Chapter 21

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After quickly showering, I dressed and let my hair air dry. I walked out of the bathroom, putting my towel and dirty clothes in the hamper. I looked over at Kyler and saw he was holding a kid, though she did look familiar. "Uhhh, Pierce?" I said quietly but he ignored me, "Piieerrccee?" After awhile I realised he wasn't going to answer. "Fine, juss ignore me, or talk to me, you know, which ever one you want." He snorted.

"Did you just say 'juss'."

"Oh, so you talk when I say a word?" I narrowed my eyes at him and put my hands on my hips.

"Flower, 'juss', isn't a word, it's not even in the dictionary."

"Uhhh, it's my dictionary. Anyways who's that?" He looked up confused.

"It's Kodda..?" I stared at the baby for awhile until I realized She had the same black curly hair as me and the same bright blue/green eyes as Mum. She was just growing up really fast, I guess. "You'd think a mother would reconize her daughter." I felt a pang in my chest when he said 'daughter' cause I knew I'm not the one who should be taking credit for this little miracle. But as soon as it came, I shrugged it off and took Kodda away from Kyler.

"Well exuse me if my little Angel is growing up so fast." I said then kissed Kodda's nose, when I looked back at her she was smileing a huge toothless smile which made me giggle.

"She' been waiting all morning for you to be the first one to see her smile." Kyler said wrapping his arms around us. "It was a struggle, but she managed."

"How do you know?" I asked, still in a daze over Kodda's beautiful smile.

"I can read minds, remember?" I laughed a little because I actually forgot this whole vampire-werewolf-witches stuff. "It's going to be hard for her, when she wants you to be the first one to hear her laugh, and her first word, to see her walk her first step, watch her do her first specialty. You know she can already sit up by herself?" I smiled proudly at her, until a thought crossed my mind and I looked up at Kyler. "What?" He asked worried, and I got more confused.

"I thought you can read minds?" He nodded.

"I can, but I only read yours when you give me permission." I nodded slowly understanding, and moved Kodda until she was on my hip and I was holding her back. 

"Okay, and magic has specailties right? Well, what's her vampire power?"

"I don't know, but with my mind power I can go through her brain and unlock it?" He said it more like a question to me. I shook my head fro left to right.

"Lets let her decide, when she can talk for her own," and he nodded, smileing at me. "What time is it?"

"Urmm seven-fifteen."


"'Ming!!!" I yelled, and started running down the stairs, but I missed the last step and fell. I started laughing hystericaly and started crawling to the door, I reached up and tried to open the door but I couldn't reach. I then felt something pick me up and I started screaming. "Put me dow-" I was cut off by amazingly beautiful green pierceing eyes.

"You okay?" Kyler asked and I just nodded, not able to speak. I turned to the door, and opened it, being greeted by Charlotte and Daemon.

"Hi guys." Charlotte giggled seeimg as Kyler was holding me.

I crossed my arms. "I fell down the stairs and crawled to the door, but I couldn't reach and Pierce picked-ded me up."


"Mmkay, put me down Pierce!"

"Why so you can just fall again?"

"Noooo, so I can walk to the kitchen." He started walking to the kitchen and I groaned. "Fine just carry me everywhere."

"Okay, I will." I paused, looking for some kind of lieing in his voice, but found non.

"Good morning." My dad said and I screamed, holding my heart.

"Don't DO that to me! I get scared easily. Oh and good morning"

"How'd you sleep?" I screamed again seeing as Austin just walked up behind us."

"Really people?!" Austin laughed slightly, and I narrowed my eyes at him. "Austin we need to talk," I then looked at Kyler. "Alone," I added. Kyler looked at me wierd but slowly put me down. I grabbed Austin's wrist and ran out side, pulling him with me. After we were a good enough distance away from the house, I turned around and watched Austin sit down his back against the tree. He looked up and smiled.

"What's u-"

"Cut the crap, I know something's wrong, what's going on?" His smile faded.

"How do you not hate them?"

"Hate who?"

"Every single person in that house aside from your dad."

"Well firstly, Char and Daemon are my best friends, Kodda's my daughter, and Kyler's my soul mate."

He looked taken back. "You know about that?" I nodded.

"I found out juss yesterday."

"Kodda's not your daughter, we both know that."

I glared at him, "so? Look I'm sorry if you have a problem with all this, but it seems you didn't care until I found out litteraly not twenty-four hours ago! Do you seriously care if there's a vampire, werewolf, witch, and wamitch-wolf in that house right now?"

"Witch's and werewolf's are fine." He muttered.

"So your saying you hate Kyler?"

"Yes." He said hesitently.


"It doesn't matter." He got up and started walking to the house, but I grabbed his arm stopping him.

"Obviously it does, now tell me, what the heck is going on??"

"I don't want you turning into a freakin vampire!!!" He ripped his arm out of my grip and walked into the forest.

I walked back to the house, still surprised over what he said. When I walked in the house I checked my phone and realized it was time to go. "Time to goooo!!!!" I yelled in the house.

"Go where." I looked at Charlotte like she was crazy.

"To school of course." Now it was her turn to give me the crazy look.


"Yesh, you know, the place where we go and there are adults who think they are better than the kids, and they try to teach us stuff that wereally don't need to know?" I said this like I was explaining to a five year old.

"Your mean, I know what school is, just why are we going back?"

"Why not?" She shrugged.

"Lets go then." I nodded.

"Dad!!! We're leaving byiieee Tell Kodda I'll be home around six cause I have to work today!"

I walked out of the house, with my backpack, and keys, with Kyler, Daemon, and Charlotte right behond me.

"Soemone drive I need to do my makeup." I held my keys out and someone took them I looked over and smiled cause Charlotte took them.

"I want the boys to sit in the back." She said at my smug face I nodded not believeing her. When we all got situated in the car, me in the paassenger seat, Char driveing, Kyler behind me, and Daemon behind Char. I put eye liner on, then masacara, putting on gold mascara on after that, then some lip gloss to make my lips pink and stick out. When I was done, I realised we were at school.

"Lock the doors Char, Ima go get our seats warm," and with that said I grabbed Kyler's hand, intertwined our fingers and started walking to class.

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