Part 5:Kind of Friends (Maybe?)

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When I woke up, the smell of blueberry muffins filled my nostrils. I slugged to the bathroom. I realized I couldn't freshen up because I didn't have anything to freshen up with. So I washed up as best I could and headed down to the kitchen. Landon was seating at a bay window reading. I hadn't noticed that last night. I saw charlie standing over the stove cooking eggs. Charlie saw me standing there gwaking at stuff like an idiot and cleared his throat loudly. That made Landon looked up and raised an eyebrow at me. In confusion I looked down and I saw that I was still in just his t-shirt. 

"Oops" I said shrugging and going to sit next to Landon. He shifted uncomfortably away from me. Well atleast I know he's not creep. 

What are you reading?"I asked him craning my neck to see the cover.

"Othello"  he smirked at me making sure his eye's didn't fall below my neck.

"Oh yea, I know that it by that Shakespeare man sir person right?" I rambled.

"Yes him" She said shaking his head at me.

He got up and placed the book down where he was sitting, he walked to next room. I glance at some pictures on his wall some of them was his famliy (I was guessing) and junk like that, but one photo of a girl with olive skin, hazel eye, and a beauiful smile got my attention. I walked over to it. I saw a name 

"Landon and Celeste" 

When I turned around Landon was standing in the doorway looking at his shoes. I felt bad for being nosy, but she looked interesting. "Wow she's pretty." I said and looked up at me. he just nodded once.

"Your breakfast is ready!" Charles called out to us. Swifly walked passed Landon. I sat down at the Island as Charles sat my plate down. I crossed my legs so the fellas couldn't see under the shirt I was wearing.

"After we're done eating I taking you back home." He said sternly to me. I hope he wasn't mad at me for looking at that photo, but who cares if he is? I nodded at him while I was stuffing muffin in my mouth. Charles coughed to stop from laughing at, but i didn't care.

"Stop eating like a Pig." Landon fussed at me.

"Ro Rry reat rike ry rant to" I said mouth full of food. Landon glared at me and Charles keep coughing. I drank down some orange Charles sat front of me. I wiped my mouth and dashed up stairs to put my clothes on. When I came back down Landon was waiting on me at the door. I waved by to Charles who politely nodded at me.

"So eager to get rid of me Landon?" I playful questioned. 

"Yes, I have to go to work."

"Oh bummer so do I."

In car I was jittery from nervousness. I could possible be fired now. Landon keep giving me side glances because my legs where shaking like jello. The closer we got the worse I got.

"You okay?"

"Yes I'm fine, but almost sure I'm fired." He laughed so so hard he had to hold his left side. When pulled in front of my house. I was still glaring a him.

"What's so funny?



"Your reactions make me laugh."

"What Kind of friend are you?" I huffed.

"I never said we where friends Trescott" he said. My jaw dropped. I just didn't understand him.

"Whatever jerk and my name is Gracyn." 

I slammed the door to his exspensive car and I could him hear laughing right before the door closed. I stomped off and pulled off. I walked through the open garage door. I smell gas and other car stuff. I hear Richard cough loudly and I jumped, but knew must having be smoking. I walked up an old run down car and him under the car.

"Hey Richard" I called down to him. As he rolled from under the car he hit his head on the bumper.

"Ouch!" he yelled rubbing the spot were he hit his head.

"I'm back or am I fired?""

"Get to work" He said throwing gloves at me.

Richard was never the type to talk about old problems or new one either. So I dropped it. I walk to my room and changed into work jump suit. I started help Richard on his run automoblie. It smelled of dead things and old people. We spent hours working this car and ran perfectly. I knew we'd have to do body work later on this junk of Jaguar XJ.

I was tired so I showered and laid down in my bed.

********Landon's POV*****

I was asmused by That Trescott girl. I was still laughing at when I walked into police agency I worked for. I walked in the bosses office. Lane, Peterson, and Lit. Daniels was in deep conversation. I knocked They all looked at me.

"What's going on?"

"I need you to work a case Barrick"

"O-kay. Isn't that my job?" I smart mouthed at him and huffed ignoring it.

"It's Gary Trescott case. It was never solved. It happened about 4 years ago." He explained. I had a bad feeling about this case, but it was my job to find out what happend."

**********Gracyn POV******

I was relaxing with my eye's closed when I heard knock at the side door. I was scared so I grabbed my protector the cobra. I walked to the door slowly and peeped out it was Ezri. He was all bursied up.

"What the hell?" I said grabbing his face and inspecting it. He tried to put away from me, but I wouldn't let him.

"Grace, let go, it hurts enough." He protested against my grip on his face. I let go and stepped back to let him in. He went to my room and sat on the foot of my bed by the tv.

"What happed to you?" I demand to know the answer from him.

"Just got in a fight sis no biggy." He shrugged.

"How does the other guy look then?" 

"He ran him so his friends jumped me." 

"Wait what?"

"No biggy sis I go this"

"I don't want you fighting Ezzy, I can't lose you too."

Grace your not going to lose me, I'm here to stay." He said hugging tightly.

"Okay I'll clean you up"

**********Landon's POV*******

I looked through all the files and stuff for this case and nothing added up. I was scratching my head when Lane came up tp me.

"You want coffee,I'll get it?" She sounded eagar to get me anything, but she doesn't understand that I will never like her the way she likes me.No matter how many times I told her and turned down her date offers.

"No I'm fine, thanks anyway." I said turning back to my case. Before Lane walked off she mumbled "Why not just talk to the Trescott girl?" I pretended to not hear her. She sighed as she left my desk. I felt bad that she still haven't move on over me, when we didn't even date each other. We're crime parnters, but that was it and I don't think I did anything to lead he on to me.

Roughly scooting my chair back and jogging to my truck. I realized I had to come up for reason to see Gracyn Trescott again without looking like and 26 year old creep, because after all she was only 19. "Well damn."

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