Drakon vs Cell

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The battle seemed to tear the skies apart. Both warriors appearing disappearing, then reappearing some place else. Drakon crashed to the ground and Cell aimed a ki blast at him. Drakon looked up and narrowly avoided it while throwing one back with it missing it's target as well. Cell flew down at a blinding speed crushing the ground with his foot causing it to cave where Drakon had been only moments before. A foot collided with the side of Cells head sending him into the ground. Drakon disappeared and explosions filled the skies once again. The z fighters couldn't follow at this point. Only Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta could even remotely follow. Drakon and Cell were amazingly fast. Suddenly Cell appeared where the ring had been but his body looked like an old television set. Drakon appeared and punched but it went through Cells body like it was nothing. Drakons body did the same thing when Cell reappeared behind him and tried to elbow his head. Both fighters unable to touch the other they returned to their starting point. Drakon began to pant for breath. Cell did the same. Both had been going at one hundred percent. It was being to take it's toll on their bodies. They were wearing down fast. Drakons breathing returned to normal as he stood still. Cells however did not. He looked at Drakon in amazement. "Amazing. All this and you haven't even broken a sweet. You my friend are incredible." Drakon nodded. "Thanks. I must admit your still way stronger than I thought. I'm still learning how to use my new strength." Goku looked carefully at Drakon. Something was wrong. He should be just as exhausted as Cell is if not more. ' He must have gone back after I told him not to. But why? He's not any stronger than before. What did he do to himself? Where did he get this insane stamina?' Goku watched on as they erupted into battle once more, noticeably slower this time. Drakon was actually tiring Cell out. Goku watched closer and did his best to focus on the actual combat and found that Drakon was merely deflecting all Cells blows in a way hat used little to no effort. 'He's fighting with his head not his hands'. Goku turned to his friends and smiled. "Drakon has Cell on the ropes. Drakon is playing it off that Cell is faster but in reality he's deflecting the blow at the last second forcing Cell to use his energy up faster." Gohan laughed "That's really smart!" Piccolo nodded. "That actually is a brilliant idea. But it has a major flaw" everyone turned to Piccolo, who looked up at the fight. "What happens when Cell gets desperate. His saiyans cells won't let him lose and he's got my cells for regeneration. Eventually he'll get desperate and resort to drastic measures." Gohan tightened his lip and looked up at Goku. "Then what do we do father?" "You won't do a damn thing. Drakon is a saiyan. He won't accept help. His saiyan pride won't allow it." Everyone looked at Vegeta. Trunks piped up. "Fathers right. Drakon is pure saiyan. His drive won't let him accept help." Everyone turned their attention back just in time to see Drakon knock Cell to the ground. Piccolo spoke, "It looks like he's realized what's going to happen." Drakon then rushed Cell and crushed him into the ground. Drakon then began his assault of pummeling Cell like it wasn't even a challenge. Cell was exhausted and couldn't fight back. Drakon had a major advantage and Cell sure was pissed about it. "NO. MY PERFECT BODY SBOULD HE INVINCIBLE!! I AM THE PERFECT WARRIOR!" Drakon punched him in the face. "Well Perfection left himself wide open." Cell swung back and Drakon grabbed his fist and held him in place. Goku smiled to himself. "I knew it would work" Piccolo looked at him curiously. "Knew what would work? He did the same training as you. Didn't he?" Goku smiled and shook his head. "Nope. I only trained in ten times Earths gravity." He looked up at Drakon who was currently punching Cell. "I had MrPopo change the gravity to one hundred times Earths gravity for Drakons training. I told him he only needed a year or it wouldn't hurt him. But he must have seen through it and continued after I left. He lived in one hundred times gravity for two whole years." This shook everyone and they all looked up at the monster pummeling Cell. "Does he even realize that?" Trunks asked "He doesn't know..yet" Goku replied. "I imagine he also came up with some new techniques." Krillin pipped up. As if on cue Drakon appeared in front of the Z fighters. "Hey guys. I need to borrow some of your techniques. " Trunks nearly dropped his jaw. "You mean you don't have anything? At all?" Drakon shook his head. "Nothing that would he effective against Cell. I only know of one technique that might work. " He turned to Vegeta. "Vegeta.. I need to learn the Final Flash." Vegeta scoffed and turned away from him. Drakon crossed his arms and his aura exploded around him. His energy was everywhere. Cell stood nearby trying to catch his breath. He knew he wouldn't last longer against Drakon but why? Just a few days earlier he crushed Drakon in a matter of seconds but here he was being pushed to the edge and Drakon wasn't even breathing hard. He needed to finish this soon. So he picked up and flew high into the air. He adopted the signature position of the Kame Hame Ha and began drawing energy. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS STUPID PLANET. TO HELL WITH YOU ALLLLL!!!!" Blue energy began pooling between his hands. "KA!" Drakon looked up in shock. "He's gonna blow up the planet.!" yelled Krillin. "ME!" Cell continues building terrifying amounts of energy. Drakon groaned. "Fine I'll figure something out I suppose." He flew over to where the arena had just been and began thinking. 'I wonder if maybe I could use his own power against him....its a big if...but I need to try' Drakon raised his hand and formed a small ball of white energy. It gave off no heat or any form of energy at all to anyone else. Drakon concentrated. This was a new technique he has kept hidden. He had hoped he would been able to test it first. He turned his attention and the energy to the Z fighters but more specifically Goku. "Goku I'm sorry about this. Trust me it won't hurt." He fired the ball at Goku who instinctively blocked. He energy passes through is guard and his body without so much as leaving a bruise. The ball exited his body but with a new glimmer of color. It glowed blue now. Everyone stared at it as it returned to Drakon and stopped at his chest. Drakon took a deep breath. Above, Cell continued. "HA ME!!" The energy went into Drakons chest. His aura exploded and he screamed out in pain and put his hands to his temples as he dropped to his knees. Everyone panicked and rushed to his side but his energy lashed out and knocked them all back. "STAY AWAY!" Drakon yelled out. Blood began to drip from his nose as he writhed and yelled in pain. Everyone watched in horror as their friend seemed to be ripped apart  by his own energy. After what felt like an eternity, silence fell. Drakon slowly stood and opened his eyes. He looked up at Cell who was ready to fire. "YOU WASTED YOUR ONLY CHANCE. " he forced the energy out. "HAAAAAAAAA!!" the blue wave of energy raced towards the planet. Drakon raised a hand and disappeared. Everyone braced for impact. But it never came. Everyone looked around to see Cell lying on the ground, his face in horror and shock. He had somehow been placed on the ground and nullified his own power. But how? Everyone looked to the sky to see Drakon with two fingers to his forehead. Goku rises his eyebrows. "Incredible...he used Instant transmission to teleport cell down here and cancel his energy out then went back up to be sure no energy escaped and hurt anyone." Gohan looked up at Drakon and smiled. "Wow that's amazing." Piccolo chimed in. "As incredible as it may be. He's in tremendous pain. Look at him. How did he suddenly learn Gokus Instant Transmission?" Everyone followed the gaze of Piccolo. Drakon was breathing hard, blood trickling from his nostrils. He lowered himself and almost collapses as soon as he touched down. "Drakon what did you do??" Vegeta asked. "How did you learn Kakrots technique?" After a few moments of silence Drakon spoke. "Techniques...." He winced. "I know all of his moves now. It was something I had hoped to test before a fight but I didn't have a choice. The ball of energy from before acted like a sponge absorbing Goku energy and recreating it. When I absorbed it it transferred all his abilities and the knowledge on using them into my brain. " He groaned. "It's like a knowledge hyperbolic time chamber. Instantly learning knowledge. But st a serious cost. If your will is weak it cripples your brain. I was nervous in using it so naturally my will was a little weaker. Now that I'm sure it works it won't do nearly as much damage." He grinned and gave a thumbs up. Cell was standing a decent distance away but still listening. If this was true he can master any technique in the universe in a matter of seconds. He needed to kill Drakon immediately. He rushed in and punched Drakon into a nearby boulder and began pummeling his body. Drakon yelled out in pain. He couldn't fight back. His new technique took quite a toll on him. More than he anticipated. 'Wait I know how to use the Kaioken now'. Red energy exploded around him and he began to fight back against Cell. It was everything had to keep going. "KAIOKEN!" The Z fighters were astonished. The only technique that Goku relied on when he was in a tight spot. They all watched intently as Drakon once again surprised them all and continued his battle against Cell.

Hey guys. I was little when I thought of that move so naturally I figured it was pretty op. Don't worry Drakon won't use it again for a while. Anyways. I hope yall are enjoying it do far. If you habe any suggestions let me know.
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