Rigorous training

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Drakon is training with Vegeta out in the wasteland. Vegeta wants him to become a super saiyan before the Cell Games start so he is training him to become a super saiyan.

Drakons body hits the cliffside and falls to the ground "Get up Drakon. You are too weak" he says to him. "Damn it Vegata." He retorts. " I'm trying my best here." He stands back up and flies towards him "come Drakon show me your strength" he says. Drakon throws right hook. He catches it and sends left straight to the stomach making him double over. "shit..." he starts to elbow Drakons head. He senses the movement and jump to the left. He catches him with his right foot and hurls him towards the wall again, Drakon flips and lands, his feet on the wall and lunge towards Vegeta, he side steps avoiding him then turns to throw a ki blast his way, he launches it and Drakon throws his hands up to catch it, he tries to stop it and throw it back, he teleports behind him and knees my back, he collapses and the blast hits him sending him flying "aaghh" Drakon hits the wall and it crumbles "your resilient I'll give you that" he says. "Thanks" Drakon says as he stands back up "You got a mean knee there." He scoffs and yells "now come at me. Show me your saiyan pride." Drakon drops to one knee and starts increasing his power level. "AAAAAAHHHGGGGGGG" Vegeta simply watches as Drakons eyes turn a slight shade of blue, Vegeta's eyes widen as his hair stands on end "Good", he says. "Keep going. Find what enrages you and embrace it. Fuel your power with anger."  at this point he stands and continues building ki, Drakons hair is completely standing now and his eyes are a dark blue  'he almost has it. If he can just get that final push' Vegeta thinks to himself. Vegeta rushes and Drakon looks up just in time for his fist to collide with his face sending him flying into a wall and crumbleing to the ground "what was that for?" "You lack motivation" he says. "You're not ready. Cell's stupid tournament is in 10 days and we have gotten nowhere in terms of your transformation" he then turns and leaves Drakon sitting on the ground who shrugs "well thanks for the motivation..." he stands up and dust off his armor then picks up and flies  home

Hey guys. This is my first book. I'm sorry if it's set up poorly. I'll do my best. Let me know if you have any suggestions for future training with Vegeta. James/Drakon will get SSJ eventually. Thanks for reading. Let me know how you like it or if there's anything I could do better. See you guys in the next chapter.

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