Cahpter 10

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"Pass the suyrup please?" Austin asked me in particularly knowing full well I was horrible in mornings.

"Pass your own damn suyrup!" I snapped back at him. Everybody looked at me surprized, except for Char and Austin, who seemed to have a big smirk on his goofy face. "Uheh, sorry." I gave an appolegetic smile then grabbed the suyrup bottle and threw it at Austin while yelling 'CHUCK NORRIS!!!' and it hit him in the chest.

"DAHLIA VANG!!!!"He was practicly screaming but I just smiled.

"Yes my dear?" Kyler's hand, which was holding mine, tightend a little, I looked at him confused but he just shook his head and let go of my hand. I frowned and looked at it then back at Austin. But got even more confused when he wasn't there.

"Dahliaaa, look up my lovely dearest."  I looked up, but only find suyrup going down my face. I closed my eyes and looked straight to let it go threw my hair. Char and Daemon laughed, and I could've sworn I felt steam come off my skin. I moved my elbow to the right, elbowing him in the gut, makeing him hunch over. When he did I grabbed the bottle and put in in his hair, rubbing it all over with my hand then kneed him in the groin so he wouldn't get up, but not to hard, that he'd be in so much pain. I laughed then poured the rest of the suyrup down his shirt and pants.

"And that what you get for trying to mess with me." I smirked at him, kissed his head then licked my lips. "Mmmm nummie, well exuse me guys, I gotts to go take a shower. Bye!" I gave Kyler a peck on his cheek and half smiled and I gave him a half smile back. Then I blew a kiss at Char and Daemon, and Austin who is currently standing straight. looking madder than a mad person. I laughed and walked to my bedroom, got clothes and a towel, walked in the bathroom. I turned the shower on hot, took off my clothes and walked in.

*Kyler's P.O.V.*

After I  heard the shower go on, I glared at Austin who glared back. "What the hell do you think your doing?!?!" I felt like ripping his thoat out.

"What do you mean? I was just having some fun, besides, I met her first" He said it with confuseion at first, then added a smirk at the end.

"Yeah well, she's MY soul mate!" I yelled back at him. "And don't pretend to be confused because you don't fool me for a second! Stop flirting with my girlfriend, she's mine. And mine only." This seemed to get him pissed off because he started yelling back at me.

"Oh really?! She's YOUR soul mate huh? Have you told her all your little secrets? Have you told her 'Dahlia my heart, I am your soul mate, but i am also a blood sucking monster!' Have you told her your a fucking vampire?!" Then he turned towards Charlotte and Daemon. "And you!" He said poiinting a finger to Charlotte. "YOUR suppost to be her best friend! Her sister! Your suppost to be protecting her from crap like this! Protecting her and warning her of vampires and werewolves and witches! Why have you not told her.." I didn't let him finish, he was pissing me off to no end.

"Do NOT bring her and Daemon into this! And if your so fond of protecting her, why don't you tell her yourself?"

He took a deep breath. "Because it's not my place to tell her, I'm a human not a vampire, nor a werwolf, nor a witch, nor anything else. I am just a plain human who would like to keep Dahlia that way." He then walked to the door.

Charlotte called out to him, "where are you going?"

"To get more suyrup." He said it like as if nothing just happened. I looked over at Charlotte and Daemon, they both looked a little upset, but not unhappy.

"Kyler you know their like brother and sister right? When they talk like it, they are only joking."

I tried not to get mad at Charlotte, because I knew she was right. So I took a deep breath, not like it would help, seeming as to I don' need to breath for an unbeating heart. "Your right, it's just that.." I trailed off.

"It's just that you love her, and you don't know what you would do without her? Yeah I know, I feel the same with Daemon, but I know that he would never leave me or hurt me on purpose. I know that he loves me, and he know I love him. Just keep that in your head okay?" I smiled at her.

"Yeah, okay, thanks Charlotte"

"Any time." I then heard a scream that sounded like bloody mary coming from upstairs. I used vampire speed to get upstairs. I started banging on the the door.

"DAHLIA?! Dahlia!! are you okay?? Open this door right now!!" I waited for fifteen seconds then upened the door with a little more force than I should have. "Dahlia? What's wrong?" I heard whimpering coming from the shower that was still on. So I grabbed a towel and turned off the shower and wrapped Dahlia in it. Then held her in my arms, not caring if she was still soaking wet, even through her towel.

"I,,I,, I saw him the" She was stuttering like crazy, he hair all over her hair, iI could see the tears mixed in with the shower water.

"Who babe, who?"

"Th-the man with ff-fangs." The man with fangs? What the hell?

"Shh babe it's okay. I'm here with you now. I won't let anything hurt you, I promise. I love you Dahlia Vang and I sware noone and nothing is ever going to hurt you." I said all that in a hushed tone and I soon realized she was sleeping. I went to her room and change her into some sensible clothes, making shure I didn't touch nor see anything. Then afterwards I laid down with her halfway on top of me, and I held her close to me. Then I coverd us both with covers, and I pulled them up all the way to her chin. I called to Charlotte in my mind, not wanting to wake Dahlia. Not a minoute later was she here.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, Dahlia said something about a guy with fangs being in the shower with her."

"A guy with fangs? You mean a vampire? Did you tell anybody that she was your mate? Like besides me, Daemon, and Austin?"

"No not at all." I paused then added, "do you think he told anybody after we had that fight?" I knew she knew I was talking about Austin.

"No I really don't think so, he loves her to much for that."

"Did you or Daemon?" She gave me a 'your-serious-right?' look, and I gave her a 'Sorry' look while raising my eyebrows and look down.

"I can feel Daemon getting upset, i'm going to tell him what happened." I nodded at her and she left. Then I looked at Dahlia who looked like an beautiful angel sleeping on my chest. I was about to fall asleep when she started stirring. So I waited paitently for her to wake up. When she finnally did, she blinked her georgose icey blue eyes a few times before realizing I was with her, and she was on me.

*Dahlia's P.O.V.*

Kyler was staring down at me. I looked aroung, blinking my eyes and realized I was sleeping on him. I blushed and tried to move away but he wouldn't let me. I looked bake at him, to see worry leaking of of every inch of his face. I was confused at first but then I remembered what happend. The pictures went by in me head in a flash. The shower, me closeing my eyes for a second and opening them to find that guy with the fangs in my dream, him moving towards my neck, him biting down on my neck. Then I remembered screaming and Kyler coming to help me, then me falling asleep. I started paniking and reached for my neck. There were no marks, no holes, no scars, that I could feel of. I sighed and looked back at Kyler. We stared at each other for a while until he spoke.

"Dahlia? Are you okay?" He sounded pained, depressed and hurt. I almost started criying again when I heard it. I nodded and tried to smile at him.

"Yes I'm fine, don't worry about it kay?" He shook his head as if to say, 'don't ever tell me that, cause I will ALWAYS be scared for you'.I started feeling faint for some odd reason. I think Kyler could tell to cause he got into a more comfurdabal, then me into one too.


"Mmm?" I could barley talk now, thats how tired I was, and I heard him say some jibberish words before I fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

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