Chapter 3

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I awoke to a buzzing sound, not really thinking about when me and Char went to bed. I took a quick shower so Char could take one after me. After i washed my hair and body, dried and got dressed, then I woke up Charlotte.

"Wake up," I wispered shaking her a little. "Wake Up! WAKE UP!!!" THis time I yelled it in her ear, knowing she'll get me back later. Her eyes opened and I said, "two hours till school. There's towels in the bathroom already, for you."

"Ughhh.. Thanks Lia. After my shower, there'd better be food on the counter." She got up and walked to my bathroom, I stuck my tongue out at her. After putting eyeliner on, and mascara, and straightend my hair, I tried to think  what to do to it. After a while, I decided to leave it down, and heard my stomach growl, I went downstairs to make french toast, I loved to cook and bake. When i finished making the food, i set the table and put two toast on two plates. When I finished that, Charlette came down. She was dressed, hair dried, and done, and had make up on.

"Is that my shirt?!" I asked her in disbelief.

"Good morning to you too, you look pretty as well...Oh! Yummy! French toast, my favorite!!"

"Everything I make is your favorite." Sneering at her, I stuck my tongue out at her. We were devouring our food (yes I know, we eat like pigs, but were skinny as a stick) when a surprize came down the stairs for me.

"Hey wheres our food?" I turned around and saw my Mum coming down the stairs with her big tummy, and my Dad following her, his hands on her waist, trying to make sure she doesnt trip and fall.

"Mum! Dad! WHen did you guys get home?"

"This morning Sweetheart, oh I missed you so much, oh and guess what?" My mum always had a smile on her face, whether she was hurt or not. she was fearless, and I loved her for that (I look like my dad, but act like my mom) "The babys fine! The doctor said she was just a little upset, but she's fine now. Thank God. Oh Good Morning Charlotte, Dear."

"Good morning Mrs. Vang, Mr. Vang, how are you today?" I rolled my eyes, she never can get her head aroung the idea of calling them 'Mum' or 'Dad' or 'Wisdom' (my mom's name, that name suits her) or 'Cullen' (my dad's name, I know I know, a little bit Twilightish, but on my dad's offence, he was born before the book so HA!....well I think he is)

"Dahlia!!! Stop spacing out!!" God my dad's a little coo-coo right now, well I would be too if I was in the hospitale for almost a week.

"MY DAD"S NOT OLD!!" Every body looked at me like I was crazy.

"Well thank you Dahlia...for mix up that I din't know we had," He smirked at me. I narrowed my eyes at him, 'Dont make me become a tiger, Dad' I told him in my mind.

"Lia, we have to go to school!" Charlette seems a liitle concerned about being late for school.

"Okay Char, Mom, Dad, I made extra, help yourselves to the food, I love you! Bye." I dumped mine and Char's plate in the sink and grabbed my backpack, making sure i had all my school stuff, my cell phone, license, money, and makeup, while Char did the same two. "My car or yours?" I asked Charlotte.

"Is that really a question?? Your car of course! Besides, I don't have my car."

"Haha okay lets go," I kissed my mom and dad and walked out the front door, I got in my car and me and Char got buckled, and I started driving to Deverill High School in Deverill [this is a fake town and highschool, just to let you know] with my encounter of Mysterious Boy (from last night) on my mind.

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