Part 6:Trescott Case

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****Landon POV*******

The next morning I went to Gracyn's house so I bring her for some questions about the murder of her dad and brother. The garage was open and I saw that scum-bag working on a car.  I didn't for greeting or small talk so I straight to the point.

"Where's Trescott?" I demanded to know. He even look at me, but he huffed at my question.

"Her grandmother house." he growled back at me while still working that car.

"Where is that." 

"Why?" He smart mouthed me. I don't like smart mouthed people when I'm being nice to them. I slammed his head and arms under the hood putting all my body weight on him. He groaned in pain, but I ignored him. A lady with a baby in a stroller stopped and glared at us. I waved at her and she quickly walked away.

"Where does her grandmother live drunk loser?" I slammimg the hood down again.

"O-kay okay stop. She several houses down from here!" He screamed. I got off him and fix the hood back. I jogged to my truck. I counted seven houses down to an old well kept, but still needed help crelo cottage. The porch was huge but the accessories on it made it look full. The house was mostly white, but had hints of black. I jump out my truck  and ran to the front door. I knocked sternly on the door.

"Coming" a low voice said from right behind the door. The door open and od lady was staring up at while leaningon her cane.

"Is Gracyn Trecott here?"

"Yes sir she is. What have she done this time." The old assumed and stepping aside to let me in. I wait for to guide me where she wanted me. She pointed a overly crowed with dolls, but neat living room. I step in there as she began calling Gracyn.

"Gracy get you butt out here a handsome young wants to see you!" She hollered at the top of old voice.

"Who is it" Gracyn yelled running into the room. When saw it me she smiled and then frowned. That bothered me a little, I shrugged it off.

"What do you want jerk?" She said folding her arms.

"You have come down to the office." I laughed at her attitude. She narrowed her eye's at me.

"Whyyyyyy!!" She whined in protest. I cough to keep from laughing.

"It about you father and brother case." I informed her. She gasped and stared at me. 

"Why are people bring that back up?It wasn't solved then and not going to be solved now." She mumbled while look down at her feet. 

"Oh, but that's were you wrong at"

*****Gracyn POV*****

On the way to station Landon kept trying to make small talk.

"So um are you grandmother close?"



"She's an old bitter bat"

"That's not nice."

"You know what's not nice is you coming an ruining my dad with my little brother Ezri." I accused.

"Well sorry for doing my job.'

I huffed at his words and stared out the window and for rest of the we both were quiet. When the station I was expectig to be put back in on crimnals rooms, but I wasn't was seat at Landon's desk. He sat down and typed something on his computer. I looked around the his work place got mean glare from Detective Lane. I smiled at her and she rolled eyes.

"so tell me what you know about the murders."


What? Why?" he asked clearly upset.

"Not here in this office. I'm not comfortable enough to speak on my private knowledge." I whipsered

"Why must you be so difficult Gracyn?" He said putting face in his hands. I waited for him to collect hisself. I crossed my legs and arm and sat back in the seat.  He signed heavily and looked at for a moment. I looked away.

"Fine but I don't get off unitl 7 tonight." He informed me.

"Okay, whatever. But  what am I suppose to do until Landon.?" I barked at him.

"Oh I don't know, talk about the damn case Trescott." I smirked at me.

"Gracyn!" I shouted at him getting up walking to the front door. I almost made it when pulled me back by my arm and stepping front of me.

"Where are you going?"

"Anywhere you not" I snapped back at him.

"Hey Barrick there's something going down at the hot spot" some cop yelled at Landon while running pass us. I was being drug by hand to Landon's desk.

"Wait here until I get back." He instructed me.

"Not going to happen." I confrimed back



We were both locked in a death stare when Lane walked up to us.

"Are you and future fiancee' done.? We need you Barrick" She said as jogged passed us.

"Fine come on" He said sprinting out the door. I had to use half my energy to keep up with him. When got to the car he started right away and he swreved off the parking lot like a mad man. As I was trying to fasten my seatbelt  the car was tossing me from side to side. Police sirens where coming from everywhere. I thrilled and scared of this stuff at same time.

When we got to where Landon needed to be he slammed on the brakes nearly breaking my neck. Good thing I put my seat belt on. I hadn't realized I was gripping the seat until Landon parked the car.

"Stay here." he said not giving me anytime to protest against him. He ran off behind a building. I was anxious waiting and not knowing what's happening. 20 minutees passed. If stupid girls in movies can get out and see what's going on so can I. I ran around the side where I saw Landon go. I was ducking down. I saw one police fall to the ground in front of me with a bullet in his head. I cringed at how close he was ro me. I stuck my head in the doorway gunshot where loud in the air. I didn't see Landon, but I saw Lane she aimming for a bad guy.

I felt someone behind me. I turned around to see who it was man with mask on. He snatch me up by hair and wrapped huge are my throat and put a cold thing to head. 

"Oh no there's gun to my head." I whimpered to myself. 

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