Part 8:Hidden Abuse

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"We have to take him to a hospital. "I panicked sitting the back seat with Ezri.  Landon speeding.

"No, I know a doctor." He was low and rough. I was shaking trying to stay calm. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks as I held Ezri to me. "I need you to be okay" I whispered into his ear. I hadn't notice we where at Landon's house. He jumped out and open the back door to skowky ease Ezri over his shoulder. I jump down out of the car and jogged behind them. Landon was already on the phone before he put Ezri in a guest room on the first floor. Ezri's blood was staining the satin white sheets. I held his hand kneeled down by the bed. Landon was speaking so fast I couldn't keep up with his words. I glanced back at him , he wasglaring and walked out the room. 

"Ezzy your the only family I have left I- I can't loose you." I felt uncontrollable tears and sobs come from me. I hear the door echo through out house. I heard Charles welcom someone and a pale, red head man came through the door in his pj's and he had a bag. I sniffed and wiped my face.

"Excuse me ma'am.' He said actually pushing me to the side. I fell on my bottom. I didn't say anything because he was helping Ezri. Landon pulled my out the room and Charles walked in locking the door behind him.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I shouted at Landon and trying to pull myself out his grip. I pulled my to the living room. I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at the direction of the room.

"They needed space to work." He said calmly sitting down on the loveseat. He was soon in deep thought. I sat down next him. I put my face on my knees. I just can't sit here just do nothing. Ezri needs and Mae needs a good a** kicking. I getting angry with life the more I just sat here. I was loosing a grib on my sanity big time. Landon made loud groan sat back and stared the ceiling. I hadn't noticed I was staring at him until Charles walked in the room.

"We have the bleeding under control, surprisingly he didn't lose much. He will a massive headache." Said cursing by like we weren't even there. 

"I am allowed to see him?" I asked jumping up ready to run to my littled brother. When didn't answer I looked at Landon and then back at Charles.


Was all he needed to say and dashed to my little brother. Who apprently need oxygen. I looked at him and but didn't recognize him because wires were everywhere on him. I couldn't  get close to him. So I just  grabbed a seat on the floor next to the door. I was getting headache from crying and I was also tired from the days activies. I closed my eye's and was trying to relax, but my heart wouldn't let me. I keep my eye closed as tears slowly fell from my close eye's. 

"Why my family?" was all I think, but that was caught off my sleep. 

The next morning I woke up in the purple room, I didn't remember walking up to the third floor. I was still fully dressed. I washed whatever I could and this time Landon or Charles put a toothbrush and paste in the bathroom for me. I looked myself in the mirrors in the bathroom. I had puffy eye's and a red nose. I had to blow my nose. I washed my hands and glanced one last time at myself. I ran down to the room Ezzy was. When I open the door I met his light brown eye's and smiled weakly at me. I still couldn't get close to him, so I stood at the foot of the bed. He was purple, red and black. I nodded once at him smiled lighted back at him. I oxygen mask was removed sometime when I wasn't present. 

"Why didn't you tell me she was hurting you?" I choked back anger.

"I- I didn't want y-you to get mad."

"What? Ezzy you know I would've help you get away from her"

"How when we have nothing or no where else to go Gracy?"

"I still would've done something Ezri"

There was tap at the door. I saw Charles with a breakfast tray and on it was 3 pancakes, slice fruit, orange juice, bacon, sausages, trix cereal, milk and spoons and forks. I felt my mouth water and my stomache growl. I ignored it and watched him place it down in front of Ezri.

"I'll be back when your done eating Ezzy"

"Ok Gracy" He said digging right into the pancakes. I laughed at him and shook my head. Well Charles is an amazing cook I thought to myself at walked out the room. I was went into the kitchen. The table was filled with all kinds of breakfst foods. I saw Landon in the same spot he was in the first time I woke up here. 

"Are you expecting company?" I said covering his book up with my hands. He laughed and put the book down. 

"No I didn't know what you liked so I just had my chief come over early and cook up a few things."

"Okay so how does a Detective have luxury on just limited pay check?"

"My parents owned 5 popular ice cream parlors and when my dad passed of cancer two years my mom gave me the other half of the ownership.

I looked down at my feet wishing I was still blessed like that. Well my dad didn't own 5 ice shops, but he was Lawyer and great on. My stomache growled so loud I put my hand on it. Landon laughed and pushed me off the bay window and into the kitchen.

"Eat whatever you want Gracyn" he picking his book back up. I grabbed a blueberry muffin, 2 slices of bacon, 2 hash browns, and 2 sausages. Ok I know your thinking dang she fat, but no I'm just hungry. When I finished my last sausage. I saw Charles bring an empty tray to the kitchen. I rose up from my seat guzzled down some apple juice and walked to check on Ezri.

He was looking at flat screen tv. I look see what he was watching and was some show with rob Dyrdek on it. He laugh so hard he cough. I hover over him to make sure he was ok. He waved me off.

"Ezri" I said in stern voice crossing my arms.

"I know back to our oringinal convo right?"


"Well before started being crazy she was talking about mom, even though we don't know her."I nodded to tell him to go on. 

"She was saying how are piece of Sh** of a father is why her only daughter doesn't talk her anymore and we have pay for it." I flinched at the insult to my father and noted that she hinted my mother is still alive.

"Gracy I thought mom was dead, that what dad said right?"

"Yes Ezzy that right."

"Yes that's what I thought. I knew that old bat was mentally deranged." We both laughed at his choice of words. I just couldn't shake that maybe she wasn't crazy about that.

"Rest on boy." I said closing the door to his room. I went back the kitchen to see if I could talk to Landon, but wasn't there. Charles noticed me.

"He's in his room child."

"Thanks for helping my little brother Charles" He just nodded once and continue cleaning the table. I ran to the second floor. Landon's door was open I just walked in slowly and notice how morning sun hit the balcony. I was walking to see it better. When suddenly Landon bathroom swung open. He was standing there in just black towel. He was still dripping wet, hair flat on face and hung loose in the back. His body was like a really buff male model. My jaw dropped and could swearn a felt a little drool on my chin. I shook my head.

"Gracyn" he said seductivly

"Yes" I whispered

"Get the hell out of my room!" He yelled at me. I turned and ran. He slammed the door behind me causing me to jump. I feeling like an idiot I ran to the purple. I lightly closed the door behind me and slide down to the floor. I put my face in my hands. 

"Stupid,stupid" I said face palming myself hard. I let legs slowly slide straight front of me.

So much for talking to him.

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