Chapter 19

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"I'll see you at home kay?" I kissed my dad on the cheek and got in my car. I started it, then sent Charlotte a text saying we'll be home in an hour. I looked back, making shure Dakota was strapped in tight.

"Flower, calm down, she's strapped in tight, okay?" I sighed and looked at Kyler who was in the passenger seat.

"I just want to be a good enough Mum for her." 

"You will be the best Mom, I promise okay?" I nodded at him, bulcked in, and started driving home, not before  checking Kodda (i'm going to call her that) was buckled in one more time. It took about 20 minoutes to get home cause I was trying to be extra carefull otherwise we'd be there in 10 minoutes. "So, Flower?" I looked other at Kyler who was unbuckling.


"Did you go slow enough?" I looked at him shock.

"Well exuuuse me for not wanting to get into a car crash with my daughter other there! It's not like I could've--" He cut me off by kissing me, which I kissed back right away.

When we broke away he chuckled. "You worry to much Flower, and you havn't even been a mother for two days!" I gave him a sarcastic look before pecking his lips and get out of the car. I went to the other side and unhooked Kodda's careseat, walked to my house and went in with Kyler right behind me.


"Awee she so coote!!" I laughed at Char for two reasons, one. She was making the wierdest baby faces, and two. The was the millianth time she said that. I looked around the room, everybody looked happy aside from Austin. He sighed and went to the kitchen, and I followed him. I crossed my arms and put a 'okay- what-the-heck-is-going-on-with-you' look. I cleared my throught, he jumped, turned to me, and shook his head when he saw my face.

"What's wrong Austin?" I asked softly walking to him and hugged him.

He hugged me back and wispered in my ear. "I think it's time you found out the truth."

"What do you mean?" He grabbed my hand and pulled me back out to the livering room where my dad, Char, Daemon, and Kyler were. When he walked in Kyler's eyes imidietly went to our hands that were still together, he looked heart broken and he put his head down. I let go of Austin's hand and walked over to Kyler hugging him, he just stayed slump.

"It's time for her to know guys." Austin announced to the room, even I barley heard him cause I was trying to get Kyler to look at me. I sighed sat in his lap and hugged him

"What? Now?" Char asked sounding surprized. I pushed Kyler's head up, making him lean back in the processes, leaned on him and let him put his head on my shoulder.

"Well why not? That, that thing is born!" I stared at Austin did he just call Kodda a thing? My dad sighed.

"He's right Char." He then looked at me. "Rose, Dakota, and Kyler are urmm...well this isn't going to be easy. Well they're uh vampires." I looked at him shocked.

"What?" I then looked a Kyler who had his eyes closed and then at Kodda who's eyes looked happy.

"Rose, hold on, the only humans in this room are Charlotte and Austin." I looked at Char who looked scared and then at Austin who looked depressed. "I'm a witch, and Daemon is a warewolf." I looked at Daemon who was trying to concentrate on Kodda who was now in his arms. "Please don't be angry with us.." He tailed off looking guilty.

"Wait so you're telling me that-that you are a witch," I pointed at my dad, "you are a werewolf," I then pointed at Daemon, "that he's a vampire," I said nodded my head to Kyler, "and that she's a vampire?!?!" They all nodded, and suddenly Kyler's arms wrapped around me pulling me closer to him.

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