minutes!" I cried, looking over at him, where he was looking at me with a confused expression covering his angelic face.

"You've NEVER watched Pretty woman?" I asked in disbelief.

He shook his head.

"Oh my god, you'll love it," I answered, taking the remote out of his hands and flicking back to the channel that it was on.


As the film played, we both sat there, watching eagerly.

Then it reached the part when Vivian answers the door to Philip and he tries to rape her, then hits her and Edwards bursts in and hits him and sends him out.

I felt Robby tighten his grip on me slightly as I tried my hardest not to remember yesterday with Connor.

I just wanted to forget it ever happened.

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